A practical environment for visualizing simulated IoT sensor data in real-time using industry-standard tools. This project stores time-series data in TimescaleDB and makes it available through multiple visualization platforms.
- Data Generator: Python script that simulates IoT sensor data
- TimescaleDB: Specialized time-series database for efficient storage
- Grafana: Real-time monitoring and visualization dashboards
- Metabase: Business intelligence and analytics platform
- Docker/Podman
- Docker Compose/Podman Compose
- Make
make start
Tool | URL | Default Credentials |
Grafana | http://localhost:3000 | admin / admin |
Metabase | http://localhost:3001 | Set on first access |
- Host: timescaledb
- Port: 5432
- Database: iotdata
- Username: iotuser
- Password: iotpass
The simulated IoT data includes:
- Timestamps
- Geolocation (within Iberian Peninsula)
- Environmental readings (temperature, humidity, pressure)
- Device status and categories
- Event classifications
├── docker-compose.yml # Service definitions
├── Makefile # Convenience commands
├── data_generator/ # Python data simulation
└── timescaledb/ # Database configuration
Command | Description |
make start |
Start all services |
make stop |
Stop all services |
make logs |
View service logs |
make shell-db |
Access database shell |
make clean |
Remove containers and images |
make clean-all |
Remove all containers, images and volumes |
- Create a real-time monitoring dashboard in Grafana
- Build an analytical dashboard in Metabase for historical analysis
- Analyze sensor data patterns and anomalies
If the data generator can't connect to the database:
Check if the TimescaleDB container is running:
make ps
Use the debug script to test database connectivity:
docker-compose run data_generator python debug.py
Access the database shell to verify the schema:
make shell-db # Then inside the container: psql -U iotuser -d iotdata -c "\dt"
Verify data is being generated:
make logs data_generator
Check if data exists in the database:
make shell-db # Then inside the container: psql -U iotuser -d iotdata -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sensor_data;"
For Grafana issues, verify the data source configuration:
- Access Grafana at http://localhost:3000
- Go to Configuration > Data Sources
- Check the TimescaleDB connection settings
The repository includes several utility scripts to help with debugging and setup:
- bin/debug-db.sh: Provides commands to access and verify the database schema and data
- data_generator/debug.py: Tests database connectivity and inserts a test device
To view logs from all services:
make logs
To view logs from a specific service:
docker-compose logs timescaledb
For more detailed database diagnostics:
make shell-db
# Then inside the container:
psql -U iotuser -d iotdata -c "SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('iotdata'));"