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DeckerSU edited this page Nov 11, 2024 · 11 revisions


Q. Can't understand the structure of repo and it's branches. I tried to build from master branch, but seems it have old and only Windows version?

A. Yes, you are right. Earlier we have 3 separate branches one per OS, master -> Windows, Linux -> for Linux and MacOS -> MacOS. Since Komodo-Qt (KomodoOcean) have new build subsystem and ability to build static binaries for all 3 OS all of these branches are deprecated. You should use static branch to build latest Komodo-Qt. Static branch is default branch for now.

Also repo have static-experimental and static-dev branches. Normally, path for new changes is following static-experimental (bleeding edge of changes) -> static-dev (changes that we are currently tested) -> static (stable branch), but we don't recommend you to build from experimental or dev branches.

Q. I have a modern Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo), and during build latest Komodo-Qt (KomodoOcean) i had errors like this:

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_system
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

A1. After you get this error, inside KomodoOcean folder (repo folder) type following commands:

sed -i 's/-lboost_system /-lboost_system-mt /' src/Makefile
make V=1

After you will get success on link with boost_system and your komodo-qt binary will be placed in src/qt/komodo-qt folder.

A2. This error is already fixed in repo, just update the sources via git pull and rebuild.

Q. After i start komodo-qt i receive the following error "Error: Cannot parse configuration file: Missing komodo.conf. Only use key=value syntax.", what should i do?

A. You should create komodo.conf configuration file with following content:

rpcpassword=local321 # don't forget to change password

In one of the following locations (depends on your OS):

  • Linux - ~/.komodo/komodo.conf
  • Windows - %APPDATA%\Komodo\komodo.conf
  • MacOS - ~/Library/Application Support/Komodo/komodo.conf

Q. I have some issues during downloading ZCashParams via fetch-params script. Seems it doesn't download sprout-proving.key and sprout-verifying.key files. Is any solution available?

A. Try to change or URL in fetch-params script on You should change all occurrences of mentioned pattern. After, restart script, download should be Ok. If you are using Windows Komodo Installer, it probably will not obtain ZCashParams also. In that case you should extract fetch-params script from a latest release archive for your OS, make the modification above and launch fetch-params script.

Q. What's needed to build for ArchLinux?

A. Here is the snippet:

sudo pacman -Syy
sudo pacman -Sy wget curl git base-devel pkg-config m4 python
cd KomodoOcean/
make -C ${PWD}/depends v=1 NO_PROTON=1 NO_QT=1 HOST=$(depends/config.guess) -j$(nproc --all)
CXXFLAGS="-g0 -O2" \
CONFIG_SITE="$PWD/depends/$(depends/config.guess)/share/" ./configure --disable-tests --disable-bench --with-gui=no --without-miniupnpc
cd src/cc && ./makecustom && cd ../..
make V=1 -j$(nproc --all)

And if you want to build not only daemon, but Qt wallet also, remove NO_QT=1 and change --with-gui=no on --with-gui=qt5 at the snippet above.

Q. I'm from Marmara (MCL) community. Where i can download latest Windows binaries for Marmara-Qt, or can i compile MCL wallet from sources?

A. Yes, of course you can compile latest marmara-qt wallet from sources, just use static-mcl branch. For example, if you'll need Win64 binaries, following snippet will help:

git clone
cd KomodoOcean/
git checkout static-mcl
zcutil/ -j$(nproc)

Also, if you haven't any Linux / programming / cross-compile skills, or build process looks too hard for you, you can download Win64 binaries from . Note that owners explicitly states that them does NOT provide any warranties. Use at your own risk.

Q. I have two monitors configuration and Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS. First display have 2560x1440 (16:9) resolution, and second - 1920x1080 (16:9), also i have "Fractional scaling" enabled and 125% scale for the 1st display set. When i launch Komodo-Qt it seems app window have wrong proportions. Can i solve this issue somehow?

A. Try to launch Komodo-Qt as:


or just the:


Q. I have Ubuntu 24.04.1 (Noble Numbat). The build was successful, but when I try to launch the komodo-qt binary, I get the following error:

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

A. Run the following command to install the missing library:

sudo apt install libxcb-xinerama0

Q. The zsh: killed message appears on macOS when running a aarch64-apple-darwin cross-compiled binary.

A. Cross-compiled arm64 Darwin (macOS) binaries do not include a digital signature by default. To use these binaries on macOS, they must be signed before execution.

  1. Generate a Self-Signed Certificate

First, create a self-signed certificate that macOS will trust:

  1. Open Keychain Access (found in Applications > Utilities).
  2. From the Keychain Access menu, select Certificate Assistant > Create a Certificate.
  3. Enter a name for your certificate, like My Local Code Signing Certificate.
  4. Set Identity Type to Self Signed Root and Certificate Type to Code Signing.
  5. Click Create and then Done.

This certificate will now appear in your keychain, and you can use it to sign your binaries.

  1. Use codesign to Sign the Binary

Once your certificate is created, you can sign the binary in Terminal:

codesign -s "My Local Code Signing Certificate" --deep --force ./your_binary_name
  • Replace "My Local Code Signing Certificate" with the name of the certificate you created.
  • Use the --deep option if your binary has nested components or libraries that also need to be signed.
  • The --force option overwrites any existing signature on the binary.
  1. Verify the Signature

To make sure the binary is properly signed, run:

codesign -dv --verbose=4 ./your_binary_name
  • This command displays detailed information about the signature and should confirm that it’s valid.
  1. Remove Quarantine Attribute (If Necessary)

If macOS still restricts the binary, it might be due to the quarantine flag:

xattr -d ./your_binary_name
  1. Run the Binary