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Support for weewx forecast

David Baetge edited this page Dec 12, 2023 · 6 revisions

First, install the weewx-forecast extension. I am personally not using the original extension, but a fork of it: The original produced an error for me preventing it to work (

For help on configuring the extension, see


Located in skin.conf, section [Extras]:

forecast_zambretti Enable/Disable Zambretti forecast.

forecast_table_settings Predefined and tested configuration values for the forecast table template (the descriptions are partly taken from

source=WU Important: Please set source to your used forecast source (NWS, WU, OWM, UKMO, Aeris, DS).
num_periods=72 How many forecast periods should be considered? This will only be used together with the show_hourly option. Eg. WU provides two periods per day: 07:00 and 19:00, while OWM provides a 3-hour forecast, so 8 periods per day. This setting controls how many hourly forecast periods are shown.
num_days=5 If number of days is specified, then display up to that many days (only for the daily forecast, not the hourly forecast)
show_legend=1 Show the legend column?
show_hourly=1 Show a hourly forecast (WU only supports forecasts for 19:00 and 07:00, while eg. OWM supports 3-hourly forecasts)
show_day=1 Show the day (Mon, Tue, Wed, ...)?
show_date=1 show the date (02 Aug, 03 Aug, 04 Aug, ...)?
show_outlook=1 Show the outlook icon?
show_temp=1 Show the temperature?
show_dewpoint=0 Show the dew point?
show_humidity=0 Show the humidity?
show_wind=1 Show the wind speed?
show_tides=0 Show the tides?
show_sun=1 Show sunrise and sunset?
show_moon=1 Show moonrise and moonset?
show_pop=1 Show the probability of precipitation?
show_precip=1 Show the precipitation?
show_precip_detail=1 Show precipitation details (rain/snow)
Forecast with WU and Zambretti