Contains all scripts used in the targeted proteomic post-COVID-19 study (doi: ). In short, we performed targeted proteomics analysis using the Olink platform and systematically investigated circulating protein levels from 350 COVID-19 hospitalized patients, 186 COVID-19 convalescent individuals and 61 healthy individuals separated into 3 independent cohorts.
- R: R scripts used for analysis and to generate all figures
- Raw data: Raw targeted proteomics data as obtained from Olink, along with phenotypic descriptions of patients
- Data: Processed data, integrated to be comparable to the MHH cohort. Integration of different cohorts was performed according to instructions from Olink.
Author: Martijn Zoodsma, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research.
Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Yang Li.
email: [email protected]