Serrapilheira/ICTP-SAIFR Training Program in Quantitative Biology and Ecology
Author: Amanda Costa Ayres Salmeron
Date: 18/08/2022
Data already published in:
The scripts, report, raw and processed data, and the outputs can be find in:
Analyze the functionality of immune cells by measuring serum concentrations of IFN-g cytokines, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6 and TNF-a.
The first step after importing the data was the exploratory analysis. The following analyzes were performed in relation to the control group and the microcephaly group, evaluating each cytokine separately.
- Amplitude analysis by function range;
- Assessment of the number of appropriate categories by the function nclass.Sturges;
- Creating a table with categories by function table;
- Calculation of the mean, deviation, error and median by the function describe; 5. Verification of data normality by group by the function byf.shapiro;
- Verification of the homogeneity of variances by the function leveneTest;
- Checking for the presence of outliers by the function identify_outliers and by plotting using boxplots for each cytokine;
- The ANOVA test was then performed for each citokyne using the function aov;
- Post hoc analyzes were done using the following function PostHocTest by three different methods: duncan, TukeyHSD and Bonferroni;
- The Mann-Whitney test was performed by the function wilcox.test;
- The data distribution of each cytokine in each group was visualized by the function hist;
- Mean values were ploted with confidence interval and standard deviation per cytokine using the function ggplot;
- The final graphs for each cytokine were plotted using the function ggplot, the two groups were plotted with statistical analysis, the mean and individuals values for each subject.