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Merge pull request #351 from zhangsp8/master
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Add soil texture data.
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CoLM-SYSU authored Jan 3, 2025
2 parents aea0ff7 + 00de1f3 commit d50419b
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Showing 12 changed files with 335 additions and 64 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ OBJS_MKSRFDATA = \
Aggregation_Topography.o \
Aggregation_TopographyFactors.o \
Aggregation_Urban.o \
Aggregation_SoilTexture.o \
MOD_MeshFilter.o \
MOD_RegionClip.o \
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,6 +144,7 @@ OBJS_BASIC = \
MOD_DBedrockReadin.o \
MOD_SoilColorRefl.o \
MOD_SoilParametersReadin.o \
MOD_SoilTextureReadin.o \
MOD_HtopReadin.o \
MOD_UrbanReadin.o \
MOD_BGC_CNSummary.o \
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93 changes: 50 additions & 43 deletions main/HYDRO/MOD_Catch_SubsurfaceFlow.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,13 +20,20 @@ MODULE MOD_Catch_SubsurfaceFlow

real(r8), parameter :: e_ice = 6.0 ! soil ice impedance factor
real(r8), parameter :: raniso = 1. ! anisotropy ratio, unitless

! anisotropy ratio of lateral/vertical hydraulic conductivity (unitless)
! for USDA soil texture class:
! 0: undefined
! 1: clay; 2: silty clay; 3: sandy clay; 4: clay loam; 5: silty clay loam; 6: sandy clay loam; &
! 7: loam; 8: silty loam; 9: sandy loam; 10: silt; 11: loamy sand; 12: sand
real(r8), parameter :: raniso(0:12) = (/ 1., &
48., 40., 28., 24., 20., 14., 12., 10., 4., 2., 3., 2. /)

! -- neighbour variables --
type(pointer_real8_1d), allocatable :: agwt_nb (:) ! ground water area (for patchtype <= 2) of neighbours [m^2]
type(pointer_real8_1d), allocatable :: theta_a_nb (:) ! saturated volume content [-]
type(pointer_real8_1d), allocatable :: zwt_nb (:) ! water table depth [m]
type(pointer_real8_1d), allocatable :: Ks_nb (:) ! saturated hydraulic conductivity [m/s]
type(pointer_real8_1d), allocatable :: Kl_nb (:) ! lateral hydraulic conductivity [m/s]
type(pointer_real8_1d), allocatable :: wdsrf_nb (:) ! depth of surface water [m]
type(pointer_logic_1d), allocatable :: islake_nb (:) ! whether a neighbour is water body

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,7 +66,7 @@ SUBROUTINE basin_neighbour_init ()
CALL allocate_neighbour_data (agwt_nb )
CALL allocate_neighbour_data (theta_a_nb)
CALL allocate_neighbour_data (zwt_nb )
CALL allocate_neighbour_data (Ks_nb )
CALL allocate_neighbour_data (Kl_nb )
CALL allocate_neighbour_data (wdsrf_nb )
CALL allocate_neighbour_data (islake_nb )

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,25 +134,25 @@ SUBROUTINE subsurface_flow (deltime)

real(r8), allocatable :: theta_a_h (:)
real(r8), allocatable :: zwt_h (:)
real(r8), allocatable :: Ks_h (:) ! [m/s]
real(r8), allocatable :: Kl_h (:) ! [m/s]
real(r8), allocatable :: xsubs_h (:) ! [m/s]
real(r8), allocatable :: xsubs_fc (:) ! [m/s]

logical :: j_is_river
real(r8) :: theta_s_h, air_h, icefrac, imped, delp
real(r8) :: sumwt, sumarea, zwt_mean
real(r8) :: zsubs_h_up, zsubs_h_dn
real(r8) :: slope, bdamp, Ks_fc, Ks_in
real(r8) :: slope, bdamp, Kl_fc, Kl_in
real(r8) :: ca, cb
real(r8) :: alp

real(r8), allocatable :: theta_a_bsn (:)
real(r8), allocatable :: zwt_bsn (:)
real(r8), allocatable :: Ks_bsn (:) ! [m/s]
real(r8), allocatable :: Kl_bsn (:) ! [m/s]

integer :: jnb
real(r8) :: zsubs_up, zwt_up, Ks_up, theta_a_up, area_up
real(r8) :: zsubs_dn, zwt_dn, Ks_dn, theta_a_dn, area_dn
real(r8) :: zsubs_up, zwt_up, Kl_up, theta_a_up, area_up
real(r8) :: zsubs_dn, zwt_dn, Kl_dn, theta_a_dn, area_dn
real(r8) :: lenbdr, xsubs_nb
logical :: iam_lake, nb_is_lake, has_river

