Birhan Solutions client page allows companies to contact the admins to request a service and learn what services are provided. This page also allows developers to submit their credentials and become a freelancer. Anyone who wants to become a subscriber can subscribe by providing their email address so that they will be notified for any change. This website is developed using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript and PHP.
These are the instruction how to run birhan solutions client page on your machine:
Clone the repo to your www folder or where you prefer git clone
This project was built in PHP/MySQL and need to be run under an app like MAMP/WAMP/XAMP
If you use one of the app above be aware to clone the repo under your htdocs folder for have access through the localhost or configure your virtualhost and hosts file accordingly to your needs
Configure the $conn variable with yours DB info.
Make sure to create a database and a table specefied in birhan solutions query folder.
- Jquery
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
Form. All the validation is carried out in client side. After you submit a form Data goes to DB and also email to pre define email address
Responsiveness. For a Responsive website, I used New Framework MaterilizeCss which is from Google.