Drawing graphs of point, linear function, power function, exponential function, logarithmic function, circular function, etc in a coordinate. (实现了在坐标系中画点,一次函数,幂函数,指数函数,对数函数,三角函数等)
- linear function(一次函数): yAxis = xAxis - 3
- power function(幂函数): yAxis = pow(xAxis, 2)
- exponential function(指数函数): yAxis = pow(2, xAxis)
- logarithmic function, xAxis should be greater than zero(对数函数, 此时应该设置axis的值大于0): yAxis = log (xAxis)
- circular function(三角函数), like sin, cos, tan: yAxis = sin (xAxis)
Add to your Podfile:
pod 'CoordinateAxisChart', '~> 1.0.1'
Note: To use Swift 3.x / master, you need Xcode 8+
To use master directly (it's usually stable):
pod 'CoordinateAxisChart', :git => 'https://github.com/CrystalMarch/CoordinateAxisChart.git'
And then:
pod install
Import the framework in your code:
import CoordinateAxisChart
let chartView = CoordinateAxisChart()
chartView.frame = CGRect(x:50,y:50,width:220,height:220)
var pointData: [CGPoint] = []
for i in -40...70 {
let xAxis = CGFloat(i)/10
let yAxis = sin (xAxis)
chartView.setPointData(pointData: pointData, chartType: .line,lineOrPointColor:UIColor .red,animation: true)
chartView.xMaxValue = 7
chartView.animationTime = 2
chartView.axisColor = UIColor.gray
chartView.xMinValue = -4
chartView.yMaxValue = 3
chartView.yMinValue = -3
func refreshButonClick(sender:UIButton) {
func clearButtonClick(sender:UIButton) {
func changeAxisColorButtonClick(sender: UIButton) {
let red = CGFloat(arc4random()%256)/255.0
let green = CGFloat(arc4random()%256)/255.0
let blue = CGFloat(arc4random()%256)/255.0
chartView.axisColor = UIColor(red: red, green: green, blue: blue, alpha: 1.0)
func changeAxisValueButtonClick(sender:UIButton) {
chartView.xMaxValue = Int(arc4random()%10)
chartView.xMinValue = -Int(arc4random()%10)
chartView.yMaxValue = Int(arc4random()%10)
chartView.yMinValue = -Int(arc4random()%10)
- set the max value of x axis(设置x轴的最大值)
- set the min value of x axis(设置x轴的最小值)
- set the max value of y axis(设置y轴的最大值)
- set the min value of y axis(设置y轴的最小值)
- set the color of the axis(设置坐标轴的颜色)
- set the animation time of draw line(设置画函数线条的动画时间)
- pointDate: set the data for chart
- chartType: set the chart type (line or point)
- lineOrPointColor: set the line or point color
- animation: set whether animation is needed