- Showcase
- Tag DPG GitHub
- Search DPG GitHub
- Tools and widgets
- Issues
- Commits
- Pilot Light
- DPG 2
- Stargazers
- Download stats
- API documentation
- demo.py code
- Examples by my1e5 | includes Tensor's date picker
- Examples by Illu
- Examples by Preston incl. OpenCV
- Discord
- Reddit Python GUI
- Reddit DearPyGui
- Raccoon Music Player
- RMP Reddit
- Pixl engine
- https://github.com/bmolab/dpg_system
- Add citation instructions, see https://github.com/zauberzeug/nicegui/blob/main/CITATION.cff
- YT FetchAudio
- YT video and audio downloader
- Simple snake game
- Node editor for AI models
- Game of life - High DPI
- Midi Explorer
- Trading bot
- 3D Stable Dreamfusion
- Dreamfields torch
- Mimir - managing programming assignments (master thesis)
- Chinese font
- Streaming digital human, realize audio video synchronous dialogue | GUI
- zTEXiPy
- Image to PDF converter
- Lens simulation
- Algorithm visualiser
- Registration system
- Sorting visualizer
- Video format converter
- ez Notes
- cForm
- Trade suite
- How to centre (center) text or align text to the right?
- Programmatically change the active tab
- Example using threading, Asyncio, multiprocessing
- Sistemi DPG code patterms
- Drag and drop Project mgt
- Searchable tag record
- Music Quiz app
- An SVG editor to create code snippets for GitHub
- DPG examples
- Data analysis tool with Vaex
- OpenCV image editor (various blurs and options using sliders, before & after image)
Theme padding in x and y direction
# When applying theme settings, e.g. padding, by default it affects the horizontal direction. For example, when using:
dpg.add_theme_style(dpg.mvStyleVar_FramePadding, 5, category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Core)
# How do you apply the padding in the vertical direction?
# Theme style elements have x and y arguments. Here, 5 is filling x.
dpg.add_theme_style(dpg.mvStyleVar_FramePadding, x=5, category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Core)
dpg.add_theme_style(dpg.mvStyleVar_FramePadding, y=10, category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Core)
dpg.add_theme_style(dpg.mvStyleVar_FramePadding, x=5, y=10, category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Core) # does that work?
High DPI on Windows
import ctypes
# Include the following code before showing the viewport/calling `dearpygui.dearpygui.show_viewport`.
# You will likely need to increase the font size of the font when you load it.
# On other operating systems, you may want to load the font at double
# the size and set global scaling at 50%.
#A nother good source for open source fonts is google.
Remove the maximize button on Windows
import win32api
import win32con
import win32gui
from dearpygui.dearpygui import *
def disable_cb():
hwnd = win32gui.GetForegroundWindow()
win32api.SetWindowLong(hwnd, win32con.GWL_STYLE,
win32api.GetWindowLong(hwnd, win32con.GWL_STYLE) & ~win32con.WS_MAXIMIZEBOX)
def enable_cb():
hwnd = win32gui.GetForegroundWindow()
win32api.SetWindowLong(hwnd, win32con.GWL_STYLE,
win32api.GetWindowLong(hwnd, win32con.GWL_STYLE) | win32con.WS_MAXIMIZEBOX)
setup_registries() # deprecated
with window():
add_text(default_value="for hoffi")
add_button(label="disable maximize", callback=disable_cb)
add_button(label="enable", callback=enable_cb)
while is_dearpygui_running():
# Only update DPG when user changes something, on value changes and not render a frame at 60 FPS all the time
dpg.configure_app(wait_for_input=True) to only update/render on user input!
