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Module : DGE with SCDE
This module calculates for each gene the probability of differential expression.
Internal name : scde
Avalaible : local mode
Input Ports :
- matrix : filtered count matrix (tsv)
- cells : filtered cells metadata (tsv)
- genes : genes metadata (tsv)
Output Ports :
- dgeoutput : differential expression result (tsv)
Optional parameters :
- Main Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Default Value |
n.cores | int | Number of cores to use | 1 |
model.group.col | string | Name of the column from the design file if cells must be grouped for model fitting (NULL if no grouping is necessary) | NULL |
prior.length | int | Number of points for prior calculation | 400 |
batch.col | string | Name of the column indicating batches, if batch correction is required (else NULL) | NULL |
n.randomizations | int | Number of randomization for testing | 150 |
- Parameters for model fitting
Parameter | Type | Description | Default Value |
min.observation | int | Minimal number of observations for a gene to be used for model fitting | 3 |
min.genes | int | Minimum number of genes for model fitting | 2000 |
threshold.segmentation | boolean | Use or not threshold segmentation to accelerate failure estimation | TRUE |
failure.threshold | int | Number of reads indicating a gene failed amplification | 4 |
max.pairs | int | Maximum number of comparisons that should be performed per group for estimation of dropout rate | 5000 |
min.pairs | int | Minimum number of comparisons that should be performed per group for estimation of dropout rate | 10 |
poisson.param | float | Parameter of the Poisson distribution used to model failures | 0.1 |
linear.fit | boolean | Whether to use linear fit for model fitting (highly recommended) | TRUE |
min.theta | float | Minimum for the dispersion parameter of the negative binomial | 0.01 |
max.theta | float | Maximum for the dispersion parameter of the negative binomial | 100 |
- Parameters for prior calculation
Parameter | Type | Description | Default Value |
save.prior.plot | boolean | Whether to save or not prior plot | TRUE |
pseudocount | int | Pseudocount to add to observation before log transforming them | 1 |
quantile | float | Quantile used to set maximum expression value | 0,999 |
max.value | float | Alternative to quantile, maximum expression value | NULL |
- Parameters for test
Parameter | Type | Description | Default Value |
return.posteriors | boolean | Whether to return or not the posteriors | TRUE |
- Configuration example
<step id="DGE" skip="false">
SCDE uses a mixture model : one distribution is for amplification failures (ie, dropouts), the other is for successful amplification (ie, "real" gene expression).
The first step of the algorithm is to fit the model. Briefly, this steps estimates failure by comparing gene expression between cells, and then uses success to fit a negative binomial (thus setting mean and dispersion parameters).
Secondly a prior distribution on mean expression is calculated, using all genes and all cells.
The last step consists in a Bayesian test on the log-fold change in expression values. Its results are gathered in the output file containing :
- lb: lower bound of the 95% HDI or highest density interval (analogous to 95% CI or confidence interval)
- mle: maximum likelihood estimate of the fold change
- ub: upper bound of the 95% HDI (analogous to 95% CI)
- ce: the bound closer to 0
- Z: quantile in a norm Gaussian distribution associated with the probability of the ratio being 0
- cZ: same as Z after correction by Benjamini-Hochberg procedure
- cProbability: probability associated to cZ
In order to evaluate the goodness of fit of the model, the module produces several plots for each cell :
Plots from left to right :
- scatter plot of observed count as a function of expected count
- same plot with correlation and failures according to the model and 95% CI as a dashed line
- probability of failure as a function of expected count
- fit of the dispersion as a function of count
The easiest way to find a badly fitted model is without a doubt to use the probability of failure plot :
One of the model's hypothesis is that failure is more likely to occur with few transcripts. So we expect to see high probabilities on the left of the plot, and low probabilities on the right. The left plot shows this kind of distribution, but the right one is nearly uniform indicating a problem with model fitting.
This module requires a v2 design file. The design file must contain experiments with the columns attribute, indicating required columns for grouping the cells, and a comparisons attribute, listing and naming the required comparisons.
The module can handle model attributes as for DESeq2, however it will not build a GLM, therefore it will uniquely test factors separately or an interaction of factors.
ProjectDescription=Example of design file for single cell DGE analysis
Owner=Geoffray Brelurut
SampleId SampleName Reads Condition Reference Exp.1.RepTechGroup Exp.2.type Exp.2.day Exp.2.RepTechGroup Exp.3.Condition Exp.3.RepTechGroup
s1a Sample1a sample1a.fastq WT-day1 1 WT-day1 WT day1 WT-day1 WT WT-day1
s1b Sample1b sample1a.fastq WT-day1 0 WT-day1 WT day1 WT-day1 WT WT-day1
s2a Sample2a sample2a.fastq WT-day2 2 WT-day2 WT day2 WT-day2 WT WT-day2
s2b Sample2b sample2b.fastq WT-day2 0 WT-day2 WT day2 WT-day2 WT WT-day2
s3a Sample3a sample3a.fastq KO-day1 3 KO-day1 KO day1 KO-day1 KO KO-day1
s3b Sample3b sample3b.fastq KO-day1 0 KO-day1 KO day1 KO-day1 KO KO-day1
s4a Sample4a sample4a.fastq KO-day2 0 KO-day2 KO day2 KO-day2 KO KO-day2
s4b Sample4b sample4b.fastq KO-day2 0 KO-day2 KO day2 KO-day2 KO KO-day2