A forth inspired language built on Fennel.
Fennel (and Lua, obviously).
luarocks install inspect
./one-four.fnl <filename>
We have 2 primary data stores:
- The stack - to use to pass in arguments to words.
- The store - a map of words to values/definitions.
Words are the fundamental unit - representing variables and functions.
To define variables:
age var
defines a variable named "name".
To set the variable:
18 age !
To use the variable (ie, push the value of the variable onto the stack):
> age ?
> .s
> 10 age ? +
> .s
Notice how this definition is different from the Forth one - Postfix notation instead of prefix. This is done out of laziness - out of the idea of having the least possible number of special forms in the eval.
New words are defined with :
and ;
like in Forth, with one small difference - the word name goes before!
square : dup * ;