A Lisp dialect written in Janet.
Is a very simple, restricted Lisp that looks a bit like Janet. Will document the language when it gets enough shape. Right now adding features on a whim.
I started out with Norvig's first version lispy for what it's worth.
Janet is a simple, lightweight Lisp. Why not? I wanted the first version of the interpreter to be in a Lisp and I simply picked this one.
Why not a more eshtablished Lisp? One, because I wanted everything to be light weight. Second, I wanted something off the beaten path, so that when I inevitably get stuck, I am forced to find a way out.
Needs a recent Janet installed on your machine.
Run the following:
source env.sh
to setup env variables allowing use of Jane. Sets up a JANEDIR env var that points to this directory.
Run a Repl directly:
Running a script:
jane <path to jane script>
Working examples can be found in the examples/
Now contains a simple standard library in std/
! One more thing: it comes with tests included. (See files named test_*.jane
For now, comes out of the box with an Emacs mode with simple syntax highlighting for Jane. See: editor/jane-mode.el