Crunchy Container Suite Release 1.2.3
Crunchy Data announces Release 1.2.3 of the Crunchy PostgreSQL Container Suite.
Crunchy PostgreSQL Container Suite 1.2.3 includes fixes identified since the previous release and certain updates including the following notable fixes / features:
- update PostgreSQL to 9.5.4
- update pgbadger to 9.0 version
- update pgadmin4 version to latest release candidate beta
- add vacuum job example
- add workshop example to show the use of Openshift templates and new-app command
- update prometheus to 1.1.2 version
- add examples for running in Openshift Dedicated environment
- add pgadmin4 container
- add experimental petset example
- add experimental mesoshere-marathon example
- update grafana to latest version
- update pgpool to latest version
- add rhel7 dockerfiles
- update various documentation files
- add kitchensink example
- add kubehelm example
- update promgateway version
- add CCP_IMAGE_TAG environment variable as an image tagj
- add PITR (point in time recovery) features, examples, documentation
- add CHECKSUMS environment variable to allow initdb to use --data-checksums option
- add vacuum and dba containers
Crunchy PostgreSQL Container Suite is a 100% open source set of pre-packaged Docker containers and Kubernetes services that allows teams to run and manage PostgreSQL in Kubernetes-based environments, such as the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. The Container Suite includes a containerized version of PostgreSQL 9.5 with the PostGIS extension, along with PostgreSQL related micro-services packaged in containers.
Crunchy Data is a provider of trusted open source PostgreSQL and enterprise PostgreSQL technology, support and training. For more information, please contact Crunchy Data at [email protected].