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Installation Process Streamline
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DecimalTurn committed Jan 10, 2018
1 parent 25bc3a8 commit 634a804
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Showing 8 changed files with 143 additions and 368 deletions.
245 changes: 114 additions & 131 deletions Installer.bas
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,194 +1,177 @@
Attribute VB_Name = "Installer"
Option Explicit

'1) Create an Excel file called Installer.xlsm in same folder than Installer.bas:
' *\GIT\vbaDeveloper-master\
'1. Create an Excel file called Installer.xlsm (for example) in same folder than Installer.bas:
' *\vbaDeveloper-master\

'2) Open the VB Editor (Alt+F11) right click on the active project and choose Import a file and chose:
' *\GIT\vbaDeveloper-master\Installer.bas
'2. Open the VB Editor (Alt+F11) right click on the Installer VB Project and choose Import a file and chose:
' *\vbaDeveloper-master\Installer.bas

'3a) Go in Tools--> References and activate:
' - Microsoft Scripting Runtime
' - Microsoft Visual Basic for Application Extensibility X.X

'3b) Enable programatic access to VBA:
'3. Enable programatic access to VBA:
' File -> Options -> Trust Center, Trust Center Settings, -> Macros,
' tick the box: 'Enable programatic access to VBA' (In excel 2010: 'Trust access to the vba project object model')

'4) Run the Sub AutoInstaller in the module Installer

'5) Create a new excel file and also open the file vbaDeveloper.xlam located in the folder: *\GIT\vbaDeveloper-master\
'4. Run AutoInstaller from the module Installer (Click somewhere inside the macro and press F5.
' Make sure to wait for confirmation message at the end before doing anything with Excel.

'6) Make step 3a and 3b again for this file and run the sub testImport located in the module "Build".

Public Const TOOL_NAME = "vbaDeveloper"
Public Const SHORT_NAME = "vbaDeveloper"
Public Const EXT = ".xlam"

Sub AutoInstaller()


Call AutoInstaller_Uninstall(RunNextStepOnTime:=True)
'Call AutoInstaller_Generate_File
'Call AutoInstaller_Install_as_Addin
'Call AutoInstaller_Additional_Addin_Components
'Call AutoInstaller_Final_Step

End Sub
Sub AutoInstaller_step0()
Sub AutoInstaller_Uninstall(Optional RunNextStepOnTime As Boolean)
'PURPOSE: Uninstall previous version

'Close the vbaDevelopper Workbook if already open and uninstall from addins
'Close the file if already open
Dim oTwb As Workbook
On Error Resume Next
Workbooks(TOOL_NAME & ".xlam").Close
Application.AddIns2(AddinName2index(TOOL_NAME & ".xlam")).Installed = False
Set oTwb = Workbooks(SHORT_NAME & EXT)
On Error GoTo 0

Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:06"), "AutoInstaller_step1"

Dim LongerPause As Boolean
If Not oTwb Is Nothing Then
oTwb.Close Savechanges:=False
LongerPause = True
End If

'Uninstall add-in if applicable
If IsAddinListed(SHORT_NAME & EXT) Then
Application.AddIns2(AddinName2index(SHORT_NAME & EXT)).Installed = False
End If

If RunNextStepOnTime = True And LongerPause Then
'Wait 5 seconds to allow the file to close properly and update the ribbon
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:05"), "'AutoInstaller_Generate_File " & Chr(34) & RunNextStepOnTime & Chr(34) & "'"
ElseIf RunNextStepOnTime = True Then
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"), "'AutoInstaller_Generate_File " & Chr(34) & RunNextStepOnTime & Chr(34) & "'"
End If

End Sub

Sub AutoInstaller_step1()
Sub AutoInstaller_Generate_File(Optional RunNextStepOnTime As Boolean)
'PURPOSE: Generate the file as an Add-in

'Prepare variable
Dim CurrentWB As Workbook, NewWB As Workbook

Dim textline As String, strPathOfBuild As String, strLocationXLAM As String

'Set the variables
Set CurrentWB = ThisWorkbook
Set NewWB = Workbooks.Add

'Import code form Build.bas to the new workbook
strPathOfBuild = CurrentWB.Path & "\src\vbaDeveloper.xlam\Build.bas"
NewWB.VBProject.VBComponents.Import strPathOfBuild
'Prepare variable
Dim CurrentWB As Workbook, NewWB As Workbook
Dim textline As String, strPathOfBuild As String
Dim ErrMsg As String

'Set the variables
Set CurrentWB = ThisWorkbook

'Test if this workbook has been saved
Dim FileEverSaved As Boolean
If ThisWorkbook.Path = "" Then
ErrMsg = "Please save the file that contains the Installer module in same folder than Installer.bas and try again"
MsgBox ErrMsg, vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If

'Test if the src folder contains a folder with the right name
Dim SourceFolderExist As Boolean
If Dir(CurrentWB.Path & "\src\" & SHORT_NAME & EXT, vbDirectory) = "" Then
ErrMsg = "Make sure the you saved the file in a location where the source folder (src) contains a folder named " & SHORT_NAME
MsgBox ErrMsg, vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If