# formatting text input with Python formatting
label=" ",
# hide values in a graph, chart, plot
# just add format="" as an argument
# Take screenshots with DPG
import dearpygui.dearpygui as dpg
dpg.create_viewport(title='Example', width=400, height=400)
def dpg_screenshot():
with dpg.window(width=200, height=200):
dpg.add_button(label='Screenshot', callback=dpg_screenshot)
# Select table row and get data callback
import dearpygui.dearpygui as dpg
dpg.create_viewport(width=800, height=450)
with dpg.theme() as global_theme:
with dpg.theme_component(dpg.mvTable):
dpg.add_theme_color(dpg.mvThemeCol_HeaderHovered, (255, 0, 0, 100), category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Core)
dpg.add_theme_color(dpg.mvThemeCol_HeaderActive, (0, 0, 0, 0), category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Core)
dpg.add_theme_color(dpg.mvThemeCol_Header, (0, 0, 0, 0), category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Core)
def clb_selectable(sender, app_data, user_data):
print(f"Row {user_data}")
with dpg.window(tag="Table"):
with dpg.table(header_row=True, callback=lambda: print("callback!!!")):
for i in range(20):
with dpg.table_row():
for j in range(3):
dpg.add_selectable(label=f"Row{i} Column{j}", span_columns=True, callback=clb_selectable, user_data=i)
dpg.set_primary_window("Table", True)
# Select table cell and get data callback
import dearpygui.dearpygui as dpg
dpg.create_viewport(width=800, height=450)
with dpg.theme() as global_theme:
with dpg.theme_component(dpg.mvTable):
dpg.add_theme_color(dpg.mvThemeCol_HeaderHovered, (255, 0, 0, 100), category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Core)
dpg.add_theme_color(dpg.mvThemeCol_HeaderActive, (0, 0, 0, 0), category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Core)
dpg.add_theme_color(dpg.mvThemeCol_Header, (0, 0, 0, 0), category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Core)
def clb_selectable(sender, app_data, user_data):
print(f"Content:{dpg.get_item_label(sender)}, Row and column: {user_data}")
with dpg.window(tag="Table"):
with dpg.table(header_row=True, callback=lambda: print("callback!!!")):
for i in range(20):
with dpg.table_row():
for j in range(3):
dpg.add_selectable(label=f"Row{i} Column{j}", callback=clb_selectable, user_data=(i,j))
dpg.set_primary_window("Table", True)
# Updating listbox after creation DPG
import dearpygui.dearpygui as dpg
def new_list_box_item():
listbox = dpg.get_item_configuration("lbox")['items']
dpg.configure_item("lbox", items=listbox)
dpg.create_viewport(title='Custom Title', width=600, height=300)
with dpg.window(label="Example Window"):
dpg.add_listbox(items=['1', '2'], tag="lbox")
dpg.add_button(label="New listbox_item", callback=new_list_box_item)
# center / centre a window in DPG
def render_window_center(sender, app_data, user_data):
if dpg.does_item_exist(user_data):
main_width = dpg.get_viewport_width()
main_height = dpg.get_viewport_height()
login_width = dpg.get_item_width(user_data)
login_height = dpg.get_item_height(user_data)
dpg.set_item_pos(user_data, [int((main_width // 2 - login_width // 2)),
int((main_height / 2 - login_height / 2))])
with window() as window_auth:
with dpg.group(horizontal=True):
with dpg.item_handler_registry(tag=dpg.generate_uuid()) as handler:
dpg.add_item_visible_handler(callback=render_window_center, parent=handler, user_data=window_auth)
dpg.bind_item_handler_registry(item=window_auth, handler_registry=handler)
