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CensoredUsername committed Aug 25, 2016
1 parent 76341dc commit e2a2f7a
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Showing 10 changed files with 301 additions and 10 deletions.
14 changes: 9 additions & 5 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ set -o errexit
shopt -s globstar

# build individual documentation
(cd plugin && cargo doc --no-deps)
(cd runtime && cargo doc --no-deps)
(cd plugin && cargo doc)
(cd runtime && cargo doc)

# remove old docs build
rm -rf build_docs
Expand All @@ -18,15 +18,19 @@ mkdir ./build_docs/plugin
mkdir ./build_docs/runtime

# build plugin docs
for f in ./plugin/doc/*.md; do
rustdoc $f -o ./build_docs/language --html-before-content=./plugin/doc/pre.html --html-after-content=./plugin/doc/post.html --markdown-css=./formatting.css
for f in ./doc/*.md; do
rustdoc $f -o ./build_docs/language --markdown-no-toc --html-before-content=./doc/pre.html --html-after-content=./doc/post.html --markdown-css=./formatting.css
cp ./plugin/doc/formatting.css ./build_docs/language/formatting.css
cp ./doc/formatting.css ./build_docs/language/formatting.css

# copy over the docs folders
cp -r ./plugin/target/doc/* ./build_docs/plugin
cp -r ./runtime/target/doc/* ./build_docs/runtime

# hack in javascript
cat ./doc/hack.js >> ./build_docs/plugin/search-index.js
cat ./doc/hack.js >> ./build_docs/runtime/search-index.js

if [ "$1" == "commit" ]; then
git clone --branch gh-pages --depth 1 "[email protected]:CensoredUsername/dynasm-rs.git" deploy_docs
cd deploy_docs
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions doc/formatting.css
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
@import url('../plugin/rustdoc.css');
@import url('../plugin/main.css');
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions doc/hack.js
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
var path = $(".location").text();
var nest_count;
if (path) {
nest_count = path.split("::").length + 1;
} else {
nest_count = 1;
if (window.location.pathname.endsWith("index.html")) {
nest_count += 1;

var base_path = "";
for (i = 0; i < nest_count; i++) {
base_path += "../";

<p class="location">\
<a href="' + base_path + 'language/index.html">dynasm-rs</a>\
<div class = "block modules">\
<a href="' + base_path + 'language/index.html">Syntax</a>\
<a href="' + base_path + 'plugin/dynasm/index.html">Plugin (dynasm)</a>\
<a href="' + base_path + 'runtime/dynasmrt/index.html">Runtime (dynasmrt)</a>\
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions doc/
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
% Dynasm-rs

In the search for faster interpreters, Just-In-Time compilation is often a useful tool.
This compiler extension attempts to make the writing of such programs easier and faster.

At its core, dynasm-rs is an assembler compiler. It reads assembly templates which it then
compiles into code that when executed will result in the proper machine code being emitted.

Dynasm is split up into two parts. The first is the compiler extension that performs the
translation of assembly templates into rust code, the second part is a
[small runtime](../runtime/dynasmrt/index.html) that handles the generation of the wanted
machine code.

For now dynasm-rs only supports the x64 instruction set.

Dynasm-rs is inspired by the LuaJIT DynASM project for C and C++.

# Documentation

The documentation of dynasm-rs is split up into several parts. To get started, you're advised
to read through the [tutorial](./tutorial.html). After this, you can read through the
[language reference](./langref.html) to learn about the syntax used by dynasm-rs. You can
also read through the [runtime documentation](../runtime/dynasmrt/index.html) to learn about the
runtime API. The [instruction reference](./instructionref.html) lists all assembly mnemnonics
and formats supported by dynasm-rs. Finally, documentation on the
[internals on dynasm-rs](../plugin/dynasm/index.html) can be referenced.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions doc/
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
% Instruction Reference

Coming soon.
181 changes: 181 additions & 0 deletions doc/
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% Language Reference

