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Parquet Visualizer

Inspect and query very large parquet files fast


What's Parquet Visualizer

Parquet Visualizer is a tool that helps you easily query with SQL and inspect very large parquet files fast and easy.

What can you do with Parquet Visualizer?

Inspect Data

You can inspect the binary data of parquet files in a human readable tabular format with pagination. You can also change the page size.


Inspect Struct Value

You can easily inspect complex struct values by clicking on the cell, which shows a popup containing the value of the struct.


Run SQL Queries on a Parquet File

You can query a parquet file with DuckDB SQL. You can also search within the result, paginate the result or change the page size.


Advanced Autocomplete in Query Editor

By typing in the editor, an autocomplete box with column suggestions appear. This makes it much easier to write queries, by selecting the suggested columns.

Search within rows of Query Result

By typing free text in the search box, find specific values of the query result page.

Export Query Result as CSV, Excel, JSON, ndJSON or Parquet to Disk

By clicking on the export button in the query tab, you can save your query result to a specified location in CSV, Excel, JSON, ndJSON or Parquet format to disk.

Copy Query Result to Clipboard

By clicking on the copy button in the Query tab, you can copy the query result page data to the clipboard.

Inspect Schema

You can inspect the schema of the parquet file by clicking on the Schema tab, in which you can paginate if the file has many columns.

You can also inspect the struct type by clicking on the cell, which will show a popup containing the struct data type.


Inspect Metadata

You can inspect the metadata in tabular format by clicking on the Metadata tab.


Color Theme

The theme of the extension (dark or light) is based on your VS Code Color theme setting. If the color theme is light, the extension will load it's light theme. When you change your theme settings, all active documents will change theme automatically.


The following configuration options are available:

name default description
parquet-visualizer.backend duckdb Backend for reading the parquet file. Options: duckdb, parquet-wasm
parquet-visualizer.defaultPageSizes ["20", "50", "100", "500", "all"] Set the default page size for data and query tab.
parquet-visualizer.defaultQuery SELECT *\r\nFROM data\r\nLIMIT 1000; Default SQL query for parquet file. The table data should remain the same.
parquet-visualizer.RunQueryKeyBinding Ctrl-Enter Default Key Binding for running queries. If Ctrl is written, it will be translated to Command for mac and vica versa. E.g., Ctrl-E will be synonymous to Command-E.
parquet-visualizer.dateTimeFormat ISO8601 Set datetime format for columns of timestamp type. Defaults to ISO8601. You can set a custom format like YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS Z. Find rules for formatting here.
parquet-visualizer.outputDateTimeFormatInUTC true Outputs the datetime format for timestamp columns in UTC or in local time.

Parquet backends

This extension supports two different types of backends for visualizing and querying parquet files.


DuckDB is the primary backend used for uncompressed and compressed parquet files (except for the BROTLI compression codec.)


parquet-wasm is a backend that uses a Rust implementation of arrow and parquet. It supports all compression codecs except LZ4.


The tables of the frontend are powered by tabulator.

The query editor of the frontend is powered by ace.

Release Notes



The following people have contributed time and effort to improve Parquet Visualizer:


To improve the quality of Parquet Visualizer, the extension collects the following analytics such as:

  • Extension load times
  • File parsing success or failure
  • Frequency of features like Data tab or query tab

Our telemetry implementation respects the vscode isTelemetryEnabled and onDidChangeTelemetryEnabled API, which allows you to disable telemetry dynamically and zero telemetry will be sent.

You can disable it via the settings by following the instructions here.

You can view all the possible telemetry events that are sent by following instructions here.