All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
cloud_security_assets_entities_get | GET /cloud-security-assets/entities/resources/v1 | Gets raw resources based on the provided IDs param. Maximum of 100 resources can be requested with this method. Use POST method with same path if more are required. |
cloud_security_assets_queries | GET /cloud-security-assets/queries/resources/v1 | Gets a list of resource IDs for the given parameters, filters and sort criteria |
Gets raw resources based on the provided IDs param. Maximum of 100 resources can be requested with this method. Use POST method with same path if more are required.
require 'time'
require 'crimson-falcon'
# Setup authorization
Falcon.configure do |config|
config.client_id = "Your_Client_ID"
config.client_secret = "Your_Client_Secret" = "us-1" # or "us-2", "eu-1", "us-gov1"
api_instance =
opts = {
ids: ['inner_example'] # Array<String> | List of assets to return (maximum 100 IDs allowed). Use POST method with same path if more entities are required.
# Gets raw resources based on the provided IDs param. Maximum of 100 resources can be requested with this method. Use POST method with same path if more are required.
result = api_instance.cloud_security_assets_entities_get(opts)
p result
rescue Falcon::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling CloudSecurityAssets->cloud_security_assets_entities_get: #{e}"
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> cloud_security_assets_entities_get_with_http_info(opts)
# Gets raw resources based on the provided IDs param. Maximum of 100 resources can be requested with this method. Use POST method with same path if more are required.
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.cloud_security_assets_entities_get_with_http_info(opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <AssetsGetResourcesResponse>
rescue Falcon::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling CloudSecurityAssets->cloud_security_assets_entities_get_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ids | Array<String> | List of assets to return (maximum 100 IDs allowed). Use POST method with same path if more entities are required. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Gets a list of resource IDs for the given parameters, filters and sort criteria
require 'time'
require 'crimson-falcon'
# Setup authorization
Falcon.configure do |config|
config.client_id = "Your_Client_ID"
config.client_secret = "Your_Client_Secret" = "us-1" # or "us-2", "eu-1", "us-gov1"
api_instance =
opts = {
after: 'after_example', # String | token-based pagination. use for paginating through an entire result set. Use only one of 'offset' and 'after' parameters for paginating
filter: 'filter_example', # String | FQL string to filter on asset contents. Filterable fields include: - `account_id` - `account_name` - `active` - `business_impact` - `cloud_group` - `cloud_label` - `cloud_label_id` - `cloud_provider` - `cluster_id` - `cluster_name` - `compliant.benchmark_name` - `compliant.benchmark_version` - `compliant.framework` - `compliant.policy_id` - `compliant.requirement` - `compliant.rule` - `compliant.section` - `` - `creation_time` - `cve_ids` - `data_classifications.found` - `data_classifications.label` - `data_classifications.label_id` - `data_classifications.scanned` - `data_classifications.tag` - `data_classifications.tag_id` - `environment` - `exprt_ratings` - `first_seen` - `highest_severity` - `id` - `instance_id` - `instance_state` - `ioa_count` - `iom_count` - `legacy_resource_id` - `legacy_uuid` - `managed_by` - `non_compliant.benchmark_name` - `non_compliant.benchmark_version` - `non_compliant.framework` - `non_compliant.policy_id` - `non_compliant.requirement` - `non_compliant.rule` - `non_compliant.section` - `organization_Id` - `os_version` - `platform_name` - `publicly_exposed` - `region` - `resource_id` - `resource_name` - `resource_type` - `resource_type_name` - `sensor_priority` - `service` - `severity` - `snapshot_detections` - `ssm_managed` - `status` - `tag_key` - `tag_value` - `tenant_id` - `updated_at` - `vmware.guest_os_id` - `vmware.guest_os_version` - `vmware.host_system_name` - `vmware.host_type` - `vmware.instance_uuid` - `vmware.vm_host_name` - `vmware.vm_tools_status` - `zone`
sort: 'sort_example', # String | The field to sort on. Sortable fields include: - `account_id` - `account_name` - `active` - `cloud_provider` - `cluster_id` - `cluster_name` - `creation_time` - `data_classifications.found` - `data_classifications.scanned` - `first_seen` - `id` - `instance_id` - `instance_state` - `ioa_count` - `iom_count` - `managed_by` - `organization_Id` - `os_version` - `platform_name` - `publicly_exposed` - `region` - `resource_id` - `resource_name` - `resource_type` - `resource_type_name` - `service` - `ssm_managed` - `status` - `tenant_id` - `updated_at` - `vmware.guest_os_id` - `vmware.guest_os_version` - `vmware.host_system_name` - `vmware.host_type` - `vmware.instance_uuid` - `vmware.vm_host_name` - `vmware.vm_tools_status` - `zone` Use `|asc` or `|desc` suffix to specify sort direction.
