HSE C++ project - several image filters
To use run the program from command line for instructions
Processor takes BMP24 images as inputs.
{program name} {input image path} {output image path} [-{1 filter name} [1 parameter] [2 parameter] ...] [-{2 filter name} [1 parameter] [2 parameter] ...] ...
FILTERS (with my picture 💅💅💅):
crops the image by given width and height
pics/me.bmp pics/crop.bmp -crop 1000 1000
turns image into b/w
pics/me.bmp pics/gs.bmp -gs
turns image into negative
pics/me.bmp pics/neg.bmp -neg
makes image sharper
pics/me.bmp pics/sharp.bmp -sharp
turns image into only borders - USES THRESHOLD (around 0.1 is good)
pics/me.bmp pics/edge.bmp -edge 0.03
blurs image using Gaussian Blur (DON'T USE SIGMA PARAMETER MORE THAN 6)
pics/me.bmp pics/blur.bmp -blur 5
turns image into gradient (r g b available only)
pics/me.bmp pics/custom-r.bmp -custom r
pics/me.bmp pics/custom-g.bmp -custom g
pics/me.bmp pics/custom-b.bmp -custom b
u can also combine different filters
pics/me.bmp pics/combo.bmp -blur 5 -custom r