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305 lines (218 loc) · 15.8 KB

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305 lines (218 loc) · 15.8 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
combined_query_vulnerabilities GET /spotlight/combined/vulnerabilities/v1 Search for Vulnerabilities in your environment by providing an FQL filter and paging details. Returns a set of Vulnerability entities which match the filter criteria
get_remediations_v2 GET /spotlight/entities/remediations/v2 Get details on remediation by providing one or more IDs
get_vulnerabilities GET /spotlight/entities/vulnerabilities/v2 Get details on vulnerabilities by providing one or more IDs
query_vulnerabilities GET /spotlight/queries/vulnerabilities/v1 Search for Vulnerabilities in your environment by providing an FQL filter and paging details. Returns a set of Vulnerability IDs which match the filter criteria


combined_query_vulnerabilities(filter, opts)

Search for Vulnerabilities in your environment by providing an FQL filter and paging details. Returns a set of Vulnerability entities which match the filter criteria


require 'time'
require 'crimson-falcon'

# Setup authorization
Falcon.configure do |config|
  config.client_id = "Your_Client_ID"
  config.client_secret = "Your_Client_Secret" = "us-1" # or "us-2", "eu-1", "us-gov1"

api_instance =
filter = 'filter_example' # String | Filter items using a query in Falcon Query Language (FQL). Wildcards * and empty filter values are unsupported.    Available filter fields that supports match (~): N/A    Available filter fields that supports exact match: aid, cid, last_seen_within, status,, cve.is_cisa_kev, cve.remediation_level, cve.cps_rating, cve.exprt_rating, cve.exploit_status_to_include, cve.severity, cve.types, host_info.asset_criticality, host_info.asset_roles, host_info.internet_exposure, host_info.tags, host_info.groups, host_info.product_type_desc, host_info.platform_name, suppression_info.is_suppressed, suppression_info.reason    Available filter fields that supports wildcard (*): N/A    Available filter fields that supports range comparisons (>, <, >=, <=): created_timestamp, closed_timestamp, updated_timestamp    
opts = {
  after: 'after_example', # String | A pagination token used with the `limit` parameter to manage pagination of results. On your first request, don't provide an `after` token. On subsequent requests, provide the `after` token from the previous response to continue from that place in the results.
  limit: 56, # Integer | The number of items to return in this response (default: 100, max: 5000). Use with the after parameter to manage pagination of results.
  sort: 'sort_example', # String | Sort vulnerabilities by their properties. Common sort options include:  <ul><li>updated_timestamp|asc</li><li>closed_timestamp|asc</li></ul>
  facet: ['inner_example'] # Array<String> | Select various details blocks to be returned for each vulnerability entity. Supported values:  <ul><li>host_info</li><li>remediation</li><li>cve</li><li>evaluation_logic</li></ul>

  # Search for Vulnerabilities in your environment by providing an FQL filter and paging details. Returns a set of Vulnerability entities which match the filter criteria
  result = api_instance.combined_query_vulnerabilities(filter, opts)
  p result
rescue Falcon::ApiError => e
  puts "Error when calling SpotlightVulnerabilities->combined_query_vulnerabilities: #{e}"

Using the combined_query_vulnerabilities_with_http_info variant

This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.

<Array(, Integer, Hash)> combined_query_vulnerabilities_with_http_info(filter, opts)

  # Search for Vulnerabilities in your environment by providing an FQL filter and paging details. Returns a set of Vulnerability entities which match the filter criteria
  data, status_code, headers = api_instance.combined_query_vulnerabilities_with_http_info(filter, opts)
  p status_code # => 2xx
  p headers # => { ... }
  p data # => <DomainSPAPICombinedVulnerabilitiesResponse>
rescue Falcon::ApiError => e
  puts "Error when calling SpotlightVulnerabilities->combined_query_vulnerabilities_with_http_info: #{e}"


