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Releases: DS-Homebrew/nds-bootstrap


12 Jun 22:32
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, Robz8, _catcatcat, and shutterbug2000.

Important: For nds-bootstrap to work, make sure your SD card is formatted to FAT32 with 32kb cluster/allocation size.


  • SDK3-5 games (except for some SDK4 games) do not save to SD card yet. (SDK version can be checked by pressing SELECT on the game in DSiMenu++.)
    3DS/DSi CFW users: You'll need a donor cart (not ROM) inserted, and it should contain the same save type as the game you're running. Make sure to backup your save data on it first.


  • Download the .7z file for what console you're using, then extract what's in the .7z file, to the _nds folder.

What's new?

  • Cheat support added!
    DSiMenu++ will place the cheat code (Action Replay type) in the nds-bootstrap.ini file, if there's a cheat.xml file in sd:/_nds.
  • A donor ROM is no longer needed!


  • @profi200's SDMMC code from fastboot3DS is now used. As a result, load times are slightly improved.

Bug fixes

  • Using the Quick-start ROM option in DSiMenu++ causes touch input to not work. This bug has been fixed, as touch input now works with the option enabled.
  • Fixed async prefetching trying to read outside of the ROM file. (Fixes Newer Super Mario Bros. (NSMB ROM hack) from crashing into the blue screen)
  • Some game compatibility have been fixed, after removing donor ROM feature.


  • As donor ROM support has been removed, SDK3-4 (alongside SDK5) games will now need a donor cart with matching save type, in the DS card slot.
    Some SDK4 games, such as Zelda: Spirit Tracks, and the MegaMan StarForce games (2 & 3) will still save to SD card though.

v0.8.0: Fixed Haxxstation support

26 May 22:52
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, Robz8, _catcatcat, and shutterbug2000.

Important: For nds-bootstrap to work, make sure your SD card is formatted to FAT32 with 32kb cluster/allocation size.


  • The SDK5 build does not save to SD card yet.
    3DS/DSi CFW users: You'll need a donor cart (not ROM) inserted, and it should contain the same save type as the game you're running. Make sure to backup your save data on it first.


  • Download the .7z file for what console you're using, then extract what's in the .7z file, to the _nds folder.

What's new?

  • Async prefetching has been implemented!
    (This does not apply to the SDK5 DSi build.)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, now saves to SD card, so you no longer need a donor cart for saving.
  • L+R+START+SELECT now activates a new method of soft-resetting a game.
    For 3DS, TWLNAND side of TWLoader is rebooted. For DSi, "SRLoader: Last-ran ROM" is booted.


  • 16MB/32MB RAM mode is now always used, so to access the cache, RAM mode switching no longer occurs.
    As a result, performance has been slightly increased.
  • MegaMan Zero Collection (USA) now loads at near cart speeds!
  • Some games that used DSi WRAM as cache, no longer uses it, and instead uses main RAM as cache, like most other games do.

Bug fixes

  • Since RAM mode switching no longer occurs, game compatibility has been improved a bit, such as Metroid Prime Hunters (non-Korean) now working for the first time since a year or less.
  • DS Download Play support is now fixed for SDK1-4 games! That means DS Download Station/Haxxstation is working again!
    NOTE: Please turn off donor ROM, for your ROM containing DLP, before using the DLP feature.
  • Some games that needed donor ROM force-used, no longer needs it force-used.
  • DLP demos using thumb, now work.
  • DSiWarehax fixes have been implemented to the 3DS build.
    SRLoader v4.1.0 will use the 3DS build for 3DS users using DSiWarehax.


  • As 16MB/32MB RAM mode is always used, and the cardEngine arm9 code has been moved from DSi WRAM, to the 4MB DS debug RAM area (main RAM) for DLP to work, that area is now used, so now only 24MB or lower (8MB or lower, for DSi) ROMs can be loaded into RAM.


16 Apr 05:32
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, Robz8, _catcatcat, and shutterbug2000.

Important: For nds-bootstrap to work, make sure your SD card is formatted to FAT32 with 32kb cluster/allocation size.


  • The SDK5 build does not save to SD card yet.
    3DS users: You'll need a donor cart (not ROM) inserted, and it should contain the same save type as the game you're running. Make sure to backup your save data on it first.


  • Download the .7z file for what console you're using, then extract what's in the .7z file, to the _nds folder.

