Note: DeepSportRadar-v2 challenges will come back next year (2023), stay tuned on our Discord channel!
One of the ACM MMSports 2022 Workshop challenges. An opportunity to publish or win a $1000,00 prize by competing on EvalAI. See this page for more details.
Table of contents
- Challenge rules
- Downloading the dataset
- Dataset Splits
- Running the baseline
- Participating with another codebase
- Metrics
- Submissions
- License
This challenge tackles the estimation of ball size on basketball scenes given oracle ball position. Using camera calibration information and knowledge of the real ball size, this estimation can be used to recover the ball 3d localization in the scene1.
Please refer to the challenge webpage for complete rules, timelines and awards:
The goal of this challenge is to obtain the best estimation of ball size in pixels from true ball position given by an oracle. The metric used will be the mean absolute error (MAE) between the prediction and the ground-truth. Contestants will be evaluated on the challenge-set for which labels will be kept secrets.
The competitors must conceive a model that relies only on the provided data for training. In the case of a neural-network based model, initial weights may come from a well-established public methods pret-trained on public data. This must be clearly stated in the publication/report.
The dataset can be downloaded here and unzipped manually in the basketball-instants-dataset/
folder of the project. To do it programmatically, you need the kaggle CLI:
pip install kaggle
Go to your Kaggle Account settings page and click on Create new API Token
to download the file to be saved as ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json
for authentication. Finally download and unzip the dataset with:
kaggle datasets download deepsportradar/basketball-instants-dataset
unzip -qo ./ -d basketball-instants-dataset
The basketball-instants-dataset
consists in raw images captured by the Keemotion system. For this challenge, we will only use thumbnails around the balls.
The challenge uses the split defined by DeepSportDatasetSplitter
- Uses images from
arenas for the testing-set. - Randomly samples 15% of the remaining images for the validation-set
- Uses the remaining images for the training-set.
The testing-set should be used to evaluate your model, both on the public EvalAI leaderboard that provides the temporary ranking, and when communicating about your method.
The challenge-set should be used to submit the predictions of your model on the private EvalAI leaderboard that will be used for the official ranking. You are free to use the three sets defined above to build the final model on which your method will be evaluated, but the challenge set can only be used for computing the predictions of your model.
The challenge set is available here:
The public repository provides a baseline for this challenge.
To use it, follow its installation instructions and add the folder basketball-instants-dataset
full path to DATA_PATH
in your .env
The basline uses ball_views.pickle
, a pre-processed dataset built from the full basketball-instants-dataset
with the following script:
python deepsport/scripts/ --dataset-folder basketball-instants-dataset
With the ball_views.pickle
dataset ready and located in one of the paths of your DATA_PATH
, you can train the baseline.
The configuration file configs/
defines a model and the parameters to train it, as well as the necessary callbacks to compute the metrics. You can launch the model training by running:
python -m experimentator configs/ --epochs 101 --kwargs "eval_epochs=range(0,101,20)"
Alternatively, you can use and adapt the provided notebook: notebooks/run_ballsize_experiment.ipynb.
This repository provides a notebook to vizualize the baseline results and compute predictions on the testing and challenge sets: load_baseline.ipynb.
Participants are free to use their own codebase.
This repository offers a script to generate a dataset of input ball images and target ball size in pixel, with image side length given in argument. The official subsets can be generated with the --subset
python scripts/generate_dataset.pickle --dataset-folder basketball-instants-dataset --side-length 224 --subset trainval
python scripts/generate_dataset.pickle --dataset-folder basketball-instants-dataset --side-length 224 --subset test
The files created are mlworkflow.PickledDataset
s of pairs (key, item) where items are dictionaries with:
: anumpy.ndarray
RGB image thumbnail centered on the ball."ball_size"
: afloat
of the ball size in pixels.
This repository also implements a transformation that crops the dataset items with a given side length:
from mlworkflow import PickledDataset, TransformedDataset
from tools.utils import CropCenterTransform
ds = PickledDataset("ball_dataset_trainval.pickle")
ds = TransformedDataset(ds, [CropCenterTransform(side_length=64)])
The goal of this challenge is to obtain the best estimation of ball size in pixels from true ball position given by an oracle. The metric used will be the mean absolute diameter error (MADE) between the prediction and the ground-truth. In addition, the mean absolute projection error (MAPE) and the mean absolute relative error (MARE), descsribed in1 are used for information.
The submission file can be generated using tools.utils.PredictionsDumper
from this repository.
with PredictionsDumper("predictions.json") as pd:
for view_key in dataset.keys:
prediction = compute(dataset.query_item(view_key))
pd(view_key, float(prediction))
If you use any DeepSportradar dataset in your research or wish to refer to the baseline results and discussion published in our paper, please use the following BibTeX entry:
author = {Gabriel {Van Zandycke} and Vladimir Somers and Maxime Istasse and Carlo Del Don and Davide Zambrano},
title = {{DeepSportradar}-v1: Computer Vision Dataset for Sports Understanding with High Quality Annotations},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International {ACM} Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports},
publisher = {{ACM}},
year = 2022,
month = {oct},
doi = {10.1145/3552437.3555699},
url = {}