BEFORE ANYTHING You must install 2.0 from GitHub:
pip install -U git+
This script will NOT work without it. See this message for more information on 2.0
You can now install slash_util from PyPI:
pip install -U slash-util
A few different parameter types can be specified in accordance with the discord api.
These parameters may only be used inside slash commands
, not within context menu commands.
for stringsint
orRange[min, max]
for ints (see Ranges for more information)float
orRange[min, max]
for floats (see Ranges for more information)bool
for booleansdiscord.User
for membersdiscord.Role
for rolesdiscord.Attachment
for attaching files (see Attachments for more information)typing.Literal
for option choices (see Literals for more information)
For defining channel parameters, they are documented in Channels
Parameters can also be optional, see Optional
Ranges are a way to specify minimum and maximum values for ints
and floats
. They can be defined inside a type hint, for example:
async def my_command(self, ctx, number: slash_util.Range[0, 10]):
# `number` will only be an int within this range
await ctx.send(f"Your number was {number}!", ephemeral=True)
If you specify a float in either parameter, the value will be a float.
Channels can be defined using discord.TextChannel
, VoiceChannel
or CategoryChannel
You can specify multiple channel types via typing.Union
async def my_command(self, ctx, channel: typing.Union[discord.TextChannel, discord.VoiceChannel]):
await ctx.send(f'{channel.mention} is not a category!', ephemeral=True)
NEW: Discord now lets you upload attachments to slash commands. slash_util
supports this via the discord.Attachment
type hint, for example:
async def my_command(self, ctx, attachment: discord.Attachment):
await ctx.send("Your file:", file=await attachment.to_file())
A typing.Literal is a special type hint that requires the passed parameter to be equal to one of the listed values.
The passed literals must be all the same type, which must be either str
, int
or float
These will be used to create a list of options for the user to select from.
For example, given the following:
from typing import Literal
async def shop(self, ctx, buy_sell: Literal['buy', 'sell'], amount: Literal[1, 2], item: str):
await ctx.send(f'{buy_sell.capitalize()}ing {amount} {item}(s)!')
The buy_sell
parameter must be either the literal string "buy"
or "sell"
and amount must be the int 1
or 2
A parameter can be optional by assigning a default value to it.
async def add(self, ctx, a: int, b: int, c: int = 0):
total = a + b + c
await ctx.send(f"{a} + {b} + {c} = {total}")
If the c
parameter isn't given, it will be defaulted to 0. This will also show up to the user as an optional argument.
The default value isn't type restricted as well, this is to support None
types but this could be used to give any other type. This means the above example can be rewritten in two ways -
async def add(self, ctx, a: int, b: int, c: int = None):
async def add(self, ctx, a: int, b: int, c: int = '0'):
Same as before, only the c
parameter will give a different value in the two examples. The first one will give None
and the second will give a string '0'
. If the user gives c
then it is restricted to integers.
Discord recently added a new interaction type - Modals. These aren't supported with, and I've decided to implement them in my library.
import slash_util
async def modal(self, ctx):
modal = slash_util.Modal(title="Hello, world!", items=[
slash_util.TextInput(custom_id="name", label="What is your name?", style=slash_util.TextInputStyle.short), # custom_id is important!
slash_util.TextInput(custom_id="about", label="Tell us about yourself!", style=slash_util.TextInputStyle.paragraph)
await ctx.send(modal=modal)
interaction = await modal.wait(timeout=60.0)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await ctx.send("You didn't respond in time...")
response = modal.response # this will be a dict with the custom_ids above as the keys, and the user responses as the values
name = response['name']
await interaction.response.send_message(f"Hello, {name}!")
defines a bot subclass to automatically handle posting updated commands to discords api. This isn't required but highly recommended to use.
class MyBot(slash_util.Bot):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(command_prefix="!") # command prefix only applies to message based commands
self.load_extension("cogs.my_cog") # important!
if __name__ == '__main__':
Sample cog:
class MyCog(slash_util.Cog):
@slash_util.slash_command() # sample slash command
async def slash(self, ctx: slash_util.Context, number: int):
await ctx.send(f"You selected #{number}!", ephemeral=True)
@slash_util.message_command(name="Quote") # sample command for message context menus
async def quote(self, ctx: slash_util.Context, message: discord.Message): # these commands may only have a single Message parameter
await ctx.send(f'> {message.clean_content}\n- {}')
@slash_util.user_command(name='Bonk') # sample command for user context menus
async def bonk(self, ctx: slash_util.Context, user: discord.Member): # these commands may only have a single Member parameter
await ctx.send(f'{} BONKS {user} :hammer:')
def setup(bot):