# Lexical structure definition

## Base units

The following syntax units used in dynasm syntax are defined by the [rust grammar]( itself:

- `num_lit`
- `ident`
- `expr_path`
- `expr`

Dynasm-rs defines the following base syntax units:

- `prefix : "cs" | "ds" | "es" | "fs" | "gs" | "ss" | "lock" | "rep" | "repne" | "repe" | "repnz" | "repz" ;`
- `static_reg` matches any valid register name as seen in table 3
- `dynamic_reg_family` matches any valid register family from table 3
- `size : "BYTE" | "WORD" | "DWORD" | "AWORD" | "QWORD" | "OWORD" | "HWORD"`

## Entry point

The entry point of dynasm-rs is the dynasm! macro. It is structured as following

`dynasm : "dynasm" "!" "(" ident (";" line)* ")" ;`

Where line can be one of the following:

`line : directive | label | instruction ;`

## Directives

Directives are special commands given to the assembler that do not correspond to instructions directly.

`directive : "." ident (arg ("," arg)* )? ;`

## Labels

`label : ident ":" | "->" ident ":" | "=>" expr ;`

## Instructions

`instruction : prefix* ident (arg ("," arg)* )? ;`

## Arguments

`arg : register | (size? ( memoryref | labelref | typemap | expr ));`

`memoryref : "[" (regref | labelref) "]" ;`

`regref : regrefitem ("+" regrefitem)* ;`

`regrefitem : (register "*" num_lit | num_lit "*" register | register | expr) ;`

`labelref : (">" ident | "<" ident | "->" ident | "=>" expr) ;`

`typemap : register "=>" expr_path ("." ident | "[" register "]" ("." ident)?) ;`

`register = static_reg | dynamic_reg ;`

`dynamic_reg = dynamic_reg_family "(" expr ")" ;`

# Reference

## Directives

Dynasm-rs currently supports the following directives:

Table 1: dynasm-rs directives

Name | Argument format | Description
`.align` | An expression of type usize | Pushes NOPs until the assembling head has reached the desired alignment.
`.byte` | One or more expressions of the type `i8` | Pushes the values into the assembling buffer.
`.word` | One or more expressions of the type `i16` | Pushes the values into the assembling buffer.
`.dword` | One or more expressions of the type `i32` | Pushes the values into the assembling buffer.
`.qword` | One or more expressions of the type `i64` | Pushes the values into the assembling buffer.
`.bytes` | An expression of that implements `IntoIterator<Item=u8>` or `IntoIterator<Item=&u8>` | extends the assembling buffer with the iterator.

## Labels

In order to describe flow control effectively, dynasm-rs supports labels. However, since the assembly templates can be combined in a variety of ways at the mercy of the program using dynasm-rs, the semantics of these labels are somewhat different from how labels work in a static assembler.

Dynasm-rs distinguishes between three different types of labels: global, local and dynamic labels. Their syntax is as follows:

Table 2: dynasm-rs label types

Type | Definition | Reference
Local | `label:` | `>label` or `<label`
GLobal | `->label:` | `->label`
Dynamic | `=>expr` | `=>expr`

### Local labels

On first sight, local label definitions are similar to how labels are normally used in static assemblers. The trick with local labels is however in how they can be referenced. Local labels referenced with the `>label` syntax will be resolved to the first definition of this label after this piece of code, while local labels referenced with the `<label` will be resolved to the last definition of this label before the reference site. Any valid rust identifier can be used as a local label name, and local labels can be defined multiple times.

### Global labels

Global labels can only be defined once, and all references to a global label will be resolved to this label. Any valid rust identifier can be used as a local label name.

### Dynamic labels

Dynamic labels are similar to global labels in that they can be defined only once, but instead of a name, they are identified by an expression that evaluates into an usize. This expression is evaluated at the point where the label is defined or referenced, and the labels will be resolved at only at commit time.

## Instructions

The language used by dynasm-rs is a nasm-dialect. The largest difference is that instead of prefixing memory operands with segment registers, segment register overrides are prefixed to the entire instruction. Furthermore, it is currently not possible to override the size of the displacement used in memory operands.

