This is just a compilation of many early grade kanji that can be viewed in a web browser
In the textarea, enter ids of kanji(given by kanji pages), and separate them with whitespace.
Click generate to have symbols of those kanji appear on the web page.
Click shuffle to rearrange the order of kanji currently on the page.
Click a symbol to remove its visibility. That kanji won't exist anymore when you click shuffle again.
There's three other input boxes on the page. The higher two are a range where you can type in two integers. Click add to add all integers in that range to the text area.
For example, if i write 42 in the first box, and 50 in the second box, and then I click add, 42 through 50 will all be written to the text box for me.
As for the third box, if you have written a number n into that box, then clicking Choose Randomly will cause n many ids random chosen from the range to appear.
Open /final/ and you can see a kanji, its pronounciations, meanings, and some common compounds. Change the url to see a different kanji. The ids of each kanji are arbitrary
Content is scraped off of
By David Mah([email protected])