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Setting up environment variables for this tutorial

export GIT_ORG=#enter name for GitHub organization
echo $GIT_ORG #To validate that GIT_ORG has the correct value.
oc login --token=#token --server=#server

IBM Entitlement Key

The IBM Entitlement Key is required to pull IBM Sterling B2B Integrator / IBM Sterling File Gateway from the IBM Entitled Registry. To get an entitlement key,

  • Log in to Access your IBM entitlement key with an IBMid and password associated with the entitled software.
  • Select the View library option to verify your entitlement(s).
  • Select the Get entitlement key to retrieve the key. A Secret containing the entitlement key is created in the tools namespace.
oc new-project tools
oc create secret docker-registry ibm-entitlement-key -n tools \
--docker-username=cp \
--docker-password=<`enter-your-ibm-entitlement-key`> \

Clone your GitOps repositories from your Github Organization

cd ~
mkdir $GIT_ORG
git clone$GIT_ORG/multi-tenancy-gitops.git
git clone$GIT_ORG/multi-tenancy-gitops-infra.git
git clone$GIT_ORG/multi-tenancy-gitops-services.git
git clone$GIT_ORG/multi-tenancy-gitops-apps.git
ls -l

Installing ArgoCD for GitOps

Now that we've had an initial view of the GitOps repository, let's install ArgoCD to make use of it. We will install ArgoCD using the Red Hat OpenShift GitOps operator. For more information about Argo installation argocd

Screenshot of no operator

Install the Red Hat OpenShift GitOps operator

cd multi-tenancy-gitops
oc apply -f setup/ocp4x

The response confirms that the below resources has been created: created created created created

Screenshot of operator

Apply customized ArgoCD instance

Instead of using the default ArgoCD from the Red Hat OpenShift GitOps operator we want to manage if via GitOps. We will delete it so we can apply our customized ArgoCD.

oc delete gitopsservice cluster -n openshift-gitops || true
oc apply -f setup/ocp4x/argocd-instance/ -n openshift-gitops

Launch and login to ArgoCD

the Following command will provide ArgoCD URL

#ARGOCD username: admin
oc get route -n openshift-gitops | grep openshift-gitops-cntk-server | awk '{print "https://"$2}'
oc get secret/openshift-gitops-cntk-cluster -n openshift-gitops -o json | jq -r '.data."admin.password"' | base64 -D

Infrastructure - Kustomization.yaml

  1. Edit the Infrastructure layer ${GITOPS_PROFILE}/1-infra/kustomization.yaml, un-comment the following lines, commit and push the changes and synchronize the infra Application in the ArgoCD console.

    cd multi-tenancy-gitops/0-bootstrap/single-cluster/1-infra
    - argocd/consolenotification.yaml
    - argocd/namespace-tools.yaml
    - argocd/namespace-sealed-secrets.yaml
    - argocd/serviceaccounts-tools.yaml

Services - Kustomization.yaml

  1. This recipe is can be implemented using a combination of storage classes. Not all combination will work, the following table lists the storage classes that we have tested to work:

    Component Access Mode Azure NetApp OCS/ODF
    SQL RWX standard ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
    MQ RWX standard ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
    SFG RWX standard ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
  2. Edit the Services layer ${GITOPS_PROFILE}/2-services/kustomization.yaml and install Sealed Secrets by uncommenting the following line, commit and push the changes and refresh the services Application in the ArgoCD console.

    - argocd/operators/ibm-catalogs.yaml
    - argocd/operators/ibm-foundations.yaml
    - argocd/instances/sealed-secrets.yaml
    - argocd/operators/ibm-mq-operator.yaml

    💡 NOTE
    Commit and Push the changes for multi-tenancy-gitops & sync ArgoCD.

     - argocd/instances/ibm-foundational-services-instance.yaml

    💡 NOTE
    Commit and Push the changes for multi-tenancy-gitops & sync ArgoCD.

  3. Clone the services repo for GitOps, open a terminal window and clone the multi-tenancy-gitops-services repository under your Git Organization.

    git clone [email protected]:${GIT_ORG}/multi-tenancy-gitops-services.git
  4. Modify the B2BI pre-requisites components which includes the secrets and PVCs required for the B2BI helm chart.

    1. Go to the directory:

      cd multi-tenancy-gitops-services/instances/ibm-sfg-b2bi-setup
    2. Generate the Sealed Secret for the credentials.

      B2B_DB_SECRET=dbadmin ./
    3. Generate Persistent Volume Yamls required by Sterling File Gateway (the default is set in RWX_STORAGECLASS environment variable to managed-premium - if you are installing on ODF, set RWX_STORAGECLASS=ocs-storagecluster-cephfs) if your using azure-file, set RWX_STORAGECLASS=azure-file

      • add (re-visit)

    💡 NOTE
    Commit and Push the changes for multi-tenancy-gitops-services

  5. Enable SQL, MQ and prerequisites in the main multi-tenancy-gitops repository

    1. Edit the Services layer ${GITOPS_PROFILE}/2-services/kustomization.yaml by uncommenting the following lines to install the pre-requisites for Sterling File Gateway.

      - argocd/instances/ibm-queuemanager-instance.yaml
      - argocd/instances/ibm-sfg-b2bi-setup.yaml

      💡 NOTE
      Push the changes & sync ArgoCD.

  6. Edit the Services layer ${GITOPS_PROFILE}/2-services/kustomization.yaml by uncommenting the following line to install Sterling File Gateway, commit and push the changes and synchronize the services Application in the ArgoCD console:

  7. Generate Helm Chart values.yaml for the Sterling File Gateway Helm Chart:

    cd multi-tenancy-gitops-services/instances/ibm-sfg-b2bi
  8. Edit the Services layer ${GITOPS_PROFILE}/2-services/kustomization.yaml by uncommenting the following line to install Sterling File Gateway, commit and push the changes and synchronize the services Application in the ArgoCD console:

    - argocd/instances/ibm-sfg-b2bi.yaml

    💡 NOTE
    Push the changes & sync ArgoCD this will take around 1.5 hr.

  9. Deploying SFTP service support blob storage azure click here for business processes.

    Steps on b2bi side needs to be filled up with David ash.

  10. Edit the Services layer ${GITOPS_PROFILE}/2-services/kustomization.yaml by uncommenting the following line to install Lightwell, commit and push the changes and synchronize the services Application in the ArgoCD console:

    - argocd/instances/lightwell-framework.yaml

Installation of Lightwell

Push the changes & sync ArgoCD.

⚠️ Warning:
If you decided to scale the pods or upgrade the verison you should do the following steps:

This is to avoid going through the job again

  • Step 1:
    cd multi-tenancy-gitops-services/instances/ibm-sfg-b2bi
  • Step 2:
    • Inside values.yaml, find & set
    • datasetup:
          enable: false
      dbCreateSchema: false


  1. Retrieve the Sterling File Gateway console URL.

    oc get route -n tools ibm-sfg-b2bi-sfg-asi-internal-route-filegateway -o template --template='https://{{}}'
  2. Log in with the default credentials: username:fg_sysadmin password: password


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