What's new?

  • If a game has thumb card reads, which aren't patched yet, an error screen will show, if you have the following set as your loading screen:
    Regular: "Error!" text with red X.
    Pong: Graphics turn from black to red.
    Tic-Tac-Toe: Cursor turns from green to red.

Bug fix

  • DS Download Play demo support is fixed!
    This does not mean that actual DLP support is fixed for SDK1-4 games.
    It just means that the DLP demo SRL/NDS files are working again.

Bug fixes (DSi users)

  • Fixed support for Need for Speed: Underground 2.
  • Sound for Puyo Pop Fever (and maybe some other earlier games) is fixed!
  • Sound should now be working properly, if donor ROM is turned off.

v0.7.3: Fixed sound for DSi users!

01 Mar 22:40
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, Robz8, _catcatcat, and shutterbug2000.

Important: For nds-bootstrap to work, make sure your SD card is formatted to FAT32 with 32kb cluster/allocation size.


  • The SDK5 build does not save to SD card yet.
    3DS users: You'll need a donor cart (not ROM) inserted, and it should contain the same save type as the game you're running. Make sure to backup your save data on it first.


  • Download the .7z file for what console you're using, then extract what's in the .7z file, to the _nds folder.

What's new?

  • nds-bootstrap has been ported to devkitARM r47!

Improvements/Bug fixes

  • DSi users: Sound is now fixed!
    The code to workaround the bugged swiGetPitchTable function in DSi-mode, has been ported from SDK5 games, and now used to fix sound!
  • 3DS users: Rockman EXE: Operate Shooting Star now loads into RAM.

Bug fix (DSi users)

  • Fixed compatibility with some games:
    -Advance Wars: Dual Strike
    -Bomberman 2
    -The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (Gets as far as the title screen.)
    -Rockman EXE: Operate Shooting Star
    -WarioWare: Touched
    -Yoshi Touch & Go

v0.7.2: The dumbest-greatest fix

25 Feb 03:49
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, Robz8, _catcatcat, and shutterbug2000.

Important: For nds-bootstrap to work, make sure your SD card is formatted to FAT32 with 32kb cluster/allocation size.


  • The SDK5 build does not save to SD card yet.
    3DS users: You'll need a donor cart (not ROM) inserted, and it should contain the same save type as the game you're running. Make sure to backup your save data on it first.

Download the .7z file for what console you're using, then extract what's in the .7z file, to the _nds folder.

Fixes a long-standing bug that prevented games such as Dokapon Journey, Contra 4, Megaman Starforce, Chrono Trigger (which still will need to be patched because AP) and more from working!

v0.7.1: Ferb-ruary release

04 Feb 19:20
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UPDATE 2/4/2018: Tag recreated with correct target branch.

Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, Robz8, _catcatcat, and shutterbug2000.


  • The SDK5 build does not save to SD card yet.
    3DS users: You'll need a donor cart (not ROM) inserted, and it should contain the same save type as the game you're running. Make sure to backup your save data on it first.

Important: For nds-bootstrap to work, make sure your SD card is formatted to FAT32 with 32kb cluster/allocation size.

NOTE: The SDK1-4 DSiWarehax release is marked as v0.6.2 Rev 01.

SDK1-4 Bootstrap path in SRLoader (DSiWarehax): "sd:/_nds/dsiware-bootstrap.nds"
SDK5 Bootstrap path in TWLoader: "sd:/_nds/release-bootstrap-sdk5.nds"
SDK5 Bootstrap path in SRLoader (DSiWarehax): "sd:/_nds/dsiware-bootstrap-sdk5.nds"

SDK5 build:

What's new?

  • Most DSi-Enhanced games are now supported!
    Now you might ask "Why is it called the Ferb-ruary release?".
    Well, because Phineas and Ferb: Ride Again is one of the (now) supported DSi-Enhanced games, and also, it's an nds-bootstrap release in February!
  • ROM loading from RAM returns! 16MB ROMs or under, will be loaded into RAM.

Bug fix

  • Wireless has been fixed! Download Play is confirmed working.
    Remember, this fix is only for SDK5 games for now.

SDK1-4 build:

Bug fix

  • Fixed bug where loading was slow for games that use DSi WRAM as cache.

v0.7.0: TWLSDK/SDK5 support!

