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Collin Heist edited this page Jan 15, 2023 · 5 revisions


This style of title card is based off Reddit user /u/Phendrena's style of cards for Willow (2023). These cards feature a solid color overlay with the episode text (spelled out, e.g. ONE, TWO) cutout to reveal the episode backdrop.

This card type is used whenever card_type is specified as cutout, or phendrena.




Valid extras

Below is a table of all valid series extras parsed by this card. These are described in greater detail below.

Label Default Value Description
overlay_color black Color to use for the overlay which the episode text it cutout of
blur_edges false Whether to blur the edges of the episode text for a softer cutout (see example)


Changing the Overlay Color

By default, the episode text it cut out from a solid black overlay. This can be modified via the series extras overlay_color.

Breaking Bad (2008):
  card_type: cutout
    overlay_color: DarkSlateGray

The above YAML will produce cards that look like the following:

Cutout Edge Blurring

The edges of the episode text (that cut out of the overlay) can be blurred to give a softer cutout. This is done via the series extras blur_edges.

Breaking Bad (2008):
  card_type: cutout
    blur_edges: true

The above YAML will produce cards with blurred edges - a side-by-side comparison with and without blurring is shown below:

Title Characteristics

Maximum Line Width

This card begins splitting titles at 34 characters. This was selected using the default font, and leaves a small side margin.

Maximum Line Count

This card will split titles into at most 3 lines (unless manually specified). With the standard font this fills up the bottom portion of the solid color foreground below the cutout episode text.

Title Style

This card will split titles bottom heavy, meaning titles will be split such that they're longer at the bottom than the top. For example:

The One Where
Rachel's Sister Babysits

Default Font


The default font used for titles is Montserrat (Bold), seen below:


The default font case is upper.


The default font color is white (but this is unused).


The default font does not use any font replacements.

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