Team ID: CRED-T10 | Team Members: Prateek Divyanshu & Prabhu Sharan Singh
- React Credit Cards for Credit Cards UI
- React Final Form and Final-Form for Forms
- UUID for unique ids of alerts
- Styled Components for styling of credit cards components
- Axios for making requests to the backend API
- D3 for graphs and pie charts
- Express Minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework
- Mongo-db for Database
- Mongoose ODM
- BcryptJs for encryption of passwords
- JsonWebToken for tokens
- Express-Validator for backend validations
- Luhn for Luhn Validation of Credit Cards
- Swagger-UI-express and yamljs for Swagger Api docs
Swagger Api Docs on http://localhost:8081/api/swagger-ui/
Server Starts on http://localhost:8081/
cd backend
npm install
npm run server
App starts on http://localhost:3000/
cd frontend
yarn start