Releases: ChenHuajun/pg_roaringbitmap
- Fix incorrect result of rb_and (#22)
This is a very serious bug, and the calculation results of some functions are wrong. Below is a simple example.
postgres=# SELECT '{100373,1829130,1861002,1975442,2353213,2456403}'::roaringbitmap & '{2353213}'::roaringbitmap;
(1 row)
Functions with the same problem include rb_or_cardinality,rb_and,rb_and_cardinality,rb_andnot,rb_andnot_cardinality,rb_xor_cardinality,rb_intersect,rb_contains,rb_containedby,rb_jaccard_dist,rb_index.
The affected versions are 0.5.2 and 0.5.3, users should upgrade as soon as possible.
- Adjust test cases to adapt to PG13, PG14
Optimize performance of some functions through deferred deserialization
Optimized functions includerb_or_cardinality
for detail please refer to
Upgrade CRoaring to v0.2.66
add benchmark script
add travis CI support
- Remove -march=native from Makefile and add new Makefile_native to compile using native instructions (#8)
- Fixes memory leak introduced by v0.4.1 which caused by call PG_GETARG_BYTEA_P() in aggctx (#9)
The default compilation method in v0.5.1 turns off the CPU instruction (AVX) optimization, and in some scenarios may cause a 50% decrease in performance compared to the previous version.
You can use make -f Makefile_native
to return to the previous behavior. But you need to be aware that if you use make -f Makefile_native
to compile on a machine that supports these CPU instructions, and then install the compiled binary on an old machine that does not support these CPU instructions, it may cause postgres crash.
- Upgrade CRoaring to 0.2.65
- Add support of PostgreSQL 12
- Add support of Greenplum-db 6
- Redefine rb_or_cardinality_agg/rb_and_cardinality_agg/rb_xor_cardinality_agg to support parallel aggregate
- Fixes memory leak of v0.4.1 which caused by aligned malloc
- Add type cast between roaringbitmp and bytea
- Add support of PostgreSQL 11
- Add roaringbitmap.output_format parameter to control 'bytea' or 'array' output format
- Change roaringbitmap default output format to 'bytea' in order to better support large cardinality bitmaps
- Add rb_iterate() function and fix memory leak
- Add roaringbitmap.output_format parameter
v0.3.0 change roaringbitmap default output format to 'bytea' , to return to the previous output format, set the parameters set roaringbitmap.output_format='array'