This results in the following syntax for instructions. First, zero or more prefixes can be listed (these prefixes can be found in table ???). The instruction mnemnonic is then mentioned, followed by zero or more comma seperated operands.

### Operands

#### Register

There are two ways to reference registers in dynasm-rs, either via their static name, or via dynamic register references. Dynamic register references allow the exact register choice to be postponed to the runtime. Note that this does prevent optimizations to register-specific forms. However, the expression inside a dynamic register reference may be evaluted multiple times by dynasm-rs.

The following table lists all available static registers, their dynamic family name and their encoding when they are used dynamically.

Table 3: dynasm-rs registers

Family | 8-bit | 8-bit high | 16-bit | 32-bit | 64-bit | RIP | Floating Point | MMX | 128-bit | 256-bit | Segment | Control | Debug
Dynamic Encoding | `Rb` | `Rh` | `Rw` | `Rd` | `Rq` | | `Rf` | `Rm` | `Rx` | `Ry` | `Rs` | `RC` | `RD`
`0` | `al`/`r0b` | | `ax`/`r0w` | `eax`/`r0d` | `rax`/`r0` | | `st0` | `mmx0` | `xmm0` | `ymm0` | `es` | `cr0` | `dr0`
`1` | `cl`/`r1b` | | `cx`/`r1w` | `ecx`/`r1d` | `rcx`/`r1` | | `st1` | `mmx1` | `xmm1` | `ymm1` | `cs` | `cr1` | `dr1`
`2` | `dl`/`r2b` | | `dx`/`r2w` | `edx`/`r2d` | `rdx`/`r2` | | `st2` | `mmx2` | `xmm2` | `ymm2` | `ss` | `cr2` | `dr2`
`3` | `bl`/`r3b` | | `bx`/`r3w` | `ebx`/`r3d` | `rbx`/`r3` | | `st3` | `mmx3` | `xmm3` | `ymm3` | `ds` | `cr3` | `dr3`
`4` | `spl`/`r4b` | `ah` | `sx`/`r4w` | `esx`/`r4d` | `rsx`/`r4` | | `st4` | `mmx4` | `xmm4` | `ymm4` | `fs` | `cr4` | `dr4`
`5` | `bpl`/`r5b` | `ch` | `bp`/`r5w` | `ebp`/`r5d` | `rbp`/`r5` | `rip` | `st5` | `mmx5` | `xmm5` | `ymm5` | `gs` | `cr5` | `dr5`
`6` | `sil`/`r6b` | `dh` | `si`/`r6w` | `esi`/`r6d` | `rsi`/`r6` | | `st6` | `mmx6` | `xmm6` | `ymm6` | | `cr6` | `dr6`
`7` | `dil`/`r7b` | `bh` | `di`/`r7w` | `edi`/`r7d` | `rdi`/`r7` | | `st7` | `mmx7` | `xmm7` | `ymm7` | | `cr7` | `dr7`
`8` | `r8b` | | `r8w` | `r8d` | `r8` | | | | `xmm8` | `ymm8` | | `cr8` | `dr8`
`9` | `r9b` | | `r9w` | `r9d` | `r9` | | | | `xmm9` | `ymm9` | | `cr9` | `dr9`
`10` | `r10b` | | `r10w` | `r10d` | `r10` | | | | `xmm10` | `ymm10` | | `cr10` | `dr10`
`11` | `r11b` | | `r11w` | `r11d` | `r11` | | | | `xmm11` | `ymm11` | | `cr11` | `dr11`
`12` | `r12b` | | `r12w` | `r12d` | `r12` | | | | `xmm12` | `ymm12` | | `cr12` | `dr12`
`13` | `r13b` | | `r13w` | `r13d` | `r13` | | | | `xmm13` | `ymm13` | | `cr13` | `dr13`
`14` | `r14b` | | `r14w` | `r14d` | `r14` | | | | `xmm14` | `ymm14` | | `cr14` | `dr14`
`15` | `r15b` | | `r15w` | `r15d` | `r15` | | | | `xmm15` | `ymm15` | | `cr15` | `dr15`

#### Jump targets

All flow control instructions have a jump target as argument. A jump target can be either an immediate specifying a relative offset to the end of the current instruction or a label reference. For many instructions, the size of the offset to be encoded is variable, and by default dynasm-rs will pick the largest size possible. This can be overridden using a size prefix on the operand.