Name Type Description Notes
filter String Filter items using a query in Falcon Query Language (FQL). Wildcards * and empty filter values are unsupported. Available filter fields that supports match (~): N/A Available filter fields that supports exact match: aid, cid, last_seen_within, status,, cve.is_cisa_kev, cve.remediation_level, cve.cps_rating, cve.exprt_rating, cve.exploit_status_to_include, cve.severity, cve.types, host_info.asset_criticality, host_info.asset_roles, host_info.internet_exposure, host_info.tags, host_info.groups, host_info.product_type_desc, host_info.platform_name, suppression_info.is_suppressed, suppression_info.reason Available filter fields that supports wildcard (*): N/A Available filter fields that supports range comparisons (>, <, >=, <=): created_timestamp, closed_timestamp, updated_timestamp
after String A pagination token used with the `limit` parameter to manage pagination of results. On your first request, don't provide an `after` token. On subsequent requests, provide the `after` token from the previous response to continue from that place in the results. [optional]
limit Integer The number of items to return in this response (default: 100, max: 5000). Use with the after parameter to manage pagination of results. [optional]
sort String Sort vulnerabilities by their properties. Common sort options include: <ul><li>updated_timestamp asc</li><li>closed_timestamp
facet Array<String> Select various details blocks to be returned for each vulnerability entity. Supported values: <ul><li>host_info</li><li>remediation</li><li>cve</li><li>evaluation_logic</li></ul> [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json



Get details on remediation by providing one or more IDs


require 'time'
require 'crimson-falcon'

# Setup authorization
Falcon.configure do |config|
  config.client_id = "Your_Client_ID"
  config.client_secret = "Your_Client_Secret" = "us-1" # or "us-2", "eu-1", "us-gov1"

api_instance =
ids = ['inner_example'] # Array<String> | One or more remediation IDs

  # Get details on remediation by providing one or more IDs
  result = api_instance.get_remediations_v2(ids)
  p result
rescue Falcon::ApiError => e
  puts "Error when calling SpotlightVulnerabilities->get_remediations_v2: #{e}"

Using the get_remediations_v2_with_http_info variant

This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.

<Array(, Integer, Hash)> get_remediations_v2_with_http_info(ids)

  # Get details on remediation by providing one or more IDs
  data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_remediations_v2_with_http_info(ids)
  p status_code # => 2xx
  p headers # => { ... }
  p data # => <DomainSPAPIRemediationEntitiesResponseV2>
rescue Falcon::ApiError => e
  puts "Error when calling SpotlightVulnerabilities->get_remediations_v2_with_http_info: #{e}"


Name Type Description Notes
ids Array<String> One or more remediation IDs

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json



Get details on vulnerabilities by providing one or more IDs


require 'time'
require 'crimson-falcon'

# Setup authorization
Falcon.configure do |config|
  config.client_id = "Your_Client_ID"
  config.client_secret = "Your_Client_Secret" = "us-1" # or "us-2", "eu-1", "us-gov1"

api_instance =
ids = ['inner_example'] # Array<String> | One or more vulnerability IDs (max: 400). Find vulnerability IDs with GET /spotlight/queries/vulnerabilities/v1

  # Get details on vulnerabilities by providing one or more IDs
  result = api_instance.get_vulnerabilities(ids)
  p result
rescue Falcon::ApiError => e
  puts "Error when calling SpotlightVulnerabilities->get_vulnerabilities: #{e}"

Using the get_vulnerabilities_with_http_info variant

This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.

<Array(, Integer, Hash)> get_vulnerabilities_with_http_info(ids)

  # Get details on vulnerabilities by providing one or more IDs
  data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_vulnerabilities_with_http_info(ids)
  p status_code # => 2xx
  p headers # => { ... }
  p data # => <DomainSPAPIVulnerabilitiesEntitiesResponseV2>
rescue Falcon::ApiError => e
  puts "Error when calling SpotlightVulnerabilities->get_vulnerabilities_with_http_info: #{e}"


Name Type Description Notes
ids Array<String> One or more vulnerability IDs (max: 400). Find vulnerability IDs with GET /spotlight/queries/vulnerabilities/v1

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


query_vulnerabilities(filter, opts)

