You will need to have Node ( and npm installed locally on your machine.
You must also first create a MongoDB database (
Open a terminal in frontend folder then run the following commands
npm i
npm start
Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
Transform the ".env.template" file into an ".env" file by following these guidelines:
#### Connect to MongoDB ####
DB_ACCESS = the access to your cluster on MongoDB
#### Secret Key for the user email encryption (without "#") ####
EMAIL_KEY = a secret key of your choice for the email
#### Token key for the user password hashing (without "#") ####
TOKEN_KEY = a secret key of your choice for the token
#### Server port ####
PORT = the port of the backend server (here 3000)
#### Environment ####
NODE_ENV = development, testing or production (here development)
Open a terminal in backend folder then run the following commands
npm i
npm start
The "images" folder will be created automatically when creating your first sauce.
Default port : 3000