This project is not recommend for learning anymore. Because I made this before React Native 0.60.x, for new best practice please check
This is Simple CRUD App including React Navigation, Nativebase and Axios. You can create, update, and delete data with this app. For the backend I'm using expressjs and mysql as database.
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- JDK 1.8
- Node >= 8.*
- react-native-cli
- mysql
column | type |
id | int(11) PRIMARY AI |
name | varchar(200) |
varchar(200) | |
phone | varchar(200) |
open terminal and change directory to your desired folder, then:
$ git clone YourAppName
$ cd YourAppName
$ npm install
Make sure you server and mysql already running, then run the app
$ react-native run-android
$ react-native run-ios
You need change some code in these files:
You can find me on social media xD
and also Fiverr
The code is available at GitHub under the MIT license.