limit: 56, # Integer | The maximum number of items to return. When not specified or 0, 500 is used. When larger than 1000, 1000 is used.
offset: 56 # Integer | Offset returned assets. Use only one of 'offset' and 'after' parameter for paginating. 'offset' can only be used on offsets < 10,000. For paginating through the entire result set, use 'after' parameter
# Gets a list of resource IDs for the given parameters, filters and sort criteria
result = api_instance.cloud_security_assets_queries(opts)
p result
rescue Falcon::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling CloudSecurityAssets->cloud_security_assets_queries: #{e}"
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> cloud_security_assets_queries_with_http_info(opts)
# Gets a list of resource IDs for the given parameters, filters and sort criteria
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.cloud_security_assets_queries_with_http_info(opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <AssetsGetResourceIDsResponse>
rescue Falcon::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling CloudSecurityAssets->cloud_security_assets_queries_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
after | String | token-based pagination. use for paginating through an entire result set. Use only one of 'offset' and 'after' parameters for paginating | [optional] |
filter | String | FQL string to filter on asset contents. Filterable fields include: - `account_id` - `account_name` - `active` - `business_impact` - `cloud_group` - `cloud_label` - `cloud_label_id` - `cloud_provider` - `cluster_id` - `cluster_name` - `compliant.benchmark_name` - `compliant.benchmark_version` - `compliant.framework` - `compliant.policy_id` - `compliant.requirement` - `compliant.rule` - `compliant.section` - `` - `creation_time` - `cve_ids` - `data_classifications.found` - `data_classifications.label` - `data_classifications.label_id` - `data_classifications.scanned` - `data_classifications.tag` - `data_classifications.tag_id` - `environment` - `exprt_ratings` - `first_seen` - `highest_severity` - `id` - `instance_id` - `instance_state` - `ioa_count` - `iom_count` - `legacy_resource_id` - `legacy_uuid` - `managed_by` - `non_compliant.benchmark_name` - `non_compliant.benchmark_version` - `non_compliant.framework` - `non_compliant.policy_id` - `non_compliant.requirement` - `non_compliant.rule` - `non_compliant.section` - `organization_Id` - `os_version` - `platform_name` - `publicly_exposed` - `region` - `resource_id` - `resource_name` - `resource_type` - `resource_type_name` - `sensor_priority` - `service` - `severity` - `snapshot_detections` - `ssm_managed` - `status` - `tag_key` - `tag_value` - `tenant_id` - `updated_at` - `vmware.guest_os_id` - `vmware.guest_os_version` - `vmware.host_system_name` - `vmware.host_type` - `vmware.instance_uuid` - `vmware.vm_host_name` - `vmware.vm_tools_status` - `zone` | [optional] |
sort | String | The field to sort on. Sortable fields include: - `account_id` - `account_name` - `active` - `cloud_provider` - `cluster_id` - `cluster_name` - `creation_time` - `data_classifications.found` - `data_classifications.scanned` - `first_seen` - `id` - `instance_id` - `instance_state` - `ioa_count` - `iom_count` - `managed_by` - `organization_Id` - `os_version` - `platform_name` - `publicly_exposed` - `region` - `resource_id` - `resource_name` - `resource_type` - `resource_type_name` - `service` - `ssm_managed` - `status` - `tenant_id` - `updated_at` - `vmware.guest_os_id` - `vmware.guest_os_version` - `vmware.host_system_name` - `vmware.host_type` - `vmware.instance_uuid` - `vmware.vm_host_name` - `vmware.vm_tools_status` - `zone` Use ` | asc` or ` |
limit | Integer | The maximum number of items to return. When not specified or 0, 500 is used. When larger than 1000, 1000 is used. | [optional][default to 500] |
offset | Integer | Offset returned assets. Use only one of 'offset' and 'after' parameter for paginating. 'offset' can only be used on offsets < 10,000. For paginating through the entire result set, use 'after' parameter | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json