This package lets you efficiently navigate, edit and execute code split into cells according to certain magic comments. If you have Jupytext or Pandoc installed, you can also open ipynb notebook files directly in Emacs. They will be automatically converted to a script for editing, and converted back to notebook format when saving.
By default, three styles of comments are recognized as cell boundaries:
# In[<number>]: # %% Optional title #* Optional title
The first is what you get by exporting a notebook to a script on
Jupyter’s web interface or with the command jupyter nbconvert
. The
second style is compatible with Jupytext, among several other tools.
The third is in the spirit of Emacs’s outline mode. Further percent
signs or asterisks signify nested cells.
Note. As of version 0.3, the “outline mode” style heading requires no space between the comment character and the asterisk. The previous behavior, which allowed spaces, led to many false positives.
The code-cells-mode
minor mode provides the following things:
- Fontification of cell boundaries.
- Keybindings for the cell navigation and evaluation commands, under the
C-c %
prefix. - Outline mode integration: cell headers have outline level determined
by the number of percent signs or asterisks; within a cell, outline
headings are as determined by the major mode, but they are demoted
by an amount corresponding to the level of the containing cell.
This provides code folding and hierarchical navigation, among other
things, when
is active.
is automatically activated when opening an ipynb
file, but of course you can activate it in any other buffer, either
manually or through some hook. There is also the
function, which activates the minor mode if
the current buffer seems to contain cell boundaries. It can be used
like this, for instance:
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'code-cells-mode-maybe)
The following editing and navigation commands are provided. Their
keybindings in code-cells-mode-map
are also shown. Note, however,
that these commands do not require the minor mode to be active.
C-c % e
C-c % b
C-c % f
C-c % B
C-c % F
C-c % ;
C-c % @
The code-cells-eval
command sends the current cell to a suitable
REPL, chosen according to the current major and minor modes. The
exact behavior is controlled by the code-cells-eval-region-commands
variable, which can be customized to suit your needs.
You may prefer shorter keybindings for some of these commands. One
sensible possibility is to use C-c C-c
to evaluate and M-p
resp. M-n
to navigate cells. This can be achieved with the
following configuration:
(with-eval-after-load 'code-cells
(let ((map code-cells-mode-map))
(define-key map (kbd "M-p") 'code-cells-backward-cell)
(define-key map (kbd "M-n") 'code-cells-forward-cell)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-c") 'code-cells-eval)
;; Overriding other minor mode bindings requires some insistence...
(define-key map [remap jupyter-eval-line-or-region] 'code-cells-eval)))
Similarly to org-mode’s speed keys, the code-cells-speed-key
function returns a key definition that only acts when the point is at
the beginning of a cell boundary. Since this is usually not an
interesting place to insert text, you can assign short keybindings
No speed keys are set up by default. A sample configuration is as follows:
(with-eval-after-load 'code-cells
(let ((map code-cells-mode-map))
(define-key map "n" (code-cells-speed-key 'code-cells-forward-cell))
(define-key map "p" (code-cells-speed-key 'code-cells-backward-cell))
(define-key map "e" (code-cells-speed-key 'code-cells-eval))
(define-key map (kbd "TAB") (code-cells-speed-key 'outline-cycle))))
For Evil users, the following can be used:
(with-eval-after-load 'code-cells
(let ((map code-cells-mode-map))
(define-key map [remap evil-search-next] (code-cells-speed-key 'code-cells-forward-cell)) ;; n
(define-key map [remap evil-paste-after] (code-cells-speed-key 'code-cells-backward-cell)) ;; p
(define-key map [remap evil-backward-word-begin] (code-cells-speed-key 'code-cells-eval-above)) ;; b
(define-key map [remap evil-forward-word-end] (code-cells-speed-key 'code-cells-eval)) ;; e
(define-key map [remap evil-jump-forward] (code-cells-speed-key 'outline-cycle)))) ;; TAB
With this package, you can edit Jupyter notebook (*.ipynb
) files as
if they were normal plain-text scripts. Converting to and from the
JSON-based ipynb format is done by an external tool, Jupytext by
default, which needs to be installed separately.
Note that the result cells of ipynb files are not retained in the conversion to script format. This means that opening and then saving an ipynb file clears all cell outputs.
While editing a converted ipynb buffer, you can use the regular
command (C-x C-w
) to save a copy in script format, as
displayed on the screen. Moreover, from any script file with cell
separators understood by Jupytext, you can call
to save a copy in notebook format.
If relegating markdown cells to comment blocks offends your literate programmer sensibilities, try including the following in the YAML header of a converted notebook (and then save and revert it). It will cause text cells to be displayed as multiline comments.
jupyter: jupytext: cell_markers: '"""'
It is also possible to convert notebooks to markdown or org format. For markdown, use the following:
(setq code-cells-convert-ipynb-style '(("jupytext" "--to" "ipynb" "--from" "markdown")
("jupytext" "--to" "markdown" "--from" "ipynb")
(lambda () #'markdown-mode)))
To edit ipynb files as org documents, try using Pandoc with the configuration below. In combination with org-babel, this can provide a more notebook-like experience, with interspersed code and results.
(setq code-cells-convert-ipynb-style '(("pandoc" "--to" "ipynb" "--from" "org")
("pandoc" "--to" "org" "--from" "ipynb")
(lambda () #'org-mode)))
A good reason to stick with Jupytext, though, is that it offers round-trip consistency: if you save a script and then revert the buffer, the buffer shouldn’t change. With other tools, you may get some surprises.
python-cell.el provides similar cell editing commands. It seems to be limited to Python code.
With Jupytext’s paired notebook mode it is possible to keep a notebook open in JupyterLab and simultaneously edit a script version in an external text editor.
The EIN package allows to open ipynb files directly in Emacs with an
UI similar to Jupyter notebooks. Note that EIN also registers major
modes for ipynb files; when installing both packages at the same time,
you may need to adjust your auto-mode-alist
Discussions, suggestions and code contributions are welcome! Since this package is part of GNU ELPA, nontrivial contributions (above 15 lines of code) require a copyright assignment to the FSF.