Multilingual GUI for waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan ( Localization can be done via user-editable xaml file.
This project was forked from
- The localization files have the name UILang.language-code.xaml; where language-code is a 5-character identifier like en-US, zh-TW, ja-JP.
- Make a copy of one of the bundled localization files.
- Rename the file with your target language code replacing the original.
- Using a text editor that support UTF-8, make the following changes:
<sys:String x:Key="ResourceDictionaryName">waifu2xui-en-US</sys:String>
- Replace en-US with the target language code
- All the text enclosed by the
- About language code:
- Make up from ab-XY
- ab can be found Here as Alpha-2 codes
- XY can be found Here
- Essentially ab is the language, XY is the country
- Do what the fuck you want with this soft
- No warranty attached