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The catGenes package is intended to help researchers in phylogenetics and phylogenomics to build a fully concatenated or combined (non-interleaved) dataset by automatically comparing individual DNA alignments. The user can concatenate the multiple DNA matrices by either running the catGenes functions in R environment or using an interactive Shiny app.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Standard format for input DNA alignments

Formatting sequences with scientific names and accession identifiers

The concatenating functions available in catGenes work by comparing the scientific names across the individual DNA alignments, when the input matrices do not have species duplicated with multiple accessions. If the species are duplicated then the concatenating comparison will consider both the scientific names and an associated unique identifier (e.g. the collector number provided right after the taxon names). As such, before loading the DNA alignments and using any of the concatenating catGenes functions, make sure the identification of the accessions across all DNA sequences is consistently formatted. So, depending on the input DNA alignments, they must be formatted as following:

1. When the DNA alignments have just a single sequence per species

The species/sequences may be simply named as Genus_species, just like the example below. The generic name could even be abbreviated but always keeping separated from the specific epithet like G_species. Note that the sequences may also be labeled by including “cf” or “aff” between the genus and specific epithet, but they must be separated by an underscore.

Example with no identifiers in the sequences

The species/sequences may also be named as Genus_species_everythingelse or G_species_everythingelse, that is, the scientific name is separated by the accession identifier (e.g. collector surname and associated collection number). The “everything else” means that the sequence here may have as many identifiers as desired, provided that at least the scientific name is consistently formatted. For example, in addition to format the sequences just like in the example below, note that you could also format like Vatairea_fusca_Cardoso2939_JX152598.

Example with identifiers in the sequences

In brief, no matter the input DNA alignments have or not an associated identifier, the species/sequences should be consistently named, either with the genus name abbreviated or not, and always separated from the identifier(s) by an underscore.

2. When the DNA alignments have any species duplicated with multiple accessions

The catGenes package has specific functions to concatenate the DNA alignments when any species are duplicated with multiple accessions, i.e. the species is represented by multiple sequences generated from different individuals. In this case, the concatenation will consider both the consistently-formatted scientific names and their associated unique identifiers. Then, the sequences/species must be formatted as Genus_species_identifier_everythingelse or G_species_identifier_everythingelse, as exemplified below:

Example when species are duplicated with multiple accessions

3. Formatting labels for accessions identified just at genus level or fully identified with infraspecific taxa

The accessions/sequences not fully identified or just at genus level should be simply named as Genus_sp, or Genus_sp1 and Genus_sp2, or Genus_spA and Genus_spB, just like the example below. The generic name could even be abbreviated but always keeping separated from the “sp” and always without full period like G_sp or G_sp1 or G_spA. It is also possible to run any of the concatenating catGenes functions even when when accesions are fully identified with infraspecific taxa. Following the same general formatting scheme for accessions idenfitied at species level, just add the infraspecific taxa after the specific epithet such as Genus_species_variety_identifier_everythingelse or Genus_species_subspecies_identifier_everythingelse, but do not mention wheather they are “var” or “subsp”. See also some examples below:

Example with other label formatting

Naming the individual DNA alignment files

Before loading the individual DNA alignments for concatenation, we recommend that each file is simply named with the corresponding gene names and do not use space or hyphen to separate the file name. For example: ITS.nex, rbcL.nex, psbAtrnH.nex, COX1.nex, etc. This is the best way to name the input files if you want to run catGenes using the Shiny app. Also, it facilitates to load all DNA alignments by just using a for loop that will create a list of the input genes ready for the concatenation. Note that we load the DNA alignments by using ape’s function See below an example using the available DNA alignments of the Vataireoid legumes that are stored within the catGenes directory:


# Loading all individual DNA alignments for the concatenation
genes <- list.files(system.file("DNAlignments/Vataireoids", 
                                package = "catGenes"))
Vataireoids <- list()
for (i in genes){
  Vataireoids[[i]] <-"DNAlignments/Vataireoids", i, 
                                                       package = "catGenes"))
names(Vataireoids) <- gsub("[.].*", "", names(Vataireoids))

