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Build & Publish the SQL Server Engine image

Microsoft SQL Server with tools and .Net Core SDK and Runtime

This image has configured with Buenos Aires time zone.

Image of Microsoft SQL Server 2019 with tools with .Net Core 5 SDK and Runtime.

Pull this image directly from Docker Hub

You can pull this image from my Docker Hub with this command:

docker pull csgrimberg/mssqlserver:latest

Or pull this image directly from GitHub Packages

You can pull this image from my GitHub Packages with this command:

docker pull

Build the Docker container locally

If you need, you can build this container after cloning this repo:

git clone
docker build -t csgrimberg/mssqlserver:latest mssqlserver/.

Run the container

After that run the container with this command:

docker run --rm -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=YourStrongPassword1234' -e 'MSSQL_PID=Express' -p --name mssqlserver -d csgrimberg/mssqlserver:latest

Run with Docker Compose

Otherwise, you can use the docker-compose file and run this command (replace with your password in YourStrongPassword1234 text in this file):

docker-compose up -d

See the SQL Server version installed

You can see the SQL Server instalation info running this command (replace with your password in YourStrongPassword1234 text in the next line):

docker exec mssqlserver /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P 'YourStrongPassword1234' -Q 'SELECT @@VERSION'

See log file after start SQL Server engine

You can view the SQL Server engine log file with this command:

docker exec mssqlserver /bin/bash -c /var/opt/mssql/scripts/


Microsoft SQL Server with Tools on a Docker container






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