JiraCli allows control of JIRA via the command line interface (CLI). One feature that is very useful is the availability to create releases via the CLI. This is very useful for build servers and continuous integration (CI) situations.
The usage is simple and always requires this base call:
JiraCli.exe -user [user] -pw [password] -url [url] -action [action]
The actions are implemented and determined dynamically. Use the -help parameter to see all available actions.
When you need help about JiraCli, use the following command line:
JiraCli.exe -help
When you need to log the information to a file, use the following command line:
JiraCli.exe -l JiraCliLog.log [other parameters]
[basecall] createversion -project MyProject -version 1.2.0
[basecall] releaseversion -project MyProject -version 1.2.0
There are three general ways to get JiraCli:
The releases will be available as separate executable download on the releases tab of the project.
If you want to install the tool on your (build) computer, the package is available via Chocolatey. To install, use the following command:
choco install jiracli
If you want to reference the assembly to use it in code, the recommended way to get it is via NuGet.
Note that getting JiraCli via NuGet will add it as a reference to the project
Flag by Castor & Pollux from The Noun Project