A tool for finding the best matching resumes for a given Job Description
Download the resume dataset:
https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/snehaanbhawal/resume-dataset -
Download the JD dataset:
https://huggingface.co/datasets/jacob-hugging-face/job-descriptions/viewer/default/train?row=0 -
Install required libraries
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set up your configuration details in config.py (use the given ones as reference)
job_description_csv should hold the path to the JD dataset CSV
resume_data_dir should hold the path to the data directory (archive/data/data/) of the resume dataset containing the resumes
extracted_resumes should specify the output path for storing the json file with extracted resume sections from the dataset
top5_result should specify the output path for the csv file storing top 5 matches for each JD
result_dict should specify the output path for the JSON file holding the complete matching results
mapping_dict should be the path to the mapping_dict.json file in the repo
resume_headers should be the path to the resume_header.json file in the repo
jd_range_left and jd_range_right specify the beginning and ending list indexes for the sublist of the JD list for which u wish to do matching
Run the extraction script to extract sections from all resumes
python extract_resume_sections.py
Run the main script for matching resumes to JDs
python main.py
The top5 matches for each JD will be found in the file top5.csv. For complete matching results check out result_dict.json