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v0.10.0: Thumb game support!

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@RocketRobz RocketRobz released this 30 Jun 02:31
· 4876 commits to master since this release

Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, Robz8, _catcatcat, and shutterbug2000.


  • Download the .7z file, then extract what's in the .7z file, to the _nds folder.

What's new?

  • Games that have thumb version of the card read function, are now compatible!
    Examples of thumb games:
    -Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force
    -Diddy Kong Racing
    -Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
    -Kingdom Hearts: Re:Coded
    -Kirby Canvas Curse (USA)/Kirby Power Paintbrush (EUR)
    -Kirby Mass Attack (Needs AP patch, or it won't work)
    -Pokemon Black 2/White 2
    -SEGA Superstars Tennis
    -Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing
    -Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
    -Star Fox Command
    -Style Savvy (USA)/Style Boutique (EUR)/Girls Mode (JAP)
    As a result, almost every game is now compatible with nds-bootstrap!
  • You can now set a different language for your games (if the game supports it), via DSiMenu++ (starting with v4.4.0)!
  • Bootstrap's loading screen now fades in and out to white for a smoother transition to your games.
  • Dementium II now works.

Bug fixes

  • Sleep mode now works without any cartridge in Slot-1!
  • arm9/arm7 SCFG is now locked on game boot to avoid some AP issue.
  • As a result, DSi-Enhanced games now work on DSiWarehax (e.g. sudokuhax, fieldrunnerhax).
  • Chrono Trigger's AP issue should no longer occur.
  • Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver should no longer crash.
  • The L+R+DOWN+B and L+R+START+SELECT button combos now work again.

Known bug

  • Taking a cartridge out of Slot-1 while in sleep mode will still reboot the console (3DS), or power it off (DSi).