I worked in multiple projects that were written in NodeJS and used multiple databases and softwares at the same time. And everytime I start a new project, I need to write the configuration with the database code first (MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Redis...) and make sure it's connected succesfully then move on to what I want to do.
The problem is every client has it's own way to configure, and check if you're connected succesfully. So I made this project to wrap the clients in an easy to use package
This interface is to be respected while wrapping a database/software client
class DriverInterface {
// methods
// configureWithName is to support multiple configuration of the same client
static configureWithName(name, ...clientOptions) // return Promise<client,error>
// this just an alias that calls this.configureWithName('default', ...clientOptions)
static configure(...clientOptions) // return Promise<client,error>
// get client by name
static getClient(name) // returns client
// properties
static get client() // an alias to this.getClient('default')
static get clients() // returns all clients Map<string,client>