'Create the new workbook
Set NewWB = Workbooks.Add

'Import code from Build.bas to the new workbook
strPathOfBuild = CurrentWB.Path & "\src\vbaDeveloper.xlam\Build.bas"
NewWB.VBProject.VBComponents.Import strPathOfBuild

'Rename the project (in the VBA) to vbaDeveloper
NewWB.VBProject.Name = TOOL_NAME
'Rename the VBAProject to the tool name = SHORT_NAME

'Add references to the library
'Add references to the requiered libraries
'Microsoft Scripting Runtime
NewWB.VBProject.References.AddFromGuid "{420B2830-E718-11CF-893D-00A0C9054228}", 1, 0

NewWB.VBProject.References.AddFromGuid "{420B2830-E718-11CF-893D-00A0C9054228}", 1, 0
'Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3
NewWB.VBProject.References.AddFromGuid "{0002E157-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", 5, 3
NewWB.VBProject.References.AddFromGuid "{0002E157-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", 5, 3

'In VB Editor, press F4, then under Microsoft Excel Objects, select ThisWorkbook.Set the property 'IsAddin' to TRUE
'Set the file as an add-in, save and close (closing makes sure the file will have the correct name)
NewWB.IsAddin = True
'In VB Editor, menu File-->Save Book1; Save as vbaDeveloper.xlam in the same directory as 'src'

strLocationXLAM = CurrentWB.Path
NewWB.SaveAs strLocationXLAM & "\" & TOOL_NAME & ".xlam", xlOpenXMLAddIn

'Close excel. Open excel with a new workbook, then open the just saved vbaDeveloper.xlam
NewWB.Close savechanges:=False
NewWB.SaveAs CurrentWB.Path & "\" & SHORT_NAME & EXT, xlOpenXMLAddIn
NewWB.Close Savechanges:=False

'Add the Add-in (if not already present)
If IsAddinInstalled(TOOL_NAME & ".xlam") = False Then
Call Application.AddIns2.Add(strLocationXLAM & "\" & TOOL_NAME & ".xlam", CopyFile:=False)
If RunNextStepOnTime = True Then
'No real need to wait here
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:01") / 10, "'AutoInstaller_Install_as_Addin " & Chr(34) & CurrentWB.Path & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & RunNextStepOnTime & Chr(34) & "'"
End If

'Continue to step 2
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:02"), "AutoInstaller_step2"

End Sub

Sub AutoInstaller_step2()

Sub AutoInstaller_Install_as_Addin(ByVal sFolderPath As String, Optional RunNextStepOnTime As Boolean)
'PURPOSE: Install the file as an Add-in

'Add the Add-in to the list of available add-ins (if not already present)
If IsAddinListed(SHORT_NAME & EXT) = False Then
Call Application.AddIns2.Add(sFolderPath & "\" & SHORT_NAME & EXT, CopyFile:=False)
End If

'Install the Addin (This should open the file)
Application.AddIns2(AddinName2index(TOOL_NAME & ".xlam")).Installed = True
Application.AddIns2(AddinName2index(SHORT_NAME & EXT)).Installed = True

Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:02"), "AutoInstaller_step3"
If RunNextStepOnTime = True Then
'Wait 2 seconds to allow the change to the ribbon to take place.
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:02"), "'AutoInstaller_Additional_Addin_Components " & Chr(34) & RunNextStepOnTime & Chr(34) & "'"
End If

End Sub

Sub AutoInstaller_Additional_Addin_Components(Optional RunNextStepOnTime As Boolean)
'PURPOSE:Let vbaDeveloper tool build itself

Sub AutoInstaller_step3()

'Run the Build macro in vbaDeveloper
Application.Run "vbaDeveloper.xlam!Build.testImport"

'Continue to step 4
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:06"), "AutoInstaller_step4"
'Run the Build macro in vbaDeveloper (Note that this will trigger a another Application.OnTime command)
Application.Run SHORT_NAME & EXT & "!Build.testImport"

If RunNextStepOnTime = True Then
'It is important to wait 5-6 seconds to let it process the VBA modules in the background
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:06"), "'AutoInstaller_Final_Step'"
End If

End Sub

Sub AutoInstaller_step4()
Sub AutoInstaller_Final_Step()
'PURPOSE: Save and run the Workbook on open event

'Run the Workbook_Open macro from vbaDeveloper
Application.Run "vbaDeveloper.xlam!Menu.createMenu"
Workbooks(SHORT_NAME & EXT).Save

Workbooks(TOOL_NAME & ".xlam").Save
'Run the Workbook_Open macro from vbaDeveloper
Application.Run "vbaDeveloper.xlam!Thisworkbook.Workbook_Open"
'Application.Run "vbaDeveloper.xlam!Menu.createMenu"

MsgBox TOOL_NAME & " was successfully installed."
MsgBox SHORT_NAME & EXT & " was successfully installed."