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,7 +192,7 @@ SUBROUTINE subsurface_flow (deltime)
IF (numbasin > 0) THEN
allocate (theta_a_bsn (numbasin)); theta_a_bsn = 0.
allocate (zwt_bsn (numbasin)); zwt_bsn = 0.
allocate (Ks_bsn (numbasin)); Ks_bsn = 0.
allocate (Kl_bsn (numbasin)); Kl_bsn = 0.

DO ibasin = 1, numbasin
Expand All @@ -199,7 +206,7 @@ SUBROUTINE subsurface_flow (deltime)

allocate (theta_a_h (nhru)); theta_a_h = 0.
allocate (zwt_h (nhru)); zwt_h = 0.
allocate (Ks_h (nhru)); Ks_h = 0.
allocate (Kl_h (nhru)); Kl_h = 0.

DO i = 1, nhru

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,23 +260,23 @@ SUBROUTINE subsurface_flow (deltime)

Ks_h(i) = 0.
Kl_h(i) = 0.
sumwt = 0.
DO ipatch = ps, pe
IF (patchtype(ipatch) <= 2) THEN
DO ilev = 1, nl_soil
icefrac = min(1., wice_soisno(ilev,ipatch)/denice/dz_soi(ilev)/porsl(ilev,ipatch))
imped = 10.**(-e_ice*icefrac)
Ks_h(i) = Ks_h(i) + hru_patch%subfrc(ipatch) &
Kl_h(i) = Kl_h(i) + hru_patch%subfrc(ipatch) * raniso(soiltext(ipatch)) &
* hksati(ilev,ipatch)/1.0e3 * imped * dz_soi(ilev)/zi_soi(nl_soil)
sumwt = sumwt + hru_patch%subfrc(ipatch)
IF (sumwt > 0) Ks_h(i) = Ks_h(i) / sumwt
IF (sumwt > 0) Kl_h(i) = Kl_h(i) / sumwt
! Frozen soil.
Ks_h(i) = 0.
Kl_h(i) = 0.

Expand All @@ -285,11 +292,11 @@ SUBROUTINE subsurface_flow (deltime)
j = hrus%inext(i)

IF (j <= 0) CYCLE ! downstream is out of catchment
IF (Ks_h(i) == 0.) CYCLE ! this HRU is frozen
IF (Kl_h(i) == 0.) CYCLE ! this HRU is frozen

j_is_river = (hrus%indx(j) == 0)

IF ((.not. j_is_river) .and. (Ks_h(j) == 0.)) CYCLE ! non-river downstream HRU is frozen
IF ((.not. j_is_river) .and. (Kl_h(j) == 0.)) CYCLE ! non-river downstream HRU is frozen

zsubs_h_up = hrus%elva(i) - zwt_h(i)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -317,27 +324,27 @@ SUBROUTINE subsurface_flow (deltime)
IF ((zsubs_h_up > zsubs_h_dn) .or. j_is_river) THEN
IF (zwt_h(i) > 1.5) THEN
! from Fan et al., JGR 112(D10125)
Ks_fc = raniso * Ks_h(i) * bdamp * exp(-(zwt_h(i)-1.5)/bdamp)
Kl_fc = Kl_h(i) * bdamp * exp(-(zwt_h(i)-1.5)/bdamp)
Ks_fc = raniso * Ks_h(i) * ((1.5-zwt_h(i)) + bdamp)
Kl_fc = Kl_h(i) * ((1.5-zwt_h(i)) + bdamp)
IF (zwt_h(j) > 1.5) THEN
Ks_fc = raniso * Ks_h(j) * bdamp * exp(-(zwt_h(j)-1.5)/bdamp)
Kl_fc = Kl_h(j) * bdamp * exp(-(zwt_h(j)-1.5)/bdamp)
Ks_fc = raniso * Ks_h(j) * ((1.5-zwt_h(j)) + bdamp)
Kl_fc = Kl_h(j) * ((1.5-zwt_h(j)) + bdamp)

ca = hrus%flen(i) * Ks_fc / theta_a_h(i) / delp / hrus%agwt(i) * deltime
ca = hrus%flen(i) * Kl_fc / theta_a_h(i) / delp / hrus%agwt(i) * deltime