The created object Vataireoids is a list of all input individual DNA alignments ready for the concatenation by using the available catGenes functions. As you can see below, the containing input DNA alignments within the Vataireoids list are named exactly how the files were originally named:

#> [1] "ETS"      "ITS"      "matK"     "psbAtrnH" "rpS16"    "trnDT"    "trnL"    
#> [8] "trnQ"

Note that in your computer the individual DNA alignments could be loaded into a single list by adjusting the abovementioned code as follows:


genes <- list.files("path_to_DNA_alignments_folder")
Vataireoids <- list()
for (i in genes){
  Vataireoids[[i]] <-"path_to_DNA_alignments_folder/", i))
names(Vataireoids) <- gsub("[.].*", "", names(Vataireoids))

If the input individual DNA alignments have any identifier associated to the gene names, like Vataireoids_ITS.nex, Vataireoids_matK.nex, Vataireoids_trnDT.nex, etc., then you can load all such files by either importing each DNA alignment separately or by adjusting the abovementioned for loop as follows:


# Loading each DNA alignment from the working directory separately by using the
# ape's function
ITS <-"Vataireoids_ITS.nex")
matK <-"Vataireoids_matK.nex")
trnDT <-"Vataireoids_trnDT.nex")

# Loading just the Vataireoid DNA alignments even if there are other DNA alignments 
# in the same working directory
genes <- list.files("path_to_DNA_alignments_folder")
Vataireoids <- list()
for (i in genes[grepl("Vataireoids", genes)]){
  Vataireoids[[i]] <-"path_to_DNA_alignments_folder/", i))
# Deleting all characters between "Vataireoids_" and ".nex" so as to keep just the
# name of the genes in the vataireoids list of named DNA alignments
names(Vataireoids) <- gsub(".*_(.+)[.].*", "\\1", names(Vataireoids))

Basic Usage

Loading the DNA matrices and running the concatenation


# Loading all individual DNA alignments for the concatenation
genes <- list.files(system.file("DNAlignments/Vataireoids", 
                                package = "catGenes"))

# For simplicity, this example will include just three DNA matrices
Vataireoids <- list()
for (i in genes[1:3]){
  Vataireoids[[i]] <-"DNAlignments/Vataireoids", i, 
                                                       package = "catGenes"))
names(Vataireoids) <- gsub("[.].*", "", names(Vataireoids))

# Running the concatenating analysis
# Note that the main steps during concatenation will be printed in the R console
catdf <- catfullGenes(Vataireoids,
                      shortaxlabel = TRUE,
                      missdata = TRUE)
#> Matching first the gene ETS with: ITS... matK...
#> Gene comparison will exclude sequence set from ETS that is not in ITS...
#> Gene comparison will include missing data into ETS
#> PS. The resulting dataset will have sequences sorted alphabetically by taxon.
#> Shortening taxon labels...
#> Match between ETS and ITS is finished!
#> Gene comparison will exclude sequence set from ETS that is not in matK...
#> Gene comparison will include missing data into ETS
#> PS. The resulting dataset will have sequences sorted alphabetically by taxon.
#> Shortening taxon labels...
#> Match between ETS and matK is finished!
#> Matched result of gene ETS is again matched with ITS... matK...
#> Gene comparison will exclude sequence set from ITS that is not in the matched result of ETS...
#> Gene comparison will include missing data into ETS
#> PS. The resulting dataset will have sequences sorted alphabetically by taxon.
#> Shortening taxon labels...
#> Match between ETS and ITS is finished!
#> Gene comparison will exclude sequence set from matK that is not in the matched result of ETS...
#> Gene comparison will include missing data into ETS
#> PS. The resulting dataset will have sequences sorted alphabetically by taxon.
#> Shortening taxon labels...
#> Match between ETS and matK is finished!
#> Full gene match is finished!

