, 只能废弃了。
Bridge betweeen iOS and JavaScript.
Bridge JavaScript and Objective-C using the JavaScriptCore
Classes description:
: A context for global setting.MXWebviewBridge
: The bridge connected Objective-C and JavaScript. UIWebview will hold aMXWebviewBridge
instance within the lifecycle.MXWebviewPlugin
: Objective-C plugin which provide functions for JavaScript. A plugin has some functions.js
will specify the plugin and function to call Native.MXNativeInvocation
: Storing Information for one call from JavaScript to Objective-C.MXNativeMethod
: Storing Native method info.MXWebviewPluginConfig
: Store Native plugin info.
Add MXBridge
to your project by Cocoapods
pod 'MXBridge'
To use MXBridge
, you can use MXWebView
. Or you can use MXWebViewBridgeWrapper
_bridge = [MXWebViewBridgeWrapper wrapperWithWebView:webview];
_bridge.webviewDelegate = self;
Create a plugin for JavaScript:
@interface TestPlugin : MXWebviewPlugin
@implementation TestPlugin
MX_EXTERN_METHOD(hello, helloworld)
- (NSDictionary *)helloworld {
return @{@"data":@"Hello world , hello MXBridge!"};
MX_EXTERN_METHOD(loadPicture, loadPicture:)
- (void)loadPicture:(MXCallNativeInvocation *)invocation {
NSString *url = invocation.arguments[@"url"];
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url]];
[[[NSURLSession sharedSession] dataTaskWithRequest:request completionHandler:^(NSData * _Nullable data, NSURLResponse * _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (error) {
[self callBackSuccess:NO withString:nil toInvocation:invocation];
}else {
NSString *str = [data base64EncodedStringWithOptions:NSDataBase64Encoding64CharacterLineLength];
[self callBackSuccess:YES withString:str toInvocation:invocation];
}] resume];
to export functions of plugins. First argument is the function name in js
. The second argument is the selector of the exported function.
Register plugin before using :
[[MXWebviewContext shareContext] registerPlugin:[TestPlugin class] name:@"test"];
Then,you can call the plugin in your JavaScript Code :
function clickSync() {
var retString = mxbridge.execSync("test","hello");
if (retString.data) {
function clickAysn() {
mxbridge.execSafely("test","loadPicture",{"url":"http://resource.luoxianming.cn/steam.gif"},function successDownload(data){
document.getElementById("showImg").src = "data:image/png;base64," + data ;
The JSContext inits every time after the finish of website loading in the UIWebview.So the MXBridge
is unavailable before the loading finished. MXBridge post a notification bridgeReady
after the initializtion.You should call the Objective-C plugins after the bridgeReady
notification recieved.
More documents in the plan.
These specifications and CocoaPods are available under the MIT license.