To complete this project, I utilized my knowledge of Node.js to create a command-line interface that accepts user input for the multiplication table they want to generate and the number of iterations. The application then creates a file with the specified multiplication table and saves it to the user's computer.
Working on this project was a great learning experience, and it helped me to develop my skills in Node.js, command-line interfaces, and file system operations. It also allowed me to explore new techniques for creating dynamic and functional applications with Node.js.
Overall, I'm proud of the final result, and I believe it's a strong representation of my abilities as a Node.js developer. I hope this project can inspire other developers to explore the possibilities of Node.js and to create innovative command-line applications that meet the needs of their users.
Make sure your development environment meets the following requirements:
- Node.js
- MacOS, Windows (including WSL), and Linux are supported.
First, install all the dependencies:
npm install
Then, run the app:
node app
--help Shows help [booleano]
--version Shows version number [booleano]
-b, --base Take the base number to build the multiplication table. [número] [requerido]
-l, --listar Display the requested table in the CLI [booleano]
-h, --hasta Up to which number to multiply the base [número] [defecto: 10]