Code for a centralized webserver and correlating services hosted on Raspberry Pi devices.
The purpose of this project is to provide a way to manage multiple projects from a few devices in a centralized manner, creating the ability for a wide variety and scope of individual projects to be interfaced with in a unifed manner.
Series of multiple Docker Containers hosted on Raspberry Pi devices, including
- FastAPI Python Container which contains the Web Server running on the central Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W. This will serve as the central API end-points for the project.
- Frontend Container, which connects to the FastAPI end-points to produce a Dashboard containing a log of the commands issued, status of the boards, and other information.
- Postgre SQL database for Raspberry Pi Pico W sensor readings and measurements.
- Additional database for storing logs of issued commands and messages.
Additionally, non containerized microcontrollers which are equipped with several sensors can be added into the system. Current microcontrollers include:
- Pico 1, which contains a temperature and air moisture sensor. This Pi will be utilized to collect data about the probability of dangerous road conditions.
- Pico 2, which is equipped with a vibration sensor. This will be attached to Laundry Machines, and will send a text when laundry is completed.
- Pico 3, which will be solder'ed into light fixtures to automate room lighting from the console.
File Structure: Home Automation |-backend (Storage for the Webserver and API-related code) |--api (Endpoints) |--core |--tests | (Server Access Point) |-frontend (Storage for the User-Facing/Dashboard Related Code) |-devices (Storage for the individual system devices code)
- Method of automatically adding new Pi Projects via the central console.
- Having select features of the console available outside of the LAN environment.
- Increased management ability for individual devices, including battery status and further error checking.