# I have problem with letters "ёЁ". When I try to write "ё", I get "¸". How can i fix this?
# support for Ukrainian (cyrillic) characters (to console)
# https://github.com/hoffstadt/DearPyGui/issues/1674
# https://github.com/hoffstadt/DearPyGui/issues/1674#issuecomment-1099980125
# https://discord.com/channels/736279277242417272/852624162396831744/1024400102477013072
# https://discord.com/channels/736279277242417272/1039591033715044432/1039591033715044432
# chars_remap = {OLD: NEW}
chars_remap = {0x00A8: 0x0401, # Ё
0x00B8: 0x0451, # ё
0x00AF: 0x0407, # Ї
0x00BF: 0x0457, # ї
0x00B2: 0x0406, # І
0x00B3: 0x0456, # і
0x00AA: 0x0404, # Є
0x00BA: 0x0454} # є
with dpg.font_registry():
with dpg.font("{FONT}", 20) as default_font:
biglet = remap_big_let # Starting number for remapped cyrillic alphabet
for i1 in range(big_let_start, big_let_end + 1): # Cycle through big letters in cyrillic alphabet
dpg.add_char_remap(i1, biglet) # Remap the big cyrillic letter
dpg.add_char_remap(i1 + alph_len, biglet + alph_len) # Remap the small cyrillic letter
biglet += 1 # choose next letter
for char in chars_remap.keys():
dpg.add_char_remap(char, chars_remap[char])
with dpg.window(label="Тест", height=200, width=200):
def to_cyr(instr): # conversion function
out = [] # start with empty output
for i in range(0, len(instr)): # cycle through letters in input string
if ord(instr[i]) in chars_remap:
elif ord(instr[i]) in range(big_let_start, small_let_end + 1): # check if the letter is cyrillic
out.append(chr(ord(instr[i]) + alph_shift)) # if it is change it and add to output list
return ''.join(out)
# The table of characters and their values ("strings" within chars_remap) I took from this site:
# https://unicodemap.org/
# Currency graphs
import dearpygui.dearpygui as dpg
from Giang_Project.forex_workspace.forex_lib.lib import *
from dpg_theme_config import style
dpg.create_context(); style()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ccy_ = ["AUD", "CAD", "CHF", "EUR", "GBP", "JPY", "NZD", "USD"]
ccy_7 = ["AUD", "CAD", "CHF", "EUR", "GBP", "JPY", "NZD"]
plot_, x_axis_, y_axis_, bar_, bar_theme_ = [], [], [], ["bar_series" + str(i) for i in range(0, 7)], []
color = [[0, 128, 000, 255], [139, 69, 19, 255], [255, 255, 000, 255], [255, 105, 150, 255],
[220, 20, 60, 255], [153, 50, 204, 255], [100, 149, 237, 255], [255, 255, 255, 255]]
with dpg.theme() as ema_theme_:
with dpg.theme_component():
dpg.add_theme_color(dpg.mvPlotCol_Line, [255, 150, 50, 255], category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Plots)
for i in color:
with dpg.theme() as theme:
with dpg.theme_component():
dpg.add_theme_color(dpg.mvPlotCol_Line, i, category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Plots)
dpg.add_theme_color(dpg.mvPlotCol_Fill, i, category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Plots)
dpg.add_theme_color(dpg.mvThemeCol_FrameBg, i, category=0)
# bar_theme_.pop() after bind checkbox
with dpg.window(label="EMA 200 DashBoard", tag="primary_window", width=800, height=600,
no_close=True, no_resize=True, no_move=True):
with dpg.group(horizontal=True): # select base currency
for i in range(0, 8):
dpg.add_checkbox(label=ccy_[i], tag=ccy_[i]+"_checkbox_", default_value=False)
dpg.bind_item_theme(ccy_[i]+"_checkbox_", bar_theme_[i])
dpg.configure_item("USD_checkbox_", default_value=True)
with dpg.group(horizontal=True):
dpg.add_input_text(width=50, default_value="1000", on_enter=True, tag="bars_input_")
dpg.add_input_text(width=50, default_value="H1", on_enter=True, tag="timeframe_input_")
dpg.add_text("EMA period: ")
dpg.add_input_text(width=50, default_value="50", on_enter=True, tag="ema_period_input")
# with dpg.child_window(width=1000, height=1400):
def drag_point_callback(sender, app_data, user_data):
for i in range(0, 7):
if dpg.get_item_alias(sender)[-1] == i:
close_ = rate_close(symbol=dpg.get_value("symbol_input"), tf=dpg.get_value("timeframe_input_"),
bars=int(dpg.get_value("bars_input_")), source="close")
if dpg.get_item_alias(sender)[20:24] == "main":
dpg.configure_item("vertical_drag_point_main" + str(i), default_value=dpg.get_value(sender))
