No nonsense Gemstash instance thrown in a container, backed by sqlite and wrapped-up with a bow. Non-configurable by design; for those that just want a no frills, quickly deployable Gem caching service.
git clone
<= Clone this repocd gem-jar
<= Navigate into itdocker run -d --name gem-jar -p 9292:9292 -v ../db:/root/.gemstash chefaustin/gem-jar:latest
<= Bring container upresp_key=$(docker exec -it gem-jar gemstash authorize | cut -d ' ' -f 5)
<= Generate and grab a new API keymkdir -p ~/.gem; touch ~/.gem/credentials; echo ":gemstash: $resp_key"; chmod 0600 ~/.gem/credentials
<= Create and append key to~/.gem/credentials
- Container Structure
- Serverspec
- Dockerspec
- Fine-tune Docker
- Move to docker-compose with containerized ingress
- SSL/TLS termination (LetsEncrypt?)
Figure out proper FOSSLICENSE
- Build out wiki