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Manual Installation

Marvin Menzerath edited this page Jul 25, 2018 · 2 revisions


  • Installed packages: git, nodejs, npm, wget
    • You should install a current Node.js version (e.g. v6 LTS) by following these instructions
    • This process will also install the npm binary
    • Be advised that most linux distributions ship an older version of Node.js which will not work correctly
  • A running webserver (e.g. apache2, nginx, lighttpd, etc.)
  • A running DAPNET Core with a reachable REST-interface


  1. Download the repository: git clone
  2. Checkout a specific tag: git checkout tags/v2.0.0
    • This is highly recommended for improved stability and a consistent user experience
    • Also you should use the latest tag
  3. Copy src/store/config/defaultUrls.json.example to src/store/config/defaultUrls.json and change the default url-settings
  4. Copy src/store/config/defaultText.json.example to src/store/config/defaultText.json and change the default custom text (displayed on the home page)
    • You may use HTML markup here
  5. Copy src/store/config/defaultMap.json.example to src/store/config/defaultMap.json and change the default map-settings
  6. (Optional) Edit static/js/custom.js and insert your custom javascript code (e.g. a Piwik tracking code)
    • You may use jQuery here
  7. Download the latest coverage-data from the central server and setup a cronjob to update these files regularly
    • Create directory static/coverage/
    • Run initial download of coverage-files: cd static/coverage && wget -m -nv -nH -nd -np -R "index.html*" -e robots=off
    • Put the following line into a cronjob, adapt the PATH_WEB variable and make sure it runs regularly
    */5 * * * *    YOURUSERNAME    if [ ! -d $PATH_WEB/dist/assets/coverage ]; then mkdir $PATH_WEB/dist/assets/coverage; fi && wget -m -nv -nH -nd -np -R "index.html*" -e robots=off -P $PATH_WEB/dist/assets/coverage
    • Be aware: this cronjob puts the latest coverage date directly into the dist/assets/coverage/-directory and thus overwrites the files generated by a previous npm run build command. It will not update the source-files in the static/coverage/-directory
  8. Download all dependencies: npm install
  9. Test your setup: npm run dev
    • Open your browser at http://localhost:8081 and check that each of your customizations was successful
  10. Generate the production build: npm run build
  11. Copy your freshly generated files from dist/ into your webserver's htdocs/ directory
  12. Done!


Before updating make sure to read the changelog and to backup your customized files (see above)!

  1. Update your local repository: git fetch
  2. Run through step 2 of the installation process
  3. Run through steps 8. to 11. of the installation process
  4. Done!