dpg.configure_item("horizontal_drag_point_chart", default_value=close_[round(dpg.get_value(sender))])
if dpg.get_item_alias(sender)[20:25] == "begin":
dpg.configure_item("vertical_drag_point_begin" + str(i), default_value=dpg.get_value(sender))
if dpg.get_item_alias(sender)[20:23] == "end":
dpg.configure_item("vertical_drag_point_end" + str(i), default_value=dpg.get_value(sender))
for i in range(0, 7):
with dpg.child_window(tag="EMA_" + str(i), width=1000, height=180, no_scrollbar=True, border=False):
with dpg.plot(label="", tag="plot_" + str(i),
width=-1, height=-1,
no_title=True, no_menus=True, no_box_select=True, no_mouse_pos=False,
no_highlight=False, no_child=False, query=False, crosshairs=False,
anti_aliased=True, equal_aspects=False):
dpg.add_drag_line(label="", default_value=0, vertical=False, thickness=4, color=[255, 0, 0, 255])
dpg.add_drag_line(label="", tag="vertical_drag_point_main" + str(i),
default_value=0, vertical=True, thickness=2, color=[255, 255, 255, 255])
dpg.add_drag_line(label="", tag="vertical_drag_point_begin" + str(i),
default_value=0, vertical=True, thickness=2, color=[0, 0, 255, 255])
dpg.add_drag_line(label="", tag="vertical_drag_point_end" + str(i),
default_value=0, vertical=True, thickness=2, color=[0, 0, 255, 255])
dpg.set_item_callback("vertical_drag_point_main" + str(i), callback=lambda s, a, u: [
drag_point_callback(s, a, u), dpg.configure_item(
"vertical_drag_point_chart", default_value=dpg.get_value(s))])
dpg.set_item_callback("vertical_drag_point_begin" + str(i), drag_point_callback)
dpg.set_item_callback("vertical_drag_point_end" + str(i), drag_point_callback)
with dpg.plot_axis(dpg.mvXAxis, label="", tag="X_" + str(i),
no_tick_labels=True, no_gridlines=True, no_tick_marks=True): pass
with dpg.plot_axis(dpg.mvYAxis, label="", tag="Y_" + str(i),
no_tick_labels=True, no_gridlines=True, no_tick_marks=True):
dpg.add_bar_series(x=[0, 1, 2], y=[0, 1, 2], tag="bar_series" + str(i))
plot_.append("EMA_" + str(i))
x_axis_.append("X_" + str(i))
y_axis_.append("Y_" + str(i))
bar_.append("bar_series" + str(i))
def update_chart(): # no s, a, u
high_ = rate_close(symbol=dpg.get_value("symbol_input"), tf=dpg.get_value("timeframe_input_"),
bars=int(dpg.get_value("bars_input_")), source="high")
low_ = rate_close(symbol=dpg.get_value("symbol_input"), tf=dpg.get_value("timeframe_input_"),
bars=int(dpg.get_value("bars_input_")), source="low")
# close_ = rate_close(symbol=dpg.get_value("symbol_input"), tf=dpg.get_value("timeframe_input_"),
# bars=int(dpg.get_value("bars_input_")), source="close")
# ema_ = ta.EMA(np.array(close_), int(dpg.get_value("ema_period_input")))
dpg.configure_item("high_line", x=[x for x in range(len(high_))], y=high_)
dpg.configure_item("low_line", x=[x for x in range(len(low_))], y=low_)
dpg.configure_item("ema_high_line", x=[x for x in range(len(low_))],
y=ta.EMA(np.array(high_), int(dpg.get_value("ema_period_input"))))
dpg.configure_item("ema_low_line", x=[x for x in range(len(low_))],
y=ta.EMA(np.array(low_), int(dpg.get_value("ema_period_input"))))
def refresh_ema(sender=None, app_data=None, user_data=None):
bars = int(dpg.get_value("bars_input_"))
time_frame = dpg.get_value("timeframe_input_")
ema_period = int(dpg.get_value("ema_period_input"))
print(bars, time_frame)
for a, b, c, d, e, f, g in zip(plot_, x_axis_, y_axis_, bar_, ccy_7, [str(_) for _ in range(0, 7)], bar_theme_):
if not mt5.initialize(r"C:\Program Files\FBS MetaTrader 5\terminal64.exe"):
_ = [print("initialize() failed, error code =", mt5.last_error()), mt5.shutdown()]
if e == "CHF" or e == "JPY" or e == "CAD":
data_high = rate_close("USD" + e, bars=bars, tf=time_frame, source="high")
data_high = [1 / x for x in data_high]
data_low = rate_close("USD" + e, bars=bars, tf=time_frame, source="high")
data_low = [1 / x for x in data_low]
data_close = rate_close("USD" + e, bars=bars, tf=time_frame, source="close")
data_close = [1 / x for x in data_close]
data_high = rate_close(e + "USD", bars=bars, tf=time_frame, source="high")
data_low = rate_close(e + "USD", bars=bars, tf=time_frame, source="low")