Writing the concatenated matrix in NEXUS format

This new function writeNexus will write a NEXUS-formatted combined dataset with each individual gene alignment as interleaved and including a preliminary MrBayes command block, including the charset of each partition. Note that you may choose to concatenate the DNA alignments as non-interleaved and without the charset at the end of the matrix block.

           file = "Vataireoids.nex",
           genomics = FALSE,
           interleave = TRUE,
           bayesblock = TRUE)
#> You are combining the following gene datasets:
#> ETS, ITS, matK
#> Total number of datasets: 3
#> Your final dataset will have these DIMENSIONS:
#> NCHAR=3125; [ETS=426 + ITS=830 + matK=1869]
#> NTAX=33
#> Combining genes as interleave...
#> Building a preliminary Mr.Bayes command block...
#> Gene concatenation is finished!

See below a screenshot of the beggining of the NEXUS-formatted concatenated matrix:

catGenes Shiny app

See below a screenshot of the end of the NEXUS-formatted concatenated matrix, showing the charset of each partition:

catGenes Shiny app

How the function writeNexus handles differing identifers when concatenating DNA alignments by keeping all original identifiers

It is possible to run the concatenating catGenes functions so as to get a concatenated matrix that keeps all original identifiers in each individual partition (i.e. choosing the argument shortaxlabel = FALSE when running catfullGenes or catmultGenes). But as shown in the next two screenshots below, note that the function writeNexus will handle the with differing identifers across partitions by keeping them as comments inside brackets.

Concatenated genomic dataset

Concatenated genomic dataset

Writing the concatenated matrix in PHYLIP format

This new function writePhylip will write both a PHYLIP-formatted concatenated matrix and an associated partition file for RAxML concatenated phylogenetic analysis using a mixed/partitioned model, as available in CIPRES.

            file = "Vataireoids_dataset.phy",
            genomics = FALSE,
            catalignments = TRUE,
            partitionfile = TRUE)
#> You are combining the following gene datasets:
#> ETS, ITS, matK
#> Total number of datasets: 3
#> Your phylip-formatted concantenated dataset will have the following DIMENSIONS:
#> 33 TAXA
#> Concatenating the genes...
#> Gene concatenation is finished!

See below a screenshot of the PHYLIP-formatted concatenated matrix:

catGenes Shiny app

See below a screenshot of the partition file to be uploaded in CIPRES for a RAxML concatenated phylogenetic analysis using a mixed/partitioned model:

catGenes Shiny app

Removing duplicated accessions of the same species in DNA alignments

This function dropSeq will remove the smaller sequence(s) (with missing characters, either “?” or “N”) for any species duplicated with multiple accessions in the DNA alignment. The next screenshot below show a concatenated dataset after run with catmultGenes, where there are species duplicated with multiple accessions. Before writing such a concatenated dataset with the function writeNexus, for example, it is possible to run the function dropSeq so as to remove the duplicated accessions of the same species.

Concatenated genomic dataset

Note below that the function dropSeq removed all multiple accessions of the same species from the previous concatenated dataset:

Concatenated genomic dataset

Performance of catGenes with large, genomic datasets

The concatenating catGenes functions have been developed to perform efficiently also with large datasets for phylogenomic analyses. See below some screenshots of a NEXUS-formatted concatenated matrix after running the function catmultGenes with a list of 78 protein coding plastid genes for 122 species, as originally published by Gonçalves et al. (2020) when investigating the historical biogeography of Vochysiaceae across the Neotropics. The original data retrieved from Dryad repository were also kindly permitted by Deise Gonçalves to be used as example genomic data of the catGenes package.

Concatenated genomic dataset

Concatenated genomic dataset

Concatenated genomic dataset


A detailed description of the catGenes’ full functionality will soon be available in here.

Shiny App

The catGenes package also comes with a Shiny app that can be called by using the following command:


Below some screenshots of the catGenes application that will open automatically in the default internet browser, or the viewer if running from RStudio.

catGenes Shiny app

catGenes Shiny app

catGenes Shiny app; donwload button


Cardoso, D., Cavalcante, Q. & Vilela, B. (2020). catGenes: a new R package for combining multiple DNA alignments for multigene analysis in phylogenetics and phylogenomics.


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