As the title suggests, this project is trying to reproduce the result of Multi-Touch kit with a ProMicro board.
The demo is using the source code from "experiment" branch (See Note.2)
The two axis in the demo is a mess, but I am not planning to fixed it in short term.
In this repo:
- A python script to create the grid
- A KiCad project for the pcb design
- The source code for the ProMicro
- Clone of Multi-Touch Kit Processing code
Not in the repo:
Most steps is following the Multi-Touch Kit Project
- Create a schemetic
- Print out the PCB and prepare the components
- Connect all pins and wires
- Upload the code through PlatformIO
- Use Processing to observe the result
- Readings from R1 seem having a lot of noise and effecting the result, so it is disabled.
- "Experiment" branch seem to have a better performance. I am trying to figure out the reason, feel free to comment in the issue.
- Multi-Touch Kit
- The Starting point of this project
- Sensor Design Guidelines
- More detail about pcb design can be found here.
- The python script for generating grid is base on this document.
- Pro Micro & Fio V3 Hookup Guide
- Pin layout about ProMicro