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Get FalconVulnerability
bk-cs edited this page Sep 3, 2024
26 revisions
Search for Falcon Spotlight vulnerabilities
Requires 'Vulnerabilities: Read'.
Name | Type | Description | Min | Max | Allowed | Pipeline | PipelineByName |
Id | String[] | Vulnerability identifier | X | X | |||
Filter | String |
Falcon Query Language expression to limit resultsaid apps_remediation closed_timestamp created_timestamp cve.exploit_status cve.exprt_rating cve.id cve.is_cisa_kev cve.remediation_level cve.severity host_info.groups host_info.platform_name host_info.product_type_desc host_info.tags last_seen_within status suppression_info.is_suppressed suppression_info.reason updated_timestamp
Facet | String[] | Include additional properties |
cve evaluation_logic host_info remediation
Sort | String | Property and direction to sort results |
created_timestamp.asc created_timestamp.desc closed_timestamp.asc closed_timestamp.desc updated_timestamp.asc updated_timestamp.desc
Limit | Int32 | Maximum number of results per request | 1 |
5000 |
After | String | Pagination token to retrieve the next set of results | |||||
Detailed | Switch | Retrieve detailed information | |||||
All | Switch | Repeat requests until all available results are retrieved | |||||
Total | Switch | Display total result count instead of results |
Get-FalconVulnerability [-Filter] <String> [[-Sort] <String>] [[-Limit] <Int32>] [-After <String>] [-All] [-Total] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-FalconVulnerability -Id <String[]> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-FalconVulnerability [-Filter] <String> [[-Facet] <String[]>] [[-Sort] <String>] [[-Limit] <Int32>] [-After <String>] -Detailed [-All] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
GET /spotlight/combined/vulnerabilities/v1
GET /spotlight/entities/vulnerabilities/v2
GET /spotlight/queries/vulnerabilities/v1
NOTE: The Spotlight API requires the use of a filter when requesting results.
Get-FalconVulnerability -Filter "created_timestamp:>'2019-11-25T22:36:12Z'" [-Detailed] [-All]
Get-FalconVulnerability -Id <id>, <id>
The resulting CSV will resemble an export from the Falcon console of vulnerabilities that are not closed, not
suppressed, and were created within the last 7 days. Note that the columns Closed Date
, Closed Dwell Time
CVSS Version
, Closed Product Versions
, AdditionalRemediationAdvisoryUrl
and AdditionalRemediationSteps
not included. Columns can be modified by changing the properties defined within the [PSCustomObject]
$CsvName = (Join-Path (Get-Location).Path ('vulnerabilities',(Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-ddTHH_mm_ss) -join '_')),
'csv' -join '.'
$Param = @{
Filter = "status:!'closed'+(created_timestamp:>'now-7d'+created_timestamp:<'now')+suppression_info.is_suppressed:false"
Facet = 'cve','evaluation_logic','host_info','remediation'
Detailed = $true
All = $true
$Total = Get-FalconVulnerability -Filter $Param.Filter -Total
Get-FalconVulnerability @Param | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "Exported $i of $Total"
Hostname = $_.host_info.hostname
LocalIP = $_.host_info.local_ip
HostType = $_.host_info.product_type_desc
OSVersion = $_.host_info.os_version
MachineDomain = $_.host_info.machine_domain
OU = $_.host_info.ou
SiteName = $_.host_info.site_name
Product = $_.apps.product_name_version
'CVE ID' = $_.cve.id
'CVE Description' = $_.cve.description
Status = $_.status
Severity = $_.cve.severity
'Created Date' = $_.created_timestamp
'Base Score' = $_.cve.base_score
Vector = $_.cve.vector
'Vendor Advisory' = $_.cve.vendor_advisory
References = $_.cve.references -join ', '
'Recommended Remediations' = $_.remediation.entities.title
'Remediation Details' = $_.remediation.entities.action
'Remediation Links' = $_.remediation.entities.link
'Group Names' = ($_.host_info.groups.name | Sort-Object) -join ', '
Tags = ($_.host_info.tags | Sort-Object) -join ', '
'Host ID' = $_.aid
'Exploit status value' = $_.cve.exploit_status
'Exploit status label' = switch ($_.cve.exploit_status) {
0 { 'Unproven' }
30 { 'Available (medium)' }
60 { 'Easily Accessible (high)' }
90 { 'Actively used (critical)' }
'Platform' = $_.host_info.platform
'Vulnerable Product Versions' = $_.apps.product_name_version
RemediationLevel = $_.cve.remediation_level
'ExPRT Rating' = $_.cve.exprt_rating
'is Suppressed' = $_.suppression_info.is_suppressed
'Is CISA KEV' = $_.cve.cisa_info.is_cisa_kev
'CISA KEV Due Date' = $_.cve.cisa_info.due_date
'CVE Published Date' = $_.cve.published_date
'Spotlight Published Date' = $_.cve.spotlight_published_date
'Host Last Seen Within' = $_.host_info.host_last_seen_timestamp
'Cloud Service Instance ID' = $_.host_info.instance_id
'OS Build' = $_.host_info.os_build
} | Export-Csv $CsvName -NoTypeInformation -Append
2024-09-03: PSFalcon v2.2.7
- Using PSFalcon
Commands by Permission
- Actors (Falcon Intelligence)
- Alerts
- API integrations
- App Logs
- Channel File Control Settings
- Configuration Assessment
- Content Update Policies
- Correlation Rules
- CSPM registration
- Custom IOA rules
- Detections
- Device Content
- Device control policies
- Event streams
- Falcon Complete Dashboards
- Falcon Container Image
- Falcon Data Replicator
- Falcon Discover
- Falcon FileVantage
- Falcon FileVantage Content
- Firewall management
- Flight Control
- Host groups
- Host Migration
- Hosts
- Identity Protection Entities
- Identity Protection GraphQL
- Identity Protection Policy Rules
- Incidents
- Indicators (Falcon Intelligence)
- Installation tokens
- Installation token settings
- IOA Exclusions
- IOC Manager APIs
- IOCs
- Kubernetes Protection
- Machine Learning exclusions
- MalQuery
- Malware Families (Falcon Intelligence)
- Message Center
- Mobile Enrollment
- Monitoring rules (Falcon Intelligence Recon)
- On demand scans (ODS)
- OverWatch Dashboard
- Prevention Policies
- Quarantined Files
- QuickScan Pro
- Real time response
- Real time response (admin)
- Reports (Falcon Intelligence)
- Response policies
- Rules (Falcon Intelligence)
- Sample uploads
- Sandbox (Falcon Intelligence)
- Scheduled Reports
- Sensor Download
- Sensor update policies
- Sensor Usage
- Sensor Visibility Exclusions
- Snapshot
- Snapshot Scanner Image Download
- Tailored Intelligence
- Threatgraph
- User management
- Vulnerabilities
- Vulnerabilities (Falcon Intelligence)
- Workflow
- Zero Trust Assessment
- Other Commands
- Examples
CrowdStrike SDKs
- FalconPy - Python 3
- goFalcon - Go
- Rusty Falcon - Rust