This plugin exposes some natives for developers to save player data to SQLite / MySQL without actually adding sql code to your plugin giving developers easy access to save player cookie to database.
using Clientprefs.API;
private readonly PluginCapability<IClientprefsApi> g_PluginCapability = new("Clientprefs");
private IClientprefsApi? ClientprefsApi;
private int g_iCookieID = 0;
private Dictionary<CCSPlayerController, string> playerCookie = new();
public override void Unload(bool hotReload)
if (ClientprefsApi == null) return;
ClientprefsApi.OnDatabaseLoaded -= OnClientprefDatabaseReady;
ClientprefsApi.OnPlayerCookiesCached -= OnPlayerCookiesCached;
public override void OnAllPluginsLoaded(bool hotReload)
ClientprefsApi = g_PluginCapability.Get();
if (ClientprefsApi == null) return;
ClientprefsApi.OnDatabaseLoaded += OnClientprefDatabaseReady;
ClientprefsApi.OnPlayerCookiesCached += OnPlayerCookiesCached;
if (hotReload)
if (ClientprefsApi == null || g_iCookieID == -1) return;
foreach (var player in Utilities.GetPlayers().Where(p => !p.IsBot))
if (!ClientprefsApi.ArePlayerCookiesCached(player)) continue;
playerCookie[player] = ClientprefsApi.GetPlayerCookie(player, g_iCookieID);
public void OnClientprefDatabaseReady()
if (ClientprefsApi == null) return;
g_iCookieID = ClientprefsApi.RegPlayerCookie("example_cookie", "Example cookie description", CookieAccess.CookieAccess_Public);
if(g_iCookieID == -1)
Logger.LogError("[Clientprefs-Example] Failed to register/load cookie 1");
Logger.LogInformation($"[Clientprefs-Example] Registered/Loaded cookie with ID: {g_iCookieID}"); // ID: 1
public void OnPlayerCookiesCached(CCSPlayerController player)
if (ClientprefsApi == null || g_iCookieID == -1) return;
playerCookie[player] = ClientprefsApi.GetPlayerCookie(player, g_iCookieID);
Logger.LogInformation($"[Clientprefs-Example] Cookie value: {cookieValue}");
[ConsoleCommand("css_clientprefs_example", "Saves example clientprefs cookie value")]
public void OnExampleCommand(CCSPlayerController? caller, CommandInfo _)
if (caller == null || !caller.IsValid || ClientprefsApi == null || g_iCookieID == -1)
ClientprefsApi.SetPlayerCookie(caller, g_iCookieID, playerCookie[player]);
"TableName": "css_cookies",
"TableNamePlayerData": "css_cookies_playerdata",
"DatabaseType": "sqlite",
"DatabaseHost": "",
"DatabaseName": "",
"DatabaseUsername": "",
"DatabasePassword": "",
"DatabasePort": 3306,
"DatabaseSslmode": "",
"Debug": false,
"ConfigVersion": 1
[ ] css_settings
- v1.0.4
- fix: CreatePlayerCookie native using wrong parameter name.
- fix: SavePlayerCookie missing not operator.
- fix: Player preferences not getting saved at map change.
- v1.0.3
- fix: Plugin will no longer throw "Native d01e4eb5 was invoked on a non-main thread" on playerConnect.
- Devs can now save clientpref for player at PlayerDisconnect(HookMode.Post) too as the plugin now saves in database after 0.5 seconds.
- Added more error logging and added variable in config to enable debug logs.
- v1.0.2
- Fixed dictionary errors for players after map change.
- v1.0.1
- Changed hook method of OnClientprefDatabaseReady & OnPlayerCookiesCached. Please re-refer ClientprefsExample.