IF (.not. j_is_river) THEN
cb = hrus%flen(i) * Ks_fc / theta_a_h(j) / delp / hrus%agwt(j) * deltime
cb = hrus%flen(i) * Kl_fc / theta_a_h(j) / delp / hrus%agwt(j) * deltime
cb = hrus%flen(i) * Ks_fc / delp / hrus%area(j) * deltime
cb = hrus%flen(i) * Kl_fc / delp / hrus%area(j) * deltime

xsubs_fc(i) = (zsubs_h_up - zsubs_h_dn) * hrus%flen(i) * Ks_fc / (1+ca+cb) / delp
xsubs_fc(i) = (zsubs_h_up - zsubs_h_dn) * hrus%flen(i) * Kl_fc / (1+ca+cb) / delp

xsubs_h(i) = xsubs_h(i) + xsubs_fc(i) / hrus%agwt(i)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -390,9 +397,9 @@ SUBROUTINE subsurface_flow (deltime)

IF (zwt_h(i) > 1.5) THEN
! from Fan et al., JGR 112(D10125)
Ks_in = raniso * Ks_h(i) * bdamp * exp(-(zwt_h(i)-1.5)/bdamp)
Kl_in = Kl_h(i) * bdamp * exp(-(zwt_h(i)-1.5)/bdamp)
Ks_in = raniso * Ks_h(i) * ((1.5-zwt_h(i)) + bdamp)
Kl_in = Kl_h(i) * ((1.5-zwt_h(i)) + bdamp)

ps = hru_patch%substt(hrus%ihru(i))
Expand All @@ -403,7 +410,7 @@ SUBROUTINE subsurface_flow (deltime)

DO ipatch = ps, pe
IF (patchtype(ipatch) <= 2) THEN
xsubs_pch(ipatch) = - Ks_in * (zwt(ipatch) - zwt_mean) *6.0*pi/hrus%agwt(i)
xsubs_pch(ipatch) = - Kl_in * (zwt(ipatch) - zwt_mean) *6.0*pi/hrus%agwt(i)
! Update total subsurface lateral flow (2): Between patches
xwsub(ipatch) = xwsub(ipatch) + xsubs_pch(ipatch) * 1.e3 ! m/s to mm/s
Expand All @@ -416,20 +423,20 @@ SUBROUTINE subsurface_flow (deltime)
IF (sumarea > 0) THEN
theta_a_bsn (ibasin) = sum(theta_a_h * hrus%agwt) / sumarea
zwt_bsn (ibasin) = sum(zwt_h * hrus%agwt) / sumarea
Ks_bsn (ibasin) = sum(Ks_h * hrus%agwt) / sumarea
Kl_bsn (ibasin) = sum(Kl_h * hrus%agwt) / sumarea

deallocate (theta_a_h)
deallocate (zwt_h )
deallocate (Ks_h )
deallocate (Kl_h )
deallocate (xsubs_h )
deallocate (xsubs_fc )


CALL retrieve_neighbour_data (theta_a_bsn, theta_a_nb)
CALL retrieve_neighbour_data (zwt_bsn , zwt_nb )
CALL retrieve_neighbour_data (Ks_bsn , Ks_nb )
CALL retrieve_neighbour_data (Kl_bsn , Kl_nb )
CALL retrieve_neighbour_data (wdsrf_bsn , wdsrf_nb )

DO ibasin = 1, numbasin
Expand All @@ -449,7 +456,7 @@ SUBROUTINE subsurface_flow (deltime)