Search for Vulnerabilities in your environment by providing an FQL filter and paging details. Returns a set of Vulnerability IDs which match the filter criteria


require 'time'
require 'crimson-falcon'

# Setup authorization
Falcon.configure do |config|
  config.client_id = "Your_Client_ID"
  config.client_secret = "Your_Client_Secret" = "us-1" # or "us-2", "eu-1", "us-gov1"

api_instance =
filter = 'filter_example' # String | Filter items using a query in Falcon Query Language (FQL). Wildcards * and empty filter values are unsupported.    Available filter fields that supports match (~): N/A    Available filter fields that supports exact match: aid, cid, last_seen_within, status,, cve.is_cisa_kev, cve.remediation_level, cve.cps_rating, cve.exprt_rating, cve.exploit_status_to_include, cve.severity, cve.types, host_info.asset_criticality, host_info.asset_roles, host_info.internet_exposure, host_info.tags, host_info.groups, host_info.product_type_desc, host_info.platform_name, suppression_info.is_suppressed, suppression_info.reason    Available filter fields that supports wildcard (*): N/A    Available filter fields that supports range comparisons (>, <, >=, <=): created_timestamp, closed_timestamp, updated_timestamp    
opts = {
  after: 'after_example', # String | A pagination token used with the `limit` parameter to manage pagination of results. On your first request, don't provide an `after` token. On subsequent requests, provide the `after` token from the previous response to continue from that place in the results.
  limit: 56, # Integer | The number of items to return in this response (default: 100, max: 400). Use with the after parameter to manage pagination of results.
  sort: 'sort_example' # String | Sort vulnerabilities by their properties. Available sort options:  <ul><li>updated_timestamp|asc/desc</li><li>closed_timestamp|asc</li><li>updated_timestamp|asc/desc</li></ul>. Can be used in a format <field>|asc for ascending order or <field>|desc for descending order.

  # Search for Vulnerabilities in your environment by providing an FQL filter and paging details. Returns a set of Vulnerability IDs which match the filter criteria
  result = api_instance.query_vulnerabilities(filter, opts)
  p result
rescue Falcon::ApiError => e
  puts "Error when calling SpotlightVulnerabilities->query_vulnerabilities: #{e}"

Using the query_vulnerabilities_with_http_info variant

This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.

<Array(, Integer, Hash)> query_vulnerabilities_with_http_info(filter, opts)

  # Search for Vulnerabilities in your environment by providing an FQL filter and paging details. Returns a set of Vulnerability IDs which match the filter criteria
  data, status_code, headers = api_instance.query_vulnerabilities_with_http_info(filter, opts)
  p status_code # => 2xx
  p headers # => { ... }
  p data # => <DomainSPAPIQueryResponse>
rescue Falcon::ApiError => e
  puts "Error when calling SpotlightVulnerabilities->query_vulnerabilities_with_http_info: #{e}"


Name Type Description Notes
filter String Filter items using a query in Falcon Query Language (FQL). Wildcards * and empty filter values are unsupported. Available filter fields that supports match (~): N/A Available filter fields that supports exact match: aid, cid, last_seen_within, status,, cve.is_cisa_kev, cve.remediation_level, cve.cps_rating, cve.exprt_rating, cve.exploit_status_to_include, cve.severity, cve.types, host_info.asset_criticality, host_info.asset_roles, host_info.internet_exposure, host_info.tags, host_info.groups, host_info.product_type_desc, host_info.platform_name, suppression_info.is_suppressed, suppression_info.reason Available filter fields that supports wildcard (*): N/A Available filter fields that supports range comparisons (>, <, >=, <=): created_timestamp, closed_timestamp, updated_timestamp
after String A pagination token used with the `limit` parameter to manage pagination of results. On your first request, don't provide an `after` token. On subsequent requests, provide the `after` token from the previous response to continue from that place in the results. [optional]
limit Integer The number of items to return in this response (default: 100, max: 400). Use with the after parameter to manage pagination of results. [optional]
sort String Sort vulnerabilities by their properties. Available sort options: <ul><li>updated_timestamp asc/desc</li><li>closed_timestamp

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json