Mobile app for Music'scool students. Developed for Music'scool, Denmark.
Copyright (C) 2020 Music'scool, Denmark.
All artwork, including the Music'scool logo, is (C) Music'scool, Denmark. All rights reserved. Any use or redistribution without explicit permission is prohibited.
The remainder of the assets in this repository, including all source code, is licensed under GPLv3. See LICENSE in this directory.
To initialize the project, either load it using an IDE (Android Studio) with the Flutter/Flutter Intl plugins, or run:
flutter pub get
These are not committed to git. If not using an IDE with Flutter Intl, run:
flutter pub global activate intl_utils
flutter pub global run intl_utils:generate
Model from/to JSON boilerplate is generated by json_serializable.
Since the models are not updated often, and the generation is slow, these
files are committed to git.
In order to regenerate these models (lib/*.g.dart
), run:
flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
Until the fix for dart-lang/build#2835 is merged into master,
this may result in an "Unhandled Exception" about a missing .dart_tool/flutter_gen/pubspec.yaml
As a workaround, manually create this file:
mkdir -p .dart_tool/flutter_gen
echo "dependencies:" > .dart_tool/flutter_gen/pubspec.yaml
If any other issues remain, try:
flutter pub cache repair