IF (.not. iam_lake) THEN
Ks_up = Ks_bsn (ibasin)
Kl_up = Kl_bsn (ibasin)
zwt_up = zwt_bsn (ibasin)
theta_a_up = theta_a_bsn(ibasin)
zsubs_up = elementneighbour(ibasin)%myelva - zwt_up
Expand All @@ -461,7 +468,7 @@ SUBROUTINE subsurface_flow (deltime)

IF (.not. nb_is_lake) THEN
Ks_dn = Ks_nb(ibasin)%val(jnb)
Kl_dn = Kl_nb(ibasin)%val(jnb)
zwt_dn = zwt_nb(ibasin)%val(jnb)
theta_a_dn = theta_a_nb(ibasin)%val(jnb)
zsubs_dn = elementneighbour(ibasin)%elva(jnb) - zwt_dn
Expand All @@ -474,8 +481,8 @@ SUBROUTINE subsurface_flow (deltime)

IF ((.not. iam_lake) .and. (area_up <= 0)) CYCLE
IF ((.not. nb_is_lake) .and. (area_dn <= 0)) CYCLE
IF ((.not. iam_lake) .and. (Ks_up == 0.) ) CYCLE
IF ((.not. nb_is_lake) .and. (Ks_dn == 0.) ) CYCLE
IF ((.not. iam_lake) .and. (Kl_up == 0. )) CYCLE
IF ((.not. nb_is_lake) .and. (Kl_dn == 0. )) CYCLE

! water body is dry.
IF (iam_lake .and. (zsubs_up > zsubs_dn) .and. (wdsrf_bsn(ibasin) == 0.)) THEN
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -507,22 +514,22 @@ SUBROUTINE subsurface_flow (deltime)
IF (nb_is_lake .or. ((.not. iam_lake) .and. (zsubs_up > zsubs_dn))) THEN
IF (zwt_up > 1.5) THEN
! from Fan et al., JGR 112(D10125)
Ks_fc = raniso * Ks_up * bdamp * exp(-(zwt_up-1.5)/bdamp)
Kl_fc = Kl_up * bdamp * exp(-(zwt_up-1.5)/bdamp)
Ks_fc = raniso * Ks_up * ((1.5-zwt_up) + bdamp)
Kl_fc = Kl_up * ((1.5-zwt_up) + bdamp)
IF (zwt_dn > 1.5) THEN
Ks_fc = raniso * Ks_dn * bdamp * exp(-(zwt_dn-1.5)/bdamp)
Kl_fc = Kl_dn * bdamp * exp(-(zwt_dn-1.5)/bdamp)
Ks_fc = raniso * Ks_dn * ((1.5-zwt_dn) + bdamp)
Kl_fc = Kl_dn * ((1.5-zwt_dn) + bdamp)

ca = lenbdr * Ks_fc / theta_a_up / delp / area_up * deltime
cb = lenbdr * Ks_fc / theta_a_dn / delp / area_dn * deltime
ca = lenbdr * Kl_fc / theta_a_up / delp / area_up * deltime
cb = lenbdr * Kl_fc / theta_a_dn / delp / area_dn * deltime

xsubs_nb = (zsubs_up - zsubs_dn) * lenbdr * Ks_fc / (1+ca+cb) / delp
xsubs_nb = (zsubs_up - zsubs_dn) * lenbdr * Kl_fc / (1+ca+cb) / delp

IF (.not. iam_lake) THEN
xsubs_nb = xsubs_nb / sum(hrus%agwt)
Expand All @@ -547,7 +554,7 @@ SUBROUTINE subsurface_flow (deltime)

IF (allocated(theta_a_bsn)) deallocate(theta_a_bsn)
IF (allocated(zwt_bsn )) deallocate(zwt_bsn )
IF (allocated(Ks_bsn )) deallocate(Ks_bsn )
IF (allocated(Kl_bsn )) deallocate(Kl_bsn )


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -712,7 +719,7 @@ SUBROUTINE basin_neighbour_final ()

