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v0.7.0: TWLSDK/SDK5 support!

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@RocketRobz RocketRobz released this 26 Jan 05:54

Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, Robz8, _catcatcat, and shutterbug2000.

Important: For nds-bootstrap to work, make sure your SD card is formatted to FAT32 with 32kb cluster/allocation size.

SDK5 Bootstrap path in TWLoader: "sd:/_nds/release-bootstrap-sdk5.nds"
SDK5 Bootstrap path in SRLoader (DSiWarehax): "sd:/_nds/dsiware-bootstrap-sdk5.nds"

What's new?

  • TWLSDK/SDK5 games are now supported, thanks to @shutterbug2000!
    This means that games like Sonic Colors, Professor Layton and the Last Specter, Inazuma Eleven, Plants vs Zombies, and of course, Pokemon Black & White, can now be played!
  • Some DSi-Enhanced games are supported, such as Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini Land Mayhem, Sonic Classic Collection, and again, Pokemon Black & White.
    They may not work on DSi.

Known bug

  • This does not save to SD card yet.
    3DS users: You'll need a donor cart (not ROM) inserted, and it should contain the same save type as the game you're running. Make sure to backup your save data on it first.

Differences between 3DS and DSi versions

  • 3DS version uses main RAM as cache, with 16MB of cache space.
    DSi version uses DSi WRAM as cache, with 496KB of cache space.
  • (Some?) DSi-Enhanced games may not work on DSi.