#### Memory references

Many x64 instructions can taken an indirect memory reference as operand. Such an operand is denoted as an expression containing registers surrounded by square brackets. Note that, unlike the original dynasm, dynasm-rs is insensitive to the order of the different operands in the expression and can perform rudimentary arithmetric to encode forms like `[rax * 5]`. However, due to the limitations of x64 assembly, there are of course limitations on what can be encoded. These limitations are detected at compile time, but several of them cannot be checked when dynamic registers are used. The size of the dereferenced value can be determined by a size prefix.

The following are several examples of what can be encoded

Table 4: dynasm-rs memory reference formats

Syntax | Explanation
`[expr]` | An arbitrary expression will be encoded as an immediate
`[rax]` | A register can be dereferenced. This can either be a 32-bit or a 64-bit register.
`[rax * 4]` | A scaled register can be dereferenced. Possible scales are 8, 4, 2 and 1, although 3, 5 and 9 can also be encoded when it is the only used register.
`[rax * 4 + rbx + expr]` | The previously mentioned forms can all be combined. Order is not important.
`[xmm * 4 + rbx + expr]` | When VSIB addressing is allowed, an xmm or ymm register can be used as index.
`[rip + expr]` | Addresses relative to the instruction pointer at the end of the instruction can also be used, but in this case no scale can be encoded.
`[->label]` | Label references can also be dereferenced. This goes for all label types.

#### Type mapped references

To ease interoperation with rust structures, dynasm-rs supports the following syntax for accessing members of pointers to structs and struct arrays. In this syntax, the scale and displacement in a normal memory reference are derived from the size of the type and the offset of the member in the type. Due to the limitations of procedural macros, invalid scales will unfortunately only panic at runtime. Note that dynasm-rs is unable to infer the size of the attribute and it should therefore be determined by a size prefix.

The syntax for type maps is as follows

Table 5: dynasm-rs type map formats

Syntax | Equivalent expression
`rax => Type.attr` | `(rax as *mut Type).attr`
`rax => Type[rbx]` | `(rax as *mut [Type])[rbx]`
`rax => Type[rbx].attr` | `(rax as *mut [Type])[rbx].attr `

#### Immediates

Any operand which does not match the previously discussed forms will be interpreted as an immediate argument. This operand will be evaluated as an expression at runtime and the resulting value will be encoded. The size of the encoded value can be determined by a size prefix.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions doc/post.html
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37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions doc/pre.html
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<nav class="sidebar">
<p class="location">
<a href="./index.html">dynasm-rs</a>
<div class = "block modules">
<a href="../language/index.html">Syntax</a>
<a href="../plugin/dynasm/index.html">Plugin (dynasm)</a>
<a href="../runtime/dynasmrt/index.html">Runtime (dynasmrt)</a>
<div class = "block crate">
<a href="./index.html">Home</a>
<a href="./tutorial.html">Tutorial</a>
<a href="./langref.html">Language reference</a>
<a href="./instructionref.html">Instruction reference</a>
<section id="main" class="content mod docblock">
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions doc/
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
% Tutorial

Coming soon.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions plugin/src/
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Expand Up @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ use syntax::util::small_vector::SmallVector;
use syntax::parse::token::intern;
use syntax::tokenstream::TokenTree;

mod parser;
mod compiler;
mod x64data;
mod serialize;
mod debug;
pub mod parser;
pub mod compiler;
pub mod x64data;
pub mod serialize;
pub mod debug;

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