End Sub

Function IsAddinInstalled(ByVal addin_name As String) As Boolean
Function IsAddinListed(ByVal addin_name As String) As Boolean
'PURPOSE: Return true if the Add-in is installed
If AddinName2index(addin_name) > 0 Then
IsAddinInstalled = True
IsAddinListed = True
ElseIf AddinName2index(addin_name) = 0 Then
IsAddinInstalled = False
IsAddinListed = False
End If
End Function

Function AddinName2index(ByVal addin_name As String) As Integer
'PURPOSE: Convert the name of an installed addin to its index
Dim i As Variant
For i = 1 To Excel.Application.AddIns2.Count
If Excel.Application.AddIns2(i).Name = addin_name Then
If Excel.Application.AddIns2(i).name = addin_name Then
AddinName2index = i
Exit Function
End If
'If we get to this line, it means no match was found
AddinName2index = 0
End Function

Sub AutoAssembler()

'Prepare variable
Dim CurrentWB As Workbook, NewWB As Workbook

Dim textline As String, strPathOfBuild As String, strLocationXLAM As String

'Set the variables
Set CurrentWB = ThisWorkbook
Set NewWB = Workbooks.Add

'Import code form Build.bas to the new workbook
strPathOfBuild = CurrentWB.Path & "\src\vbaDeveloper.xlam\Build.bas"
NewWB.VBProject.VBComponents.Import strPathOfBuild

'Rename the project (in the VBA) to vbaDeveloper
NewWB.VBProject.Name = TOOL_NAME

'Add references to the library
'Microsoft Scripting Runtime
NewWB.VBProject.References.AddFromGuid "{420B2830-E718-11CF-893D-00A0C9054228}", 1, 0

'Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3
NewWB.VBProject.References.AddFromGuid "{0002E157-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", 5, 3

'In VB Editor, press F4, then under Microsoft Excel Objects, select ThisWorkbook.Set the property 'IsAddin' to TRUE
NewWB.IsAddin = True
'In VB Editor, menu File-->Save Book1; Save as vbaDeveloper.xlam in the same directory as 'src'

'Save file as .xlam
strLocationXLAM = CurrentWB.Path
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
NewWB.SaveAs strLocationXLAM & "\" & TOOL_NAME & ".xlam", xlOpenXMLAddIn
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

'Close and reopen the file
NewWB.Close savechanges:=False
Set NewWB = Workbooks.Open(strLocationXLAM & "\" & TOOL_NAME & ".xlam")

Application.Wait TimeSerial(Hour(Now()), Minute(Now()), Second(Now()) + 5)

'Run the Build macro in vbaDeveloper
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:05"), "vbaDeveloper.xlam!Build.testImport"
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:12"), "installer.xls!SaveFile"

End Sub

Sub SaveFile()
ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
End Sub
Binary file removed Installer.xls
Binary file not shown.
34 changes: 27 additions & 7 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,12 +23,32 @@ Building the add-in
This repository does not contain the add-in itself which is an excel add-in in binary format, only the files needed to build it. In short it come downs to these steps:

- To install the add-in automatically, simply open the Installer.xls file and press the install button. Please wait for the confirmation message that the process has ended before interacting with Excel.

- Manually import the Build module into a new excel workbook.
- Add the required vba references.
- Save the workbook as an excel add-in.
- Close it, then open it again and let the Build module import the other modules.
- Import the Installer module into a new excel workbook.
- Save the workbook in the same location as Installer.bas
- Run the AutoInstaller macro

Read the detailed instructions in Installer.bas.

1. Open a new workbook in excel, then open the VB editor (Alt+F11) and from the menu File->Import, import this file:
* src/vbaDeveloper.xlam/Build.bas
2. From tools references... add
* Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3
* Microsoft Scripting Runtime
3. Rename the project to 'vbaDeveloper'
4. Enable programatic access to VBA:
File -> Options -> Trust Center, Trust Center Settings, -> Macros,
tick the box: 'Enable programatic access to VBA' (In excel 2010: 'Trust access to the vba project object model')
If you get 'path not found' exception in Excel 2013, include the following step:
In 'Trust Center' settings, go to 'File Block Settings' and check 'open' and/or 'save'
for 'Excel 2007 and later Macro-Enabled Workbooks and Templates'.
5. If using a non-English version of Excel, rename your current workbook into ThisWorkbook (in VB Editor, press F4,
then under the local name for Microsoft Excel Objects, select the workbook. Set the property '(Name)' to ThisWorkbook)
6. In VB Editor, press F4, then under Microsoft Excel Objects, select ThisWorkbook.Set the property 'IsAddin' to TRUE
7. In VB Editor, menu File-->Save Book1; Save as vbaDeveloper.xlam in the same directory as 'src'
8. Close excel. Open excel with a new workbook, then open the just saved vbaDeveloper.xlam
9. Let vbaDeveloper import its own code. Put the cursor in the function 'testImport' and press F5
10.If necessary rename module 'Build1' to Build. Menu File-->Save vbaDeveloper.xlam
11.Maybe it will necessary add the add-in at menu File -> Options -> Addins.

Read the detailed instructions in *src/vbaDeveloper.xlam/Build.bas*.

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