data_close = rate_close(e + "USD", bars=bars, tf=time_frame, source="close")
ema_200 = ta.EMA(np.array(data_close), ema_period)
# final_ = [x - y for x, y in zip(data_close, ema_200)]
final_ = [h_ - e_ if c_ > e_ else l_ - e_ for h_, l_, c_, e_ in zip(data_high, data_low, data_close, ema_200)]
if dpg.does_item_exist(d):
dpg.add_bar_series(x=[z for z in range(0, bars)], y=final_, tag="bar_series" + str(f), parent=c)
dpg.bind_item_theme("bar_series" + str(f), g)
def update_drag_point():
for i in range(0, 7):
dpg.configure_item("vertical_drag_point_main" + str(i), default_value=int(dpg.get_value("bars_input_")) / 2)
dpg.configure_item("vertical_drag_point_begin" + str(i), default_value=int(dpg.get_value("ema_period_input")))
dpg.configure_item("vertical_drag_point_end" + str(i), default_value=int(dpg.get_value("bars_input_")) -
dpg.set_item_callback("bars_input_", callback=lambda s, a, u: [update_drag_point(), refresh_ema(s, a, u)])
dpg.set_item_callback("timeframe_input_", callback=lambda s, a, u: [update_drag_point(), refresh_ema(s, a, u)])
dpg.set_item_callback("ema_period_input", callback=lambda s, a, u: [update_drag_point(), refresh_ema(s, a, u)])
with dpg.window(label="Chart", tag="main_chart", width=3000, height=650, pos=[0, 1350],
no_resize=True, no_close=True, no_move=True, collapsed=False):
with dpg.group(horizontal=True):
dpg.add_text("Symbol: ")
dpg.add_input_text(tag="symbol_input", width=50, default_value="EURUSD")
dpg.add_text("DashBoard Base currency: --> ")
dpg.add_input_text(width=50, label="", default_value="USD")
with dpg.child_window(width=1000, height=600, border=False):
with dpg.plot(label="", width=-1, height=-1,
no_title=True, no_menus=True, no_box_select=True, no_mouse_pos=False,
no_highlight=False, no_child=False, query=False, crosshairs=False,
anti_aliased=True, equal_aspects=False):
dpg.add_drag_line(label="", tag="vertical_drag_point_chart",
default_value=0, vertical=True, thickness=2, color=[255, 255, 255, 255])
dpg.add_drag_line(label="", tag="horizontal_drag_point_chart",
default_value=0, vertical=False, thickness=2, color=[255, 255, 255, 255])
with dpg.plot_axis(dpg.mvXAxis, label="", tag="X_main",
no_tick_labels=True, no_gridlines=True, no_tick_marks=True): pass
with dpg.plot_axis(dpg.mvYAxis, label="", tag="Y_main",
no_tick_labels=True, no_gridlines=True, no_tick_marks=True):
dpg.add_line_series(x=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], y=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], tag="high_line", parent="Y_main")
dpg.add_line_series(x=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], y=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], tag="low_line", parent="Y_main")
dpg.add_line_series(x=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], y=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], tag="ema_high_line", parent="Y_main")
dpg.add_line_series(x=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], y=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], tag="ema_low_line", parent="Y_main")
dpg.bind_item_theme("high_line", bar_theme_[0])
dpg.bind_item_theme("low_line", bar_theme_[4])
dpg.bind_item_theme("ema_high_line", ema_theme_)
dpg.bind_item_theme("ema_low_line", ema_theme_)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dpg.create_viewport(title="EMA 200 DashBoard", width=1064, height=2107, x_pos=0, y_pos=12)
dpg.set_primary_window("primary_window", True)
with dpg.theme() as primary_window_theme:
with dpg.theme_component(dpg.mvThemeCat_Core):
dpg.add_theme_style(dpg.mvStyleVar_WindowBorderSize, 0, category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Core)
dpg.bind_item_theme("primary_window", primary_window_theme)
while dpg.is_dearpygui_running():
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# add function or other callable to list of events
# execute events based on a list
# useful for maintaining a list of events
# that should run as part of the event loop
# events can be added to or removed from
# the list at runtime
def function_1():
print("""Let's go!""")
