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Season Posters

Collin Heist edited this page May 25, 2024 · 12 revisions


In addition to title cards, the Maker can also automatically create season posters. This behavior can be customized by adding info to a specified series (or template) in a series YAML file.

The Maker looks for all files named like season{number}.jpg within the source directory - i.e. files like season0.jpg, season1.jpg, and season2.jpg. Any files present will have season posters made (unless posters are disabled). In addition to using these season files, the series' logo file (logo.png) is also used by default, but a per-season logo can be utilized if named like logo_season1.png in the source directory.


Season posters can also be created manually with the mini maker.


Example Season Posters

Examples of different variations of season posters are shown below:

top heavy season poster

Example YAML

The following example showcases all possible options for customizing season poster creation:

  Mr. Robot (2015):
      create: true
      text_placement: bottom
      logo_placement: bottom
      omit_gradient: true
      omit_logo: false
        0: Specials
        1: season_1.0
        2: season_2.0
        file: ./fonts/Mr. Robot.ttf
        color: red
        kerning: 105%
        size: 95%


Below is a table of all the current options/attributes for controlling whether/how season posters are created - all options are per-series:

Name YAML Attribute Allowed Values Default Value Required
Creation create Boolean (true or false) true
Text Placement text_placement top or bottom bottom
Logo Placement logo_placement top or bottom bottom
Omit Gradient omit_gradient Boolean (true or false) false
Omit Logo omit_logo Boolean (true or false) false
Season Titles titles A mapping of season numbers to titles Any customized season titles, then generic ones
Font File font, file A font file Default season poster font
Font Color font, color A valid ImageMagick color #CFCFCF
Font Kerning font, kerning Any number, formatted as value% 100%
Font Size font, size Any positive number, formatted as value% 100%


Whether to create season posters or not. Defaults to true.

Technically, you can disable season poster creation this way, but realistically just wouldn't put any season images in this series' source folder.

Text Placement

Where the text should be placed. Can be top, or bottom. The default is bottom placement. Examples of both are shown below.

text_placement Value top bottom

Logo Placement

Where the logo should be placed. Can be top, middle, or bottom. The default is bottom. placement. An example of each is shown below.

logo_placement Value top middle bottom

Omit Gradient

By default, the Maker adds a gradient overlay to all created season posters - this is done to improve readability of the standard white font. However, this is not always desirable, and the gradient overlay can be disabled by setting this option to true.

Omit Logos

Whether to omit logos from season folders. This is disabled by default (and logos are added), but logos can be disabled by setting this to true.

Season Titles

The titles to use for season posters. The first values used are any custom season titles, followed by the "generic" titles of season 0 being Specials, 1 is Season One, etc.

All unspecified titles are converted to their "text" equivalent - i.e. One instead of 1.

Font Specification

The font of the season titles can customized with the following options.

Font File

Font file to use. If unspecified, the default font file for the season poster is used.

Font Color

Custom font color. Must be a valid ImageMagick color.

Font Kerning

How much to scale the kerning (see example of kerning below) for letters of title text. A value greater than 100% will decrease the spacing between letters, while a value less than 100% will increase it. If the font you're specifying has very wonky spacing (or you just want to have some fun), a negative value can be specified to further adjust the kerning.

Below is a visual example of kerning:

Font Size

How to scale the font size. Must be given as a percentage, with no change (the default value) being 100%.

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