26 Jan 05:54
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, Robz8, _catcatcat, and shutterbug2000.

Important: For nds-bootstrap to work, make sure your SD card is formatted to FAT32 with 32kb cluster/allocation size.

SDK5 Bootstrap path in TWLoader: "sd:/_nds/release-bootstrap-sdk5.nds"
SDK5 Bootstrap path in SRLoader (DSiWarehax): "sd:/_nds/dsiware-bootstrap-sdk5.nds"

What's new?

  • TWLSDK/SDK5 games are now supported, thanks to @shutterbug2000!
    This means that games like Sonic Colors, Professor Layton and the Last Specter, Inazuma Eleven, Plants vs Zombies, and of course, Pokemon Black & White, can now be played!
  • Some DSi-Enhanced games are supported, such as Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini Land Mayhem, Sonic Classic Collection, and again, Pokemon Black & White.
    They may not work on DSi.

Known bug

  • This does not save to SD card yet.
    3DS users: You'll need a donor cart (not ROM) inserted, and it should contain the same save type as the game you're running. Make sure to backup your save data on it first.

Differences between 3DS and DSi versions

  • 3DS version uses main RAM as cache, with 16MB of cache space.
    DSi version uses DSi WRAM as cache, with 496KB of cache space.
  • (Some?) DSi-Enhanced games may not work on DSi.

v0.6.2, now with built-in minigames!

24 Jan 17:12
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, Robz8, _catcatcat, and shutterbug2000.

Warning for 3DS users: Be careful with leaving cards in slot-1. If the save patch fails, you will lose your save data should the chip type match.

Important: For nds-bootstrap to work, make sure your SD card is formatted to FAT32 with 32kb cluster/allocation size.

NOTE: This is a minor release. The nds-bootstrap version that will run SDK5 games will be 0.7.0.

For homebrew compatibility, check v0.5.1b.

Bootstrap path in TWLoader: "sd:/_nds/release-bootstrap.nds"
Bootstrap path in SRLoader (DSiWarehax): "sd:/_nds/dsiware-bootstrap.nds"

What's new?

  • Pong and Tic-Tac-Toe have been added as loading screen options! You can pick either one in TWLoader or SRLoader.

Controls for Pong

  • Needs no explanation

Controls for Tic-Tac-Toe

  • L: Mark an N (stands for NTR)
  • R: Mark a T (stands for TWL)
  • START: Clear marks

Improvements (3DS users)

  • Lunar Knights (USA and EUR)'s title call is loaded into RAM on boot.
  • Tomodachi Collection (not improved for English translation) and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness and Time (USA) should now load faster.


  • In an attempt to reduce lag, the main Pokemon games have their cache chunk size lowered from 256KB to 192KB.

v0.6.1 (Rev 02)

14 Dec 17:41
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, Robz8, _catcatcat, and shutterbug2000.

Warning for 3DS users: Be careful with leaving cards in slot-1. If the save patch fails, you will lose your save data should the chip type match.

Important: For nds-bootstrap to work, make sure your SD card is formatted to FAT32 with 32kb cluster/allocation size.

For homebrew compatibility, check v0.5.1b.
Check v0.6.0 (Rev 00) for release notes.

Bootstrap path in TWLoader and for forwarders: "sd:/_nds/release-bootstrap.nds"
Bootstrap path in SRLoader (DSiWarehax): "sd:/_nds/dsiware-bootstrap.nds"

Ow. Two revision releases in one day. Sorry about that.

Bug fixes

  • MegaMan ZX and ZX Advent are fixed.

Bug fix (DSiWarehax version)

  • nds-bootstrap no longer overwrites the sound quality setting set by SRLoader.

v0.6.1 (Rev 01)

14 Dec 16:43
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, Robz8, _catcatcat, and shutterbug2000.

Warning for 3DS users: Be careful with leaving cards in slot-1. If the save patch fails, you will lose your save data should the chip type match.

Important: For nds-bootstrap to work, make sure your SD card is formatted to FAT32 with 32kb cluster/allocation size.

For homebrew compatibility, check v0.5.1b.
Check v0.6.0 (Rev 00) for release notes, and DSiWarehax version.

Bootstrap path in TWLoader: "sd:/_nds/release-bootstrap.nds"

Bug fixes

  • Sonic Rush no longer stays on white screen after pressing START.
  • Sonic Rush Adventure no longer red screens mid-game.