IF (allocated(theta_a_nb)) deallocate(theta_a_nb)
IF (allocated(zwt_nb )) deallocate(zwt_nb )
IF (allocated(Ks_nb )) deallocate(Ks_nb )
IF (allocated(Kl_nb )) deallocate(Kl_nb )
IF (allocated(wdsrf_nb )) deallocate(wdsrf_nb )
IF (allocated(agwt_nb )) deallocate(agwt_nb )
IF (allocated(islake_nb )) deallocate(islake_nb )
Expand Down
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion main/MOD_Vars_TimeInvariants.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -216,6 +216,8 @@ MODULE MOD_Vars_TimeInvariants
real(r8), allocatable :: fc_vgm (:,:) !a scaling factor by using air entry value in the Mualem model [-]

integer, allocatable :: soiltext(:) ! USDA soil texture class

real(r8), allocatable :: fsatmax (:) ! maximum saturated area fraction [-]
real(r8), allocatable :: fsatdcf (:) ! decay factor in calucation of saturated area fraction [1/m]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,6 +338,7 @@ SUBROUTINE allocate_TimeInvariants ()
allocate (sc_vgm (nl_soil,numpatch))
allocate (fc_vgm (nl_soil,numpatch))
allocate (soiltext(numpatch))

allocate (fsatmax (numpatch))
allocate (fsatdcf (numpatch))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -455,6 +458,8 @@ SUBROUTINE READ_TimeInvariants (lc_year, casename, dir_restart)
CALL ncio_read_vector (file_restart, 'fc_vgm ' , nl_soil, landpatch, fc_vgm ) ! a scaling factor by using air entry value in the Mualem model [-]

CALL ncio_read_vector (file_restart, 'soiltext', landpatch, soiltext, defval = 0 )

CALL ncio_read_vector (file_restart, 'fsatmax', landpatch, fsatmax, defval = 0.38 )
CALL ncio_read_vector (file_restart, 'fsatdcf', landpatch, fsatdcf, defval = 0.125)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -635,6 +640,8 @@ SUBROUTINE WRITE_TimeInvariants (lc_year, casename, dir_restart)
CALL ncio_write_vector (file_restart, 'fc_vgm ' , 'soil', nl_soil, 'patch', landpatch, fc_vgm , compress) ! a scaling factor by using air entry value in the Mualem model [-]

CALL ncio_write_vector (file_restart, 'soiltext', 'patch', landpatch, soiltext)

CALL ncio_write_vector (file_restart, 'fsatmax', 'patch', landpatch, fsatmax)
CALL ncio_write_vector (file_restart, 'fsatdcf', 'patch', landpatch, fsatdcf)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -781,6 +788,7 @@ SUBROUTINE deallocate_TimeInvariants ()
deallocate (sc_vgm )
deallocate (fc_vgm )
deallocate (soiltext )
deallocate (fsatmax )
deallocate (fsatdcf )

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -891,13 +899,15 @@ SUBROUTINE check_TimeInvariants ()
CALL check_vector_data ('BA_alpha [-] ', BA_alpha ) ! alpha in Balland and Arp(2005) thermal conductivity scheme
CALL check_vector_data ('BA_beta [-] ', BA_beta ) ! beta in Balland and Arp(2005) thermal conductivity scheme

CALL check_vector_data ('soiltexture [-] ', soiltext , -1) !

CALL check_vector_data ('htop [m] ', htop )
CALL check_vector_data ('hbot [m] ', hbot )

CALL check_vector_data ('dbedrock [m] ', dbedrock ) !

CALL check_vector_data ('topoelv [m] ', topoelv ) !
CALL check_vector_data ('topostd [m] ', topostd ) !
CALL check_vector_data ('BVIC [-] ', BVIC ) !
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions mkinidata/MOD_Initialize.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ SUBROUTINE initialize (casename, dir_landdata, dir_restart, &
USE MOD_LakeDepthReadin
USE MOD_PercentagesPFTReadin
USE MOD_SoilParametersReadin
USE MOD_SoilTextureReadin


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -356,9 +357,6 @@ SUBROUTINE initialize (casename, dir_landdata, dir_restart, &

#ifdef vanGenuchten_Mualem_SOIL_MODEL
IF (p_is_worker) THEN
IF (numpatch > 0) THEN
Expand All @@ -376,6 +374,8 @@ SUBROUTINE initialize (casename, dir_landdata, dir_restart, &

CALL soiltext_readin (dir_landdata, lc_year)

! ...............................................................
! 1.4 Plant time-invariant variables
! ...............................................................
Expand Down

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