This is the iOS app for the TreeTracker open source project ( This project coordinates tree planting employment for people living in extreme poverty. The iOS segment allows people to track and verify reforestation plantings, paying planters on a per planting basis.
For more on design intent and the app's user story see the wiki in this repository
Dependencies are managed using CocoaPods and are checked into to repository.
SwiftLint is used to keep the codebase consistent. Rules can be configured or disabled in the .swiftlint.yml file.
SwiftGen is used to auto-generate code for resources (e.g. Storyboards, Assets, Strings etc), to make them type-safe to use. This can be configured in the swiftgen.yml file.
See Contributing in the Development-Overview README
Join #ios_treetracker in the slack workspace
Review the project board for current priorities TBC
Please review the issue tracker here on this github repository
Check out the cool roadmap
All contributions should be submitted as pull requests against the master branch in this github repository.