def function_2():
events = [function_1, function_2]
for event in events:
# You can do so manually events = [event1, event2, ] or through other DPG callbacks.
# Instead of changing the state of a global variable and having a conditional check
# in the main loop, you append the event to the list instead. The "state" in this
# case is simply the callback existing in the container.
# Clicking the button will either add render_callback to events
# (scheduling it to run) or will remove it.
events = []
def render_event():
def button_callback():
if render_event not in events:
with dpg.window():
button1 = dpg.add_button(callback=button_callback)
- r/learnython GUI list
- Overview of Python GUIs
- Dear PyGui
- Tkinter
- PyGObject
- Gooey - based on WxPython
- WxPython Phoenix
- Remi
- PySimpleGui
- RenPy
- Wasabi2D
- p3ui | Python binding to IMGUI focused on reducing frame rates
- PyMiniAudio - Stable audio player, Streams audio (MP3, FLAC, WAV). API is a bit difficult, see RMP for implementation example. Simple pip install, no dependencies. Because audio is streamed and not loaded into memory, there is a slight startup delay, so not suitable for game sounds.
- Just_playback - audio player, also based on MiniAudio, with more convenient Python functions, including volume control and pause function. | Example implementation: Maestro CLI
- PlaySound2 - Basically PlaySound, but with an important bug fix. Simple pip install.
- AudioPlayer - Probably easiest API. Has library dependencies. Make sure to use version 0.7, not master branch.
- Spotify Pedalboard
- Pygame Drum machine
- DawDreamer
- Librosa
- PyDub using FFMPEG - WAV and MP3 support built in. Other formats using FFMPEG
- PyAudio - Python bindings for PortAudio v19, the cross-platform audio I/O library.
- Muzik - music generation
- Nuitka
- Pyinstaller
- Auto Py2Exe
- Whitebox (MacOS)
- PyOxidizer | Rust wrapper around Python
- Inno Setup Installer for Windows
- Online UI colour picker - Coolers
- Gimp
- Krita
- Inkscape
- Online SVG optimizer
- Make badges
- EZGif for converting MP4 to GIF, trimming and resizing GIF. Output size options are OK, but limited.
- ScreenToGif (no audio)
- ShareX
- VidCutter video editor
- Automatic typing for tutorials
- PyCharm
- Sourcery
- Git
- Taichi visualisation
- Streamlit blog | Streamlit tutorial
- Pretty maps | Tutorial | Colab
- CEF Python
- DaFluffyPotato Explon't Froggg game
- Gapminder
- Datoviz | GitHub | Installation
- Edward Tufte
- Altair
- Streamlit
- Apache Superset web
- Graph ideas, no code
- Perspective real-time graphs web
- MS SandDance data exploration
- Overview dataviz libraries
- GeoPlot library
- PyVista
- PyViz
- HoloViz
- Apache E-charts | E-charts | Py E-charts
- Graphical data graph story telling
- Google fonts
- Monospace fonts
- Microns Icon Font - Fonts for using in buttons, such as a play and pause icons.