This is the Complete Blender Creator course - one of the bestselling and highest rated Blender courses on Udemy! Continually updated in response to student suggestions, you will benefit from the fact we have already taught over 360,336 students game development and design, many shipping commercial games as a result.
You're welcome to download, fork or do whatever else legal with all the files! The real value is in our huge, high-quality online tutorials that accompany this repo. You can check out the course here: Complete Blender Creator
In this video...
- Understand above box modelling.
- Use this fundamental skill to make unique meshes.
- Understand about basic geometry manipulation. After watching... You will be set up and ready for the rest of the section.
Michael runs through the basics of a 3D World. After watching... You will understand the basics of a 3D World.
In this video...
- Switch between edit mode and object mode.
- Edit the positions of vertices edges and faces.
- Understand that editing in edit mode is different from transforming in object mode. After watching... You will be able to edit the mesh data of a mesh object.
In this video...
- Delete a vertex edge or face.
- Create a new face or edge by filling.
- Learn about dissolving. After watching... You will be able to do basic edits to your mesh data.
In this video...
- Learn how to avoid duplicate vertices.
- Learn when they are necessary.
- Removing doubles. After watching... You will know how to remove unnecessary geometry and understand why this is bad.
In this video...
- What extruding is.
- Planning your model.
- How it applies to Faces, Edges and Vertices. After watching... You will be able to start expanding mesh data based on existing mesh data.
In this video...
- We’ll take a closer look at pivot points.
- How to change them.
- Things to watch out for. After watching... You will be able to adjust the pivot point and use it to position objects and edit geometry.
In this video...
- Add multiple material slots.
- Assign more than one material to an object in edit mode.
- Understand that you will lose any unassigned materials open reopening the file. After watching... You will be able to assign multiple materials to one object.
Michael gives you a midsection challenge to test your knowledge so far.
In this video...
- "Normal" means 90-degrees.
- Normals are vectors at 90-degrees to the faces.
- Think of them like hairs.
- Hairs should grow outwards! After watching... You will understand what normals are and be able to prevent them from causing you problems later on!
In this video...
- Learn about Normals.
- Why they are important.
- How to fix them if they have gone wrong. After watching... You will understand what normals are and be able to prevent them from causing you problems later on!
In this video...
- Learn how to use the inset tool.
- See the impact of using different pivot points. After watching... You will be able to use the inset tool.
In this video...
- What edge loops are.
- How to select an edge loop.
- Show the power of the loop cut.
- How to control the slide function. After watching... You will be able to add loop cuts to your model for fine model control.
In this video...
- Moving twice will active slide.
- Slide constrains the movement.
- Works on vertices edges and faces. After watching... You will slide Vertices Edges and Faces altering your model's geometry.
In this video...
- Identify mistakes before they become issues.
- OK for rapid prototyping.
- Potentially fine for finished work as well. After watching... You will have a taste of topology arguments and have a deeper understanding of what is acceptable and when.
In this video...
- Refresher of what we have done so far.
- Learn about different selection tools.
- Learn about expanding the selection. After watching... You will be competent in selecting in many different ways, expanding your choice and options when modelling.
In this video...
- Learn another way to constrain movement.
- Using the Snapping Tool in edit mode
- How to snap objects into place.
- Control whether or not you merge vertices during the moving process After watching... You will be able to use the snapping tool whilst editing a mesh object in Blender
Michael discusses the many many ways things can be done in Blender.
In this video...
- Repeating objects using the Array modifier.
- Modifiers are great because they are non destructive unless you apply them.
- How to separate your geometry. After watching... You will be able to use the arry modifier to repeat your mesh objects.
In this video...
- Joining mesh objects together.
- Everything joins to the active selected mesh object.
- Objects will lose their modifiers and inherit the active selected mesh objects.
After watching... You will understand why you may want to join objects together into one mesh object.
It's time to put everything you have learn so far into this end of section challenge. Make use of lighting, and modelling and finish off your Mayan pyramid.
We now have a lot of basic modelling tools to hand. It’s time